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:::::::USA Set to Reschedule Cannabis::::::: HHS Releases Recommendation Documents:::::::


ICMag Donor


ICMag Donor


ICMag Donor



ICMag Donor



ICMag Donor
I think I solved the riddle. Wondering why the federal government is so oppressive against the states and cities who are waiting on a formal approval before they open the market for the cannabis industry.

When it comes down to it, money is the bottom line. Continuing this selective prohibition, where some states are forced to wait to open for business, is a way to promote the economy in the states who have adopted Democrat policies, and inhibit the economy in states with Republican policies.

All the capitol cities throughout the nation would like to open for business, so it welcomes visitors with comfortable hospitality, and increases tax revenue.

The major cities like Chicago, New York, Detroit, Seattle, St. Louis, these all have adopted cannabis legalization and their industries are getting a head start, promoting their state economy. This is working toward the continuing goal of trying to control the people through forcing them to move to these highly digital grid surveillance mega-cities.

Cannabis is just a pawn in their game. The elite don't care about giving you liberty to use cannabis as medicine, its just part of their wicked program to consolidate wealth and control for themselves.


ICMag Donor
With Covid restrictions in all the Democrat controlled mega-cities, maybe having cannabis legal in these areas was compensation for the economic losses from Covid restrictions they chose to put in place.

What I find interesting it the areas where Covid restrictions were most oppressive and heavily enforced is where cannabis is legalized. See the control structure forming?

Also was cannabis a reward for going through the tougher restrictions and vaccine mandates?

Are the states being allowed to have legal cannabis as a financial compensation for the economic losses from adopting oppressive and destructive CoVid restrictions?


Well-known member
Maybe the Democrat contolled mega-cities have enough voters who are interested in progress, and that is why they are ahead of the game. In my very very red state, the legislators dragged feet, blocked attempts, until a voter initiative forced the issue (on medical). Even at that, the legislators re-wrote the entire bill. Right after that, the legislators tried to have the voter initiative thing done away with, or over-rides/veto, which got voted down hard.
Take a deep breath, pipeline...not everything is a conspiracy.


ICMag Donor
Its a long game, and you can't disprove that the elite are pushing for worldwide control. Its just a patter I'm seeing set up.

Thing with Democrat bills is they are too long, and too complex. We had Senator Taylor add an medical cannabis amendment to a psilocybin therapy research program bill and it was a 24 page amendment.

Republicans want to legalize cannabis too, but they are much more cautious as not to upset the economy I guess. Placing more priority on money than on the welfare and liberty of the people, wrong move. Republicans have their days numbered if they don't wake their ass up and get to work.

Its getting past the point of neglect. They aren't even voicing their opinion. They claim to be short on time, yet the legislature takes up things of little importance and of low priority in place of discussing cannabis reform and other more important topics.


Well-known member
Well, we seem to agree on a lot. The elite have ALWAYS pushed for control, and then gone for more control.

Obviously, the republican PEOPLE also want medical, that's who were voting for it, against their elected leaders', in this state. (This state is huge majority republican population and govt) They also had to vote against their leaders that were trying to do the veto thing. So, the republican leaders want to take away the power of their people, in this state. A republican leader in a neighboring state, made the comment that the people (that elected her) were too stupid to vote. If there is weirdness in cities, there sure is also a lot of it in rural areas, too.


ICMag Donor



ICMag Donor
The situation is becoming more clear, you just have to step back for a minute. The legislative bodies of federal government , the house and Senate, they should be holding hearings about cannabis reform. According to the Congressional Research, congress has the power to modify CSA or take cannabis out of it all together. Whats going on here?

Why is congress stepping back and forcing the un-elected beaurocrats to take vote on this issue.

These hearings would be a form of representative government, where medical experts and everyone could have their testimony made publicly on record, and the legeslative bodies can choose whether or not to vote on certain issues. This is the way its supposed to work, as authorized in the US Constitution.


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