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USA strikes Syria again



Columbus didn't “discover” America — he never set foot in North America. During four separate trips that started with the one in 1492, Columbus landed on various Caribbean islands that are now the Bahamas as well as the island later called Hispaniola. He also explored the Central and South American coasts.
And even before leif the viking got there its now thought Polynesian sailors were the first there something to do with yams lol.

Of course the talk of who discovered is dunce because the natives have been there for around 15 thousand years.

At what point does one become a "native"?? (rhetorical)

America actually stretches from the southern tip of Tierra del Fuego to the northwest tip of Alaska. So, in fact, Cristobal Colon did land in America. Discover, no.

I think its unlikely that humans (Homo whatever) have not been venturing into the american continents for hundreds of thousands of


Well-known member
At what point does one become a "native"?? (rhetorical)

America actually stretches from the southern tip of Tierra del Fuego to the northwest tip of Alaska. So, in fact, Cristobal Colon did land in America. Discover, no.

I think its unlikely that humans (Homo whatever) have not been venturing into the american continents for hundreds of thousands of

up until a year or so back, they had no evidence older than about 20k years on the NA continent. then, they found something MUCH older at a dig in South Carolina... 30k plus by carbon dating last i heard.


Seed Whore
And Clovis before them.

Being of Clovis descent... I hereby declare North America... MINE!

The lizards were here 1st. David Icke could have told you that. :biggrin:






Boreal Curing
At what point does one become a "native"?? (rhetorical)

America actually stretches from the southern tip of Tierra del Fuego to the northwest tip of Alaska. So, in fact, Cristobal Colon did land in America. Discover, no.

I think its unlikely that humans (Homo whatever) have not been venturing into the american continents for hundreds of thousands of

The belief was 15k years. Now they're finding 35-50k. One archaeologist, on her first dig found and carbon dated one site at 250k years. It ruined her career and never worked in her field again. They're still arguing for and against her.


Its been pushed to 130,000 years so far.


The earliest dispersal of humans into North America is a contentious subject, and proposed early sites are required to meet the following criteria for acceptance: (1) archaeological evidence is found in a clearly defined and undisturbed geologic context; (2) age is determined by reliable radiometric dating; (3) multiple lines of evidence from interdisciplinary studies provide consistent results; and (4) unquestionable artefacts are found in primary context1,2. Here we describe the Cerutti Mastodon (CM) site, an archaeological site from the early late Pleistocene epoch, where in situ hammerstones and stone anvils occur in spatio-temporal association with fragmentary remains of a single mastodon (Mammut americanum). The CM site contains spiral-fractured bone and molar fragments, indicating that breakage occured while fresh. Several of these fragments also preserve evidence of percussion. The occurrence and distribution of bone, molar and stone refits suggest that breakage occurred at the site of burial. Five large cobbles (hammerstones and anvils) in the CM bone bed display use-wear and impact marks, and are hydraulically anomalous relative to the low-energy context of the enclosing sandy silt stratum. 230Th/U radiometric analysis of multiple bone specimens using diffusion–adsorption–decay dating models indicates a burial date of 130.7 ± 9.4 thousand years ago. These findings confirm the presence of an unidentified species of Homo at the CM site during the last interglacial period (MIS 5e; early late Pleistocene), indicating that humans with manual dexterity and the experiential knowledge to use hammerstones and anvils processed mastodon limb bones for marrow extraction and/or raw material for tool production. Systematic proboscidean bone reduction, evident at the CM site, fits within a broader pattern of Palaeolithic bone percussion technology in Africa3,4,5,6, Eurasia7,8,9 and North America10,11,12. The CM site is, to our knowledge, the oldest in situ, well-documented archaeological site in North America and, as such, substantially revises the timing of arrival of Homo into the Americas."

Anatomical Modern Humans (homo sapiens) have existed for over 300,000 years.
We know almost nothing of our past.


Active member
I say STOP the bombs ! All decent folk {i.e. US GB FR} need to chill and back off !!! Let the crazies battle it out...fuck them. Why the FUCK are Western powers dealing with the 3rd world anymore? Millions have flooded Europe...Europe is bleeding....fucked. Why? Political correctness? In the last two years, 90%+ of immigrants are unemployed. Yet they receive more benefits than that of the natives.



Active member
Oh...in case there was any doubt. Fuck Syria.

OK...here is the deal. The Saudi factor has been diminished with the defeat of Isis..Saudi's our friend and foe. Now we have Russia and Iran...not to forget the Turks. Russia and the US will be just fine. I remember 30 years ago Turkey was a great friend to the US. Modern, Western and most of all...open to free thought. Not anymore...Fuck em ! Iran better watch it's back ! If shit is to go down...hopefully it will just be Israel bombing the shit of Iran's nuke plants.

The US needs to back off. Let the asshole of the world deal with it's self.


Active member
I just love The Last Refuge..

These guys I tell ya...Sundance...this dude knows what is up. and what is down.

Here we go...why not? It's Thursday. What else you got do on a Thursday ??

Click here for the original link and maybe a reach around....

Key DOJ and FBI Names Likely to Surface Amid IG Investigative Reports and Referrals…

With Inspector General Michael Horowitz submitting a criminal referral for fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe; and with knowledge of federal prosecutor John Huber paralleling Horowitz for months within the investigation; it might be worthwhile going through the names of some officials likely to surface in the next few days/weeks.


The most interesting people in the ongoing investigation are those principals who clearly were in/around the center of 2015/2016 activity; were caught in 2017, yet remain inside the FBI and DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) ie. Main Justice.


♦James Baker – The former FBI chief legal counsel and close adviser to FBI Director James Comey. In addition to coordinating the “small group” activity to exonerate Hillary Clinton, Baker was also a recipient for some of the Comey Memos of recent release. This puts Baker in a position to understand the “insurance policy” described by FBI Agent Peter Strzok and FBI Counsel Lisa Page. Additionally, Baker would be able to identify the level of knowledge and participation of Director Comey, and is therefore perhaps the biggest risk to Comey specifically. December 21st, 2017, Baker was removed from any responsibility but remains inside the FBI in some capacity; he is therefore considered a cooperating co-conspirator for the FBI Inspection Division (INSD), IG Horowitz and likely prosecutor Huber.


♦Lisa Page – The former designated counsel from Main Justice assigned to assist Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe. We know from open-sourced information; from her own released text messages; and from congressional releases, that Lisa Page was the person who provided the text messages to INSD and the Inspector General. Page’s account of the media leak instructions she received from McCabe conflicted with her boss, and ultimately led to the proof of McCabe’s false statements. Lisa Page was the connective bridge within the team joining the DOJ-NSD to the FBI operation. Obviously Page and FBI Agent Peter Strzok were working closely at the heart of the “small group” activity. They were the footsoldiers carrying out the orders passed down from Lynch/Yates (DOJ) and Comey/McCabe (FBI). After cooperating with the INSD and IG investigation, Page quit the Mueller team mid-summer 2017. Lisa Page is still employed within the DOJ.


♦Peter Strzok – The responsibility within the FBI operation to clear Clinton and open an investigation against political opponent Donald Trump fell heavily upon FBI Agent Peter Strzok. Strzok was advanced to the #2 position within the FBI counterintelligence unit as an outcome of his participation. In addition to working with FBI counsel Lisa Page, underneath Andrew McCabe, Strzok was the FBI contact and liaison with Christopher Steele and the foreign intelligence apparatus that were assisting in their goals. When the INSD and IG evidence of the conspiracy began to surface Peter Strzok was removed from the Mueller investigation and demoted within the FBI. However, Strzok remains employed within the FBI and is likely another cooperating witness/co-conspirator.


♦Bruce Ohr – Former Deputy Asst. Attorney General Bruce Ohr is the most exposed official on the DOJ-NSD side of the operation. Bruce Ohr has been questioned at least 12 times about his involvement by INSD and IG investigators. Ohr has been demoted twice as an outcome of those sessions. It is likely Ohr was the central Main Justice official for the use of gathering intelligence and sharing with Fusion-GPS and Christopher Steele. Bruce’s wife, Nellie Ohr, was also a participant and was hired by Fusion-GPS in May 2016 during the apex of opposition research into Donald Trump and the campaign team. With Nellie Ohr’s subject matter expertise of Russian spy and trade-craft, together Bruce and Nellie are likely the central figures in the creation of, and laundry for, the Clinton/Steele Dossier and the larger Russian narrative. Bruce Ohr remains employed within DOJ-NSD in some function; and likely a cooperating witness along with his wife.


Active member

♦Bill Priestap – The only central character within the FBI leadership apparatus that remains entirely intact despite his central role in the counterintelligence operation against candidate Donald Trump. Priestap was agent Peter Strzok’s immediate boss; however, it is unknown how much influence Priestap held over the activity of Strzok. Released text messages indicate Strzok was reporting more to Andrew McCabe during both the Clinton and Trump operations. All officials at the top of the FBI have either been removed or quit, with the exception of Bill Priestap. It is highly likely he has been cleared for any intentional wrongdoing and has no issues cooperating with INSD and IG investigators. Because of the importance of his role, Priestap likely knows the full context of how the FISA Title-1 application against U.S. person Carter Page was assembled and used. Priestap is also mentioned in the Nunes memo contradicting the claims of Comey, McCabe, Brennan (CIA) and Clapper (DNI).


♦Dana Boente – The former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia [EDVA] during the Clinton and Trump operation, the view of Boente as seen from the top tier officials conducting the political operations was that Boente was not in alignment with their goals. After Sally Yates was fired from the DOJ, the Trump administration used Dana Boente as a temporary AG until Jeff Sessions could be confirmed. After Sessions confirmation Boente remained the head of the DOJ National Security Division (DOJ-NSD) until the end of 2017. In his positions throughout 2016 and 2017 Boente likely knows the political activities that were ongoing within Main Justice. Dana Boente left the DOJ at the end of 2017 and was hired by FBI Director Christopher Wray to replace James Baker as chief legal counsel in the FBI.

The four officials removed but remaining inside both the FBI and DOJ are likely cooperating witnesses for the FBI Inspection Division investigative unit (INSD), DOJ Inspector General Horowitz and Federal Prosecutor John Huber. Those four key officials are: James Baker (FBI), Lisa Page (DOJ/FBI), Bruce Ohr (DOJ) and Peter Strzok (FBI).


Additional investigative information from key officials with insider knowledge would come from Bill Priestap (FBI) and Dana Boente (DOJ/FBI).

The former administration officials with varying degrees of legal risk, who clearly participated in the politicization of the DOJ and FBI, would include:

♦AG Loretta Lynch (quit); ♦AAG Sally Yates (fired); ♦DOJ-NSD Head John Carlin (quit); ♦DOJ-NSD Head Mary McCord (quit); ♦Deputy Asst. AG David Laufman (quit); ♦FBI Director James Comey (fired); ♦FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe (fired); ♦FBI Chief of Staff James Rybicki (quit); ♦FBI Director of Communications, Michael Kortan (quit).

Each of these DOJ and FBI officials are specifically outlined with knowledge of the activity that was taking place within the operation to clear and advance the campaign of Hillary Clinton and block and impede the campaign of Donald Trump. However, these are only the DOJ and FBI officials.

Within the larger intelligence apparatus – the CIA Director, John Brennan, and Office of Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, are also participants. A key figure to reveal their prior corrupt activity is current NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers.

Additionally, there are known former State Department and White House officials who understood, supported and likely directed much of the activity.

The key to reaching the wider network of Obama officials is to work outward from the known corrupt “small group” within the center of the DOJ and FBI operation. IG Horowitz and Prosecutor Huber appear to be focused on exactly that approach.

The added investigative element of the FISA application and fraud upon the FISA court is where the expanded investigative element will surface. FISA abuse, and the subsequent political unmasking of people therein, will extend the investigation beyond the DOJ/FBI and into the larger intelligence community and other Obama cabinet officials.



Well-known member
I say STOP the bombs ! All decent folk {i.e. US GB FR} need to chill and back off !!! Let the crazies battle it out...fuck them. Why the FUCK are Western powers dealing with the 3rd world anymore? Millions have flooded Europe...Europe is bleeding....fucked. Why? Political correctness? In the last two years, 90%+ of immigrants are unemployed. Yet they receive more benefits than that of the natives.

I think it's about the black gold, China is working against our petro dollar, if they succeed we will be almost as poor as Russia. Wouldn't be all bad at least we still have Disney Land. :biggrin:

But you know Trump along with most greedy politicians and rich, don't want to take a loss to China. Europe too they don't want China able to compete with Bayer and Nestle. Definitely all about money.


New member
We use to be about Democracy, now it's just distraction.

The attorneys general of 41 U.S. states said Tuesday that they're banding together to investigate the makers and distributors of powerful opioid painkillers that have, over the past decade, led to a spike in opiate addictions and overdose deaths.

If only Philip Morris had this forethought of a corrupt FBI my stock portfolio would be

Any chance that $1 Billion fine the DEA recommended to be able to rehabilitate America will come back around? or will I just have to put up with the added costs to my community?
41 States having to spend money to hope to get our govt. to do whats right.

While the pipeline issue in Syria is important to the folks of the north and rightfully so,
whats lacking is the Oil Industries interest (outrage) in no diplomatic representation in Africa, the last of the easy access develop-able oil fields and the 4th largest consumer market.

Sure China dosen't want democracy in Africa, but couldn't we divert a few pennies of profit to our general fund?