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USA Outdoor Grow Security

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
If we grow on someone else' property, doesn't that just shift the risk to the person who owns that property??

In my case I didn't think that the Feds would seize property from the county parks system, but shifting the risk to someone you don't like is an alternative way to go.
Once word gets out that someone got their house seized for having someone else's unauthorized grow in the back 40 meanspirited motherfuckers will be planting marijuana everywhere.


Active member
In my case I didn't think that the Feds would seize property from the county parks system, but shifting the risk to someone you don't like is an alternative way to go.
Once word gets out that someone got their house seized for having someone else's unauthorized grow in the back 40 meanspirited motherfuckers will be planting marijuana everywhere.

Well then... maybe those folks don't like us either?? Are we to fuck-over others just because we don't like one another? That seems vindictive and small-spirited to me.:dunno:


Well-known member
not sure if mentioned, but i'd think smell would be the highest risk
at least if you're growing significant weight


Well-known member
plant some real tomatoes in rows, then either tie your plants down between the rows or plant short autoflowers right in among them. cops are looking for christmas trees, not little "shrubberies" lol.

St. Phatty

Active member
I think one of the biggest temptations outdoor growers have to deal with is the need for sun. Because if a grow-spot gets good sun exposure, that means it's visible from the sky.

If you can live with shade, i.e. no direct sun, I think that works out to be 30 to 35 watts per square foot, instead of the 65-70 you might get in full sun.

Then it's a matter of strain.

I have about 5 scrawny girls, and one beefier girl (Blueberry Headband cross) next to a Hazeman E-Stomper Male.

The scrawny girls are 3 to 4 feet high. It will be interesting to see if any of the other girls tolerate the low light and make some Bud :ying:.


Active member
Don't be stupid and grow in Texas. Move to a med state where you won't go insane with panic at a knock at the door or a helo flying over.

2 acres is not even close to enough land for plausible deniability and outdoors that's the strong hand.

Move to Michigan or somewhere cheap that allows home grows. If you have a clean record there should be no stopping you from moving. If you don't have a cl an record then sure as shit do not grow in the state of steers and queers.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
20-40 plants sounds like it might be pushing it
you dont need to grow so many large plants to find your perfect clone mother
a smaller space could be used to do a lot of the initial search with a secondary space set up to further test anything that looks promising

as a medicinal patient you have a legit reason to grow your own weed
like aridbud said, keep plant counts low
with so many monster plants on your property,it could be seen as a commercial grow
/thats just asking for trouble
with fewer plants you stand a better chance of claiming its only for personal use
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Active member
Unless you have no close neighbors the smell is probably the bigger issue. Even if you were all by yourself it would only take one delivery person or neighbor/ religious group to stop by to discover it.

You could train the plants and mix them with others to minimize discovery from above though. If you had a bunch or at least some larger trees that would help with that. oketreeorchards on IG has cannabis planted amongst trees that do quite well.


Active member
Don't be stupid and grow in Texas. Move to a med state where you won't go insane with panic at a knock at the door or a helo flying over.

2 acres is not even close to enough land for plausible deniability and outdoors that's the strong hand.

Move to Michigan or somewhere cheap that allows home grows. If you have a clean record there should be no stopping you from moving. If you don't have a cl an record then sure as shit do not grow in the state of steers and queers.

I can't afford to move, due both to financial and health reasons. I'm not partial to this area but I'm here to stay... my last pit stop.

I'm aware of the risks but my only other choice is to do without any kind of useful (non-harmful) medications.

I have a spotless record (and have health issues) so, if they catch me, MAYBE they'll "catch and release"?

I don't raise steers and I'm not queer. ;)


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
Better to grow autos. They can be dank, but many neutral easy to camouflage, quick turn around.

Use leaves/buds for smoothies blended.

Article you've probably come across:

Good luck.

arid bud makes a good point and maybe you should try a few autos in the mix
they will finish quickly and provide you something to smoke while you are waiting for your other plants to mature
/also, it makes trimming easier when you stager the harvest
plus they will be their biggest and bushiest before the traditional harvest season starts, well before law enforcement and rippers start to prowl


Active member
arid bud makes a good point and maybe you should try a few autos in the mix
they will finish quickly and provide you something to smoke while you are waiting for your other plants to mature

Funny you mentioned this because I did precisely that.

/also, it makes trimming easier when you stager the harvest
plus they will be their biggest and bushiest before the traditional harvest season starts, well before law enforcement and rippers start to prowl

I would normally do that but my current stash is extremely low so this next grow will be a bit bigger. I won't be giving away so much this time... or ever again -- to selfish users.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
what auto strains are you growing out?
/the quality of auto flower plants has gotten a lot better from back in the day
we have all met a mooch or two at one point and sometimes it dosent pay to be so kind and generous
every now and then you need to cut dead wood
stick with it,man
and enjoy your harvest


Well-known member
I am not familiar with texas and the latitude, frost dates etc, are you able to pull an early harvest with smaller plants too? I know texas is a big state and it could vary but if you were able to finish flowering before sun light was going above the 12 hours you could have smaller plants finish earlier with less yield but outside of the normal season it would attract less attention I would think.


Active member
what auto strains are you growing out?
/the quality of auto flower plants has gotten a lot better from back in the day
we have all met a mooch or two at one point and sometimes it dosent pay to be so kind and generous
every now and then you need to cut dead wood
stick with it,man
and enjoy your harvest

Thanks, Pop. In autos, I started Blueberry and AK-47.


Active member
I am not familiar with texas and the latitude, frost dates etc, are you able to pull an early harvest with smaller plants too? I know texas is a big state and it could vary but if you were able to finish flowering before sun light was going above the 12 hours you could have smaller plants finish earlier with less yield but outside of the normal season it would attract less attention I would think.

I'm located approximately 120 miles (190km) from both the Gulf Coast and the Mexican border... latitude 29. We do have freezes here but it seldom gets below 20F (-7C) and then usually only in January and almost exclusively at night. Generally speaking, light isn't a problem unless it's too intense during hot days. I erred with lighting early this year and a hole batch of fems finished early as lollipops. I hope I never do that again!!


Well-known member
I see outdoor as being more secure then indoors in many ways. Having your entire house reek of ganja, the extra heat, it all adds to a lot of stress. Any visitor is going to know what's going on.
Outdoors on a decent sized property with fences odds are low anyone will come tromping through. Smell is always a problem but you live with it. Rippers are more of a threat then LEO.
Make sure they're surrounded by similarly colored vegetation. If you have vegetation on the north side, sun on the south, it's difficult to see from the air. Less then 20 plants are hard to spot. You can let them get big if you tie them down. I'll bet they get big in Texas.
Grow what you like, with your long season and medical needs you should grow the best medicine you can. Getting outside and moving around will be difficult but you'll feel better for doing it. Grow some other plants besides ganja to get experience growing plants. If you can grow peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, whatever, you can grow ganja. And you won't feel as bad when you screw up.
I know Texas laws are harsh, my guess is if the worst ever happens being a medical grower will make a huge difference. I knew a guy who had a large indoor grow, even stealing power. Put a sign in his grow room, 'Marijuana for Medical Use'. When he got busted and was getting sentenced the judge said he'd normally throw the book at him, but because it was medical he didn't. Guy got probation picking up garbage along the road. Be sure to document your medical ailments, therapy, use of cannabis, etc. In case the worst ever happens you'll have records.