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USA strikes Syria again


I just suddenly realized how bizarre and creepy American society has become, it is literally word for word just as strange and dystopian as that hyper militarized society in the Star Ship Troopers movie. There are so many military themed fictional entertainment shows on television glorifying never ending stupid conflict in the mid east, never ending propaganda about all the boogeymen from Iran Moscow Wakanda. Why is it every time you turn on a football game in America every opening ceremony literally looks like a Soviet military parade in Red Square? Seriously every time you tune into a sporting event it's like WOW!! look at the jets!!! Isn't it awesome we are bombing the shit out of country's we cant even find on the map because we have one of the worst education systems in the world despite being the worlds richest country!!

Just like in Star ship Troopers it is a common sight to see people on the street and in public who have had their limbs blown off or their skin burnt up from war and they try to twist this around an make us think that it is a good or cool thing like in a 2016 Jeb Bush campaign ad they had a veteran who had his arm blown off in war and had one of these new robotic prosthetic arms with moving fingers and you could tell they deliberately included him moving the fingers on it like we are all supposed to think WOW ROBOT ARM COOL MILITARY STUFF!! distracting away from thinking about why the arm is missing in the first place.

I remember before the Bush Cheney presidency things were different, Like when people would talk of America being great it would be about high living standards Martin Luther King the moon landing the space shuttle the first open heart surgery then suddenly it switched over to MILITARY MILITARY MILITARY!!! WE DESTROY COUNTRIES AND THAT MAKES AMERICA AWESOME!!!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
It is quite a sobering thought when you suddenly realize that most everything you have been led to believe throughout your lifetime had some agenda behind it that you were not aware of.

I just suddenly realized how bizarre and creepy American society has become, it is literally word for word just as strange and dystopian as that hyper militarized society in the Star Ship Troopers movie. There are so many military themed fictional entertainment shows on television glorifying never ending stupid conflict in the mid east, never ending propaganda about all the boogeymen from Iran Moscow Wakanda. Why is it every time you turn on a football game in America every opening ceremony literally looks like a Soviet military parade in Red Square? Seriously every time you tune into a sporting event it's like WOW!! look at the jets!!! Isn't it awesome we are bombing the shit out of country's we cant even find on the map because we have one of the worst education systems in the world despite being the worlds richest country!!

Just like in Star ship Troopers it is a common sight to see people on the street and in public who have had their limbs blown off or their skin burnt up from war and they try to twist this around an make us think that it is a good or cool thing like in a 2016 Jeb Bush campaign ad they had a veteran who had his arm blown off in war and had one of these new robotic prosthetic arms with moving fingers and you could tell they deliberately included him moving the fingers on it like we are all supposed to think WOW ROBOT ARM COOL MILITARY STUFF!! distracting away from thinking about why the arm is missing in the first place.

I remember before the Bush Cheney presidency things were different, Like when people would talk of America being great it would be about high living standards Martin Luther King the moon landing the space shuttle the first open heart surgery then suddenly it switched over to MILITARY MILITARY MILITARY!!! WE DESTROY COUNTRIES AND THAT MAKES AMERICA AWESOME!!!

St. Phatty

Active member
It is quite a sobering thought when you suddenly realize that most everything you have been led to believe throughout your lifetime had some agenda behind it that you were not aware of.

For example,

in October 2002, Allergan Corp (the eyedrop maker) co-sponsored sales seminars with Long Beach LASIK in California.

Now, why would an eye-drop company sponsor an elective surgical procedure that turns normal people into $1000+ per year consumers of eye-drops ?

Allergan also developed the very expensive eye-drop Restasis. It is basically a topical steroid for patients with post-LASIK eye pain. $100 for a tiny 1/2 ounce bottle.

Allergan is selliing $500 Million+ of Restasis a year. People don't normally spend $100 on a tiny bottle of eye-drops.

Who bought 5 million bottles of Restasis last year ? 1 million+ vision impaired patients who are hoping that Restasis will help them.

The medical scams in the US, and the implied Caste system behind it - is what is happening in the US.

There is no more integrity to be found in the marketing of Big Pharma's products.

They are very busy trying to hide the fact that most of the recent mass shooters in the US were consumers of SSRI/SNRI meds.

In fact, the Obama White House petition website had a petition asking that Obama study the connection between SSRI/SNRI meds and mass shooting violence.

That petition got 25K+ signatures. Then disappeared.

The obvious conclusion - Big Pharma had a lot of pull in the Obama White House.

Do the world a favor and don't wait for a big international boycott of the US. Boycott American products.

Do your health a favor and boycott American biotech products. Except Cannabis. :tiphat:


Well-known member
I just suddenly realized how bizarre and creepy American society has become, it is literally word for word just as strange and dystopian as that hyper militarized society in the Star Ship Troopers movie. There are so many military themed fictional entertainment shows on television glorifying never ending stupid conflict in the mid east, never ending propaganda about all the boogeymen from Iran Moscow Wakanda. Why is it every time you turn on a football game in America every opening ceremony literally looks like a Soviet military parade in Red Square? Seriously every time you tune into a sporting event it's like WOW!! look at the jets!!! Isn't it awesome we are bombing the shit out of country's we cant even find on the map because we have one of the worst education systems in the world despite being the worlds richest country!!

Just like in Star ship Troopers it is a common sight to see people on the street and in public who have had their limbs blown off or their skin burnt up from war and they try to twist this around an make us think that it is a good or cool thing like in a 2016 Jeb Bush campaign ad they had a veteran who had his arm blown off in war and had one of these new robotic prosthetic arms with moving fingers and you could tell they deliberately included him moving the fingers on it like we are all supposed to think WOW ROBOT ARM COOL MILITARY STUFF!! distracting away from thinking about why the arm is missing in the first place.

I remember before the Bush Cheney presidency things were different, Like when people would talk of America being great it would be about high living standards Martin Luther King the moon landing the space shuttle the first open heart surgery then suddenly it switched over to MILITARY MILITARY MILITARY!!! WE DESTROY COUNTRIES AND THAT MAKES AMERICA AWESOME!!!

The word youre looking for is fascist.


For example,

in October 2002, Allergan Corp (the eyedrop maker) co-sponsored sales seminars with Long Beach LASIK in California.

Now, why would an eye-drop company sponsor an elective surgical procedure that turns normal people into $1000+ per year consumers of eye-drops ?

Allergan also developed the very expensive eye-drop Restasis. It is basically a topical steroid for patients with post-LASIK eye pain. $100 for a tiny 1/2 ounce bottle.

Allergan is selliing $500 Million+ of Restasis a year. People don't normally spend $100 on a tiny bottle of eye-drops.

Who bought 5 million bottles of Restasis last year ? 1 million+ vision impaired patients who are hoping that Restasis will help them.

The medical scams in the US, and the implied Caste system behind it - is what is happening in the US.

There is no more integrity to be found in the marketing of Big Pharma's products.

They are very busy trying to hide the fact that most of the recent mass shooters in the US were consumers of SSRI/SNRI meds.

In fact, the Obama White House petition website had a petition asking that Obama study the connection between SSRI/SNRI meds and mass shooting violence.

That petition got 25K+ signatures. Then disappeared.

The obvious conclusion - Big Pharma had a lot of pull in the Obama White House.

Do the world a favor and don't wait for a big international boycott of the US. Boycott American products.

Do your health a favor and boycott American biotech products. Except Cannabis. :tiphat:

I don't know all the details but there was something strange going on with Lyme disease in the 90's, I think but im not sure people in the pharma and research community were pushing for the development of a deliberately flawed test for the the disease that would only detect the German variety of Lyme disease rather than all the varieties. Other researchers discovered a more root cause and origin of how the disease progressed in the body that was going to lead to a better test that could catch and cure more forms of the disease before they became permanent. These researchers immediately lost their jobs while having their lives and careers destroyed by pharma interests. The logic was they wanted Lyme disease to progress and become permanent in more people because the disease caused life long dependency on pharmaceutical drugs that would not be needed if it was detected early and cured. I remember there was a lot of corporate media propaganda about Lyme disease around the early to mid 90's.

Ok Im editing this right now because I remembered it was auto immune arthritis that certain types of Lyme disease would progress into and easily be misdiagnosed as. They did not want these types of Lyme disease detected so they could sell more drugs for auto immune arthritis. it is a life long disease and constant revenue generator lots and lots of cash if these diseases are allowed to flourish.
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al Tanf getting hot for the foreign invaders...

al Tanf getting hot for the foreign invaders...

things are heating up around al Tanf, both Iraq and the Syrian gov are pissed off with the terrorist....oops, i mean rebel, training camp that the US is running there. apparently some of the volunteer government militias are taking pot shots at the US base in revenge for the bombing of their fighters a few days ago. Russia and the Syrian government are both very unhappy with US activities in the base there, the US has arbitrarily announced a 55 mile exclusion zone around al Tanf, where the Syrian government isn't allowed on it's own land. the US is still training terrorists in al Tanf and sending them off to various battles and special sabotage and assassination missions. this is THE definition of financing and supporting terrorism. the US people should be so ashamed of what their government is doing there, it defies belief, how can the US work with al qaida ad like minded groups?


like i said something is going on in the al Tanf area and i'm not the only one who thinks so apparently. things were certainly brought to a head there recently when both Syrian and Iraqi forces fighting isis were bombed and many killed by air strikes initially blamed on the US...

Syria - Damascus And Its Allies Prepare To Remove U.S. Forces From Al-Tanf


By Moon Of Alabama

June 22, 2018 "Information Clearing House" - On June 8 we asked if the then ongoing ISIS attack on Albu Kamal was part of a U.S. plan:

There is sneaking suspicion that the U.S. directed the ongoing ISIS attack on Abu Kamal to gain control over the crossing and to disable road supplies from Iran through Iraq into Syria.
The U.S. must be given no chance to use the ISIS pretext to take Abu Kamal. The Syrian government must rush to support its forces in the border city. It must immediately request that Iraqi forces cross the border from Al-Qaim and support the endangered Syrian troops.
Some reinforcement came in and Albu Kamal was soon back in Syrian government hands. The Syrian army also launched an operation to destroy ISIS positions in southeastern desert.

But U.S. interference in the east continued:

The Russian military is warning of a false-flag "chemical incident" in Deir Ezzor governorate. The Syrian Observatory reports that Islamic State remnants in the southeastern desert and in the Rukban camp, both under cover of the U.S. occupied zone around al-Tanf, prepare for a large attack on Syrian government forces. It claims that such an attack is an attempt to occupy the zone between al-Tanf and Albu Kamal at the Euphrates. Both operation would be planned diversions intended to draw Syrian forces away from Deraa and could provide excuses for U.S. intervention on the opposition side.

Late Sunday an airstrike destroyed a building in the Harri area near Albu Kamal directly on the Syrian-Iraqi border. The building was used as a headquarter for the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (PMU) who are securing the border in coordination with the Syrian army in the fight against the Islamic State. More than 20 fighters were killed and more than 10 were wounded. This may have been in preparation for the reportedly planned large ISIS attack.

Another serious incident followed last night when U.S. supported Maghawhir al-Thawra "rebels" (which include 'former' ISIS fighters) attacked Syrian government forces:

A Syrian army officer was killed in a U.S strike on a Syrian army outpost near a U.S. base close to the Iraqi-Syrian border, a commander in the regional alliance supporting President Bashar al-Assad told Reuters.
The Pentagon, said, however, that a U.S.-backed Syrian rebel group stationed in the Tanf garrison had engaged on Thursday evening an “unidentified hostile force” outside a “deconfliction zone” around the garrison, forcing it to retreat. It said there were no casualties on either side.

The Syrian Observatory claims that eight Syrian soldiers were killed in the attack. There is some footage of a desert chase with "technicals" that is supposed to be from these clashes. They took place in al-Halba, 70 kilometers northwest of al-Tanf and only 50 kilometers from Palmyra.

The U.S. sent "rebels" it trains at al-Tanf outside its self declared 55 kilometers deconfliction zone around Tanf to attack Syrian government forces. It supported them by air strikes. U.S. special forces are said to have taken part. This is likely the case as only U.S. special forces can call in such airstrikes.

It seems obvious that the U.S. is using ISIS, U.S. trained "Maghawhir al-Thawra" rebels, and its air power in another attempt to cut the land route between Syria and Iraq. It wants to use the upcoming Syrian campaign against al-Qaeda and ISIS in the southwest around Daraa to make a new move in the east.

But Syria and its allies will not allow that. They are building up their own forces in the east. As Elijah Magnier reported yesterday:

[D]uring my visit to the city of Palmyra and its surroundings, the presence of thousands of Russian troops is striking, indicating that Moscow is sending new infantry and special forces in very large numbers. This large presence has not been announced.
The Syrian army is also sending additional forces into the area and more Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units have arrived in the Al-Qaim/Albu-Kamal area.

Syria and its allies obviously decided to counter the U.S. move. Their operations at the Syrian-Iraqi border are coordinated by the common operation room in Baghdad.

Last night Syria, Iraq, Iran and Russia again discussed the situation in the east and made their decision:

SURA @AlSuraEnglish - 23:47 UTC - 21 Jun 2018
#BREAKING - #Iraq, #Syria, #Russia and #Iran confirm new mission to secure the #Iraqi-#Syrian border from all terrorist groups. The mission was devised in the operations room in Iraq's capital, #Baghdad.

"All terrorist groups" include the Maghawhir al-Thawra "rebels" and their U.S. protectors at al-Tanf.

Meanwhile the Syrian army continues its preparations for the large attack around Daraa which might bring it in conflict with Israel.

The U.S. again issued a nonsensical warning against such an attack but with a significant change in its wording:

The statement, however, omitted a line in a past statement on the subject that said the U.S. would take “firm and appropriate measures” if Syria violated the de-escalation measure.
It has been confirmed that Iran will not be involved in the fight in Daraa (We had noted that three weeks ago.) Hizbullah special forces might take part in the areas near the Lebanese border. Jordan reinforced its position on its side of the border. It is unlikely to join any fight but it will want to keep fleeing "rebels" from entering the country.

The operation in the southwest around Daraa will proceed. The U.S. attempts to use the occasion to cut Syria from Iraq in the east will be prevented by the new Baghdad operations room mission. Its high time for the U.S. to give up on its nonsense schemes in the southeast. The humanitarian situation in the Rukban camp near the U.S. positions in al-Tanf is catastrophic and the civilians there want to come back under Syrian government control. The al-Tanf position is indefensible against any larger force. The U.S. forces there can still move out without a fight. If they do not leave voluntarily, force will be used to remove them.

This article was originally published by "Moon Of Alabama" -


New member
i guess US will do anything to influence this war in their favor..

like i said something is going on in the al Tanf area and i'm not the only one who thinks so apparently. things were certainly brought to a head there recently when both Syrian and Iraqi forces fighting isis were bombed and many killed by air strikes initially blamed on the US...

Syria - Damascus And Its Allies Prepare To Remove U.S. Forces From Al-Tanf


By Moon Of Alabama


looks like the Dara offensive is in full swing, Russian air power has now joined the fight, quite a few villages have already been liberated and it
seems the US has sent the so called rebels in the south a message to say, don't rely on us doing anything if the SSA marches in. so now it's only Israel they have to worry about, although the SSA and the RUSAF have put a lot of air defenses in the south so as to be ready for Israel stepping in on the side of the isis and al qaida coalition on the edge of the occupied Glan Heights. apparently the Israelis did set off a patriot missile at a drone that was getting close to the occupied Golan Heights. apparently it missed the toy reconnaissance drone. which backed off and disappeared.


looks like the less extremist parts of the insurgents are starting to change their mind about fighting to the death to be Israel's buffer zone. specially after they got the US letter telling them they were on their own. so it looks they decided that Bashar al Assad represented the legitimate sovereign Syrian government after all, lol.

More rebels in Daraa surrender to Syrian Army: Russian Reconciliation Center


By Zen Adra - 2018-06-24

DAMASCUS, SYRIA (9:10 P.M.) – Militants of the Free Syrian Army controlling over 11 villages in southwest Syria have joint the Syrian Army as government troops continue to score more advances.

According to The Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria, the former rebel fighters have agreed to fight among the ranks of the Syrian Army after handing over their villages located in the stretching Lajat region of northeast Daraa province.

“Over the past 24 hours, after repelling a massive offensive of the Jabhat Al-Nusra units (terror group, outlawed in Russia) in the southern de-escalation zone, the formations of the Free Syrian Army, controlling the settlements of Khabab, Khirbat Al Msap, Jerfi, Asem, Sheikh Gharbiya, Sheikh Sharki, Al Shumariya, Hirbat az Zababir, Deir-Dama, Al Shiyakh and Jadal, voluntarily sided with the government troops. By the end of June 23 these settlements were fully under control of the legitimate Syrian authorities,” the Center said.

In a related context, the Russian Center will deliver humanitarian assistance to the liberated areas in southern Syria.

This comes as the Syrian Army, backed by Syrian and Russian airstrikes, keep on gaining ground against the terror groups in southern Syria, liberating more towns and villages and eliminating more militants.

Source: TASS

Russian jets continue to hit rebel forces as Syrian Army launches another big attack


By Leith Aboufadel

BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 A.M.) – The Russian Aerospace Forces entered the battle in southwest Syria, yesterday, despite several warnings from the U.S. State Department recently.

On Sunday morning, the Russian Aerospace Forces resumed their assault on the northeastern countryside of the Dara’a Governorate.

The Russian Aerospace Forces repeatedly struck the jihadist defenses near the strategic town of Busra Al-Harir, which is located directly east of Izra’a.

With the ongoing Russian airstrikes, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) positioned their forces along the northern and southern axes of Busra Al-Harir.

The Syrian Army has since made several advances in northern Dara’a, as the jihadist rebels of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham continue to retreat further south.

The primary goal of this southwest Syria offensive at the moment is to capture strategic Nassib Crossing, which is belived to be the key link between ‘Amman and Damascus.


basically the rebel coalition better get ready for the green busses to Idlib. even the best fortifications won't stand up to this monster weapon.



Check it out

won't be long now and the south will be liberated from jihadists, 1 village/district after another is going for reconciliation with the government. the letter from the US saying no help will be forthcoming has given added momentum to the negotiated settlements. the rebels who join reconciliation program wil get to stay and won't be sent to Idlib.

as always the actual civilians come out and cheer the Syrian Arab Army, they welcome them with pro government chants and cheers.



things are getting hot for the so called rebels in Dara, the SSA is advancing through the defences much faster then anticipated, apparently the ground is not good for digging tunnels and of course talking about fighting to the death is one thing, but actually doing so when air strikes, mortars and tank shells are exploding left right and center you might just rethink the whole fighting to the last drop of blood, i mean the last drop is a bit too late, lets make it till the first drop of blood, lol. altogether makes more sense. happily so far Israel hasn't stepped in as jihadi air support yet, lets hope it stays that way. although when the SSA start going to the west of Dara Israel still might get involved. not tht they have any rights according to international law to shoot one shell into Syria, but thats never stopped them before, so yeah, we will have to wait and see.

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it looks like we will be getting a new huge chemical attack false flag soon. they want to get the whole regime change project back on track...
there ave been multiple reports that white helmets have shown up in the southern pocket and might be preparing a false flag attack. at the same time there has been reports of people play acting a chemical attack in Deir Essour province on the US side of the river. it seems impossible that people would be so dumb as to believe it, specially now when the SSA has shown that it can take back any place with conventional weapons no problem, they are even cutting down their losses due to all the experience they have gathered over the last 7 years dealing with the terrorists strategies and booby traps. the further the government goes liberating the place the less the chemical weapons allegation holds water, so they need to hurry it up and clear the south all the way to the occupied golan heights and screw what other (enemy) countries say about it.

Former British Ambassador to Syria says OPCW turning into NATO tool for war

It looks like the stage is being set for another show


by Frank Sellers

Between the Skripal poisonings and the staged Douma chemical attack, the West has been on a mission to find a solid pretext for ramping up their hysteria against Russia even further, to ever more so isolate it, and for developing a good excuse to escalate the West’s military participation in Syria with an aim of eliminating the Assad government.

The need for support from international organizations towards these efforts has never been greater. However, up until now, they’ve never been able to turn up evidence which conclusively or convincingly pointed the finger at either of these parties, being poorly orchestrated charades as they were. Now, however, they’ve successfully managed to win for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) the power to assign blame for chemical, and other, attacks.

Additionally, suspected members of the US funded White Helmets group, which orchestrated the Douma debacle, have recently been spotted prepping for another such incident. It looks like the stage is being set for another show, and this time, it might just provide the ending that America and its allies have been working so hard to secure, and that is a good excuse to drop some more bombs on Syria and to potentially launch a US-led coalition invasion to take out the Syrian government.

Former British envoy to Syria, Peter Ford, recently described this agenda to the Sputnik News Agency:

OPCW members have passed the UK’s draft extension of the organization’s powers, with the move harshly slammed by Russia, which said the West will be tempted to struggle for greater influence over the OPCW’s decision making. Former British Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford has given his take on the motion.

Sputnik: Has the decision come as a surprise for you?

Peter Ford: Not really, because the British and the Americans have been trying for a number of months to recreate a body that previously existed for Syria called the Joint Investigative Mechanism, which did have a power to attribute responsibility for alleged chemical attacks, and this mechanism expired.

Russia, with some other countries, prevented the renewal of the mandate of this JIM, with the British looking for ways to reverse this decision, and they think they have found this through this extraordinary, in all ways, very extraordinary meeting of the OPCW council. And it’s all about Syria, in my opinion. It’s all about finding a pretext for the next round of the Western war against Syria; an investigation is currently underway into alleged chemical incidents in Douma on the outskirts of Damascus in April.

The Western powers have been failing, so far, in their attempt to pin blame on Damascus; another of these commissions which is inquiring on Syria refused to be pressured by Britain and America into pointing the finger at Syria. So, I think in response, the British went to The Hague, where it’s easier to manipulate decisions.

Sputnik: Earlier Moscow dubbed the UK proposal as politicized. Would you agree with that? What’s your take on that statement?

Peter Ford: 100 percent politicized. In fact, the OPCW, I’m sad to say, is being turned into a branch of NATO, an arm, a tool of NATO. Already, the Western powers have immense influence within the OPCW. The head of it, the director, is a Turk; Turkey is a member of NATO. The staff is mainly from Western countries.

The whole culture of the place is anti-Russian, pro-Western. This latest move is a nail in the coffin of the impartiality of an important international institution. It just diminishes the architecture for control of prohibited weapons. This politicization is very short-sighted and in the long term will backfire on the West.

Sputnik: Some experts have noted that Britain was trying to push this initiative to decrease public interest in the lack of proof of Russia’s involvement in the poisoning of the Skripals. Would you agree with that sentiment?

Peter Ford: No, because I think it’s worse than that, because it’s all about Syria. What’s happening here, and it’s very important to understand this, is the countdown to the next war, to the next round of the war against Syria.

What this is, it represents a milestone in the British-led (Americans are not far behind) attempt to prepare a pretext to bomb Syria again, as happened in April. Only next time, the bombing is going to be much heavier. What’s happening with this Hague decision is the conditioning of the international opinion, the conditioning of Western public opinion to prepare for the coming strike.

Sputnik: This event that is now happening in terms of the decision, the OPCW has gone against the West; is that now going to ratchet further actions to exacerbate the situation? Is that the way you see it?

Peter Ford: It is exactly. We see that the Western powers have deliberately painted themselves into a corner. After the carefully targeted, calibrated strikes of April, thanks to Russia, which put on enough pressure to ensure that nothing too terrible happened; after that the Western powers threatened that next time, the brakes will be off, no restraint.

They have put themselves under pressure next time to strike much more heavily at President Assad personally: they will try, I expect, to attack, to bomb his residence, the command and control centers of the Syrian army. This is what they were planning to do in April, but were prevented from doing by Russian pressure. […]

It’s quite possible that a new allegation of chemical weapons use, pinned naturally on the Assad regime, could be carried out in Syria, to be investigated by an OPCW which may conduct a politically skewed investigation to assert that it was carried out by Assad’s government, to be followed up with a swift US coalition assault on the Syrian government in Damascus. With the US openly funding the White Helmets, with White Helmets being openly linked to terrorists operating against the Syrian government in Syria, and with the White Helmets being the one making the assertions of the Douma attack, which was utilized as a pretext for a US led coalition airstrike, it’s not absurd to expect that this course of action could become a manifest reality, especially if the main stream media is prepared to sell it to the public.


developments in the south east

developments in the south east

looks like the insurgents in the south east are losing their will to fight, specially the Syrians who know that the revolution is lost and they have the reconciliation option, which the foreigners don't have, so it's run and hide, or fight to the death in an area that seem to be a lot harder to hold then Eastern Ghouta and Aleppo. both places were full of under ground passages and natural caves. time will tell, but it's looking like the SSA will arrive at the Jordanian border within days. of course this is the eastern pocket, they still have the isis group and some other radicals occupying the border to the Golan Heights in the south western part. will be interesting to see if they can hold out any better.



slowly but surely the south east is being liberated and funnily enough the Israelis have gone from don't you dare start anything in the south, or else, to, don't use Iranian volunteers in the south, to now, don't you dare even think about crossing in to the Golan Heights, lmao. anyway, the border to Jordan is open again and trade ca now resume, meanwhile more and more so called rebels are switching sides and or reconciling with the government. the reconciliation center is telling the jihadists they would be better off reconciling then heading to Idlib, because idlib will be next, hehe. not that i think it will be next, they will leave it till the end, first will come al Tanf. not sure why, but Trump has seemed to stop a lot of support for the anti government fighters, so they have been much more amenable to reconciliation talks. strangely at the same time he still has his special forces occupying and protecting an isis pocket from the Syrian government. kind of hard to read what Trump really wants in Syria. anyway, some interesting footage about recent events in the south east.



anna news presenting recent events in the south east.
watch the SSA Tiger forces in action.

man, the SSA have changed so much from the first days of this war. if i was Israel i'd be worried too about keeping the stolen Golan Heights away from it's rightful owners.



Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
One rebel pocket after next is falling. Province Daraa before some days, now the Quneitra Province. They carry the rebels and their familys to Idlib by buses. In Idlib the FSA closed an Assadist pocket, what was there since years, Al-Foua and Kafira and the People go to Aleppo. It´s coming to the last battle and it´s clear the FSA looses. It´s gonna be a massacre and they can´t flee anywhere. I don´t want to know what Assad is doing with the defeated. Very sad situation.

I think, than they close the last 2 ISIS pockets.

And than is the question, what happened to the kurdish territory in North-eastern Syria? Did the west the Kurds alone again?

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