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US house approves 1.1 Billion for war on drugs



US house approved $1.1 BILLION in aid to Mexico for the war on drugs.

This money will purchase some mighty fine toys for the drug cartels!

I expect most of this aid money to be diverted to them.

You like the war on drugs now? Just wait until the cartels get their hands on Cobra attack helecopters.


I dont get it.... The us House is giving mexico 1.1billion? to buy a crazy dope smuggling helicopter? damn thats crazy....


Nice way to front and make it seem like that money is going to the "war on drugs"...lol......They must think people are really fooking stupid......and dont know whats happening behind the scenes.....what a waste.....Economy hasnt been this bad since the freaking cold war and where spending billions of dollars on B.S....Nice job Bush at destroying our country even more and leaving with a bang......fooking A-hole....... :badday:


upNORTH said:
mexico is so corrupt, u think the money is going to the cartels?
YES.. its probably used to manufacture more P2P, the key ingredient in mexican methamphetamine.


Resident pissy old man
Bush has to help the Mexicans because their Drug Cartels only made a measley $23 billion in profit last year. I read somewhere that drugs account for 5% of Mexicos GDP. If we legalized drugs, it could destroy Mexicos economy. Then millions of Mexicans would pour over the border into the US, looking for jobs(not that they aren't already).


Active member
Legalization, as I percieve it, translates into cartels going legit while implementing severe controls on users - furthering limits on freedom and continuing violations of rights.


Government is the problem, not the solution. Giving 1.1 billion dollars to mexico for some elite corporation to benefit and the people to suffer even more. People need to open up seriously and just not put up with this nonsense. Its the only way.


entropical said:
Legalization, as I percieve it, translates into cartels going legit while implementing severe controls on users - furthering limits on freedom and continuing violations of rights.

Billions of dollars being givin to this legal P2P from mexico has killed America. Meth from mexico`s legal P2P is changing our nation more than cocaine ever could. People will take the, "rule all" feeling meth give to use it for dirty activity. There was a time when many M.Ds and P.H.Ds took meth to cram for tests. Now its used for common idiots for nothing but crime.


Fvcking unbelievable

we spent half that on Iraq at least we got somehting even tho we overpaid (weapons, soldiers, jets)

1 billion and there isnt even a cancun raffle

really this sh1t makess me sick

were is the army of the 12 monkeys when you need it


ruger 500
do you remember not that long ago when ox was gong to legalize all drugs and it had passed the senate and all that was needed was his signature on the bill and it would become law ?the all of a sudden bush sends his zar over there, and fox makes a visit to the white house and the bill dies?you dont think he came here to get his payola do ya ?then he retires ?we just paid forthat blackmailing asshate to live very good ,but we in no way negeosiate with terriorist?wtf?

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek

Woaa! 1.1 billion? You give us 1.1 billion and we'll stop producing nuclear weapons... and we'll also stop funding the Hezbollah. That's a bonus, special prize for you my frieeend.
No kidding, trust me.
What a crock of shit! I'll tell you what I'M gonna do. I'm going to check and see how my state rep voted and let them know that if they did vote for this that they will never receive my vote in the future. I suggest everyone else do the same.

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