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US Government drops lawsuit against Harborside Cannabis

jump /injack

After 4 years of financial hassle by the US Attorney Generals office the Federal Government dropped the lawsuit against the largest dispenser of Medical Cannabis in the Nation.

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) --
It was a big day for cannabis supporters in Oakland, as the U.S. Attorney's Office drops a lawsuit filed against Harborside Health Center.

Not only was the lawsuit dropped, but Oakland is poised to approve a permitting process for other marijuana vendors.

Many say it's the evolution of public opinion when it comes to pot and a move that will certainly have big repercussions for other dispensaries.

A retired Oakland firefighter swears by a special cannabis balm he buys at Harborside.

"I rub it on my hands and within five minutes the pain is relieved so much I can go back in the yard and work if I want to," he said.

He was thrilled to hear this dispensary will no longer face the threat of a federal raid.

"The lawsuit against Harborside is being dismissed and we are at the beginning of the end of federal prohibition," said Harborside Executive Director Steve DeAngelo.

"This industry can come out of the dark, out of the shadows and operate in a way the people of California have said they want this industry to operate."

The feds filed the lawsuit against Harborside 4 years ago. The city fired back with a separate suit against the U.S. Attorney General.

"The ground has shifted under the Department of Justice. Public opinion has swung dramatically," said Oakland City Attorney, Cedric Chao. "That helped contribute to the feds deciding not to proceed."

There was no comment from the U.S. Attorney's office.

Many expect other lawsuits against dispensaries to be dropped in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, Oakland is ready to regulate hundreds of new vendors.

"An expanded and permitted regulatory system to allow growers, people who make tinctures, or brownies and other edibles, to come out of the shadows," said Rebecca Kaplan, a city council member.

Oakland city council will vote on Tuesday night in a move they say will improve public safety and benefit the city.

"Harborside is just one dispensary, is the second largest retail tax payer in the City of Oakland," said DeAngelo.

"Before pot was pot and it was bad. Now there are properties that are healing and keep people from pain. So, opening people's eyes up there's no reason to be afraid of it. It's helping everybody," said Jonathan Bang, who uses medical cannabis.

Next up is a measure to legalize recreational marijuana. It's likely to be on the November ballot.


Most Loved
harborside won a major victory for cannabis in california and probably nationwide and lemme guess...those deleted comments were about how much they hate d'angelo and harborside? whatever *****'s get over yourselves and grow your own weed then. jeez.


ICMag Donor
The marijuana industry just scored a huge legal victory without setting foot inside c

The marijuana industry just scored a huge legal victory without setting foot inside c

The marijuana industry scored a significant victory on Tuesday when the US Department of Justice just dropped its four-year-long attempt to shut down Harborside Health Center in Oakland, California, the largest dispensary in the US, The San Francisco Gate reported.
The DOJ's decision to drop the case could gesture a "new model" for dealing with marijuana, Robert MacCoun, a law professor and drug-policy expert at Stanford University, told SF Gate.
"The framework is moving from the war on drugs to tricky issues of regulation, taxation and who is going to be in control of this major new industry," he added.
While the DOJ didn't respond to the SF Gate's request for comment, local officials commend the decision.
"We celebrate the release from federal prosecution," Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf said at a press conference, as SF Gate reported. "We believe in compassion, we believe in health."
Aside from the perceived healthcare benefits, marijuana also drives economic growth.
The entire marijuana industry — including the impacts associated with legalization, like tourism — is projected to pump up to $44 billion into the economy by 2020, if the trends continue, according to a report highlighted by Business Insider UK's Matthew Nitch Smith.
Legal marijuana sales in the US alone spiked to $5.4 billion in 2015, up from $4.6 billion in 2014. Sales are projected to hit $7.1 billion in 2016.
Despite individual states legalizing marijuana for various purposes, the drug remains illegal under federal law, and the DOJ remains committed to enforcing the Controlled Substances Act.
Attorneys for Harborside fended off the shutdown, however, by invoking the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment which prevents the government from spending federal dollars to shut down dispensaries compliant with state laws, according to MJBizDaily
In Colorado, where the possession and sale of marijuana for recreational purposes is legal, dispensaries have been forced to operate as cash-only businesses. Most banks have refused to process marijuana-linked money, fearing legal repercussions at the national level.
A federal court even refused access to a master account for The Fourth Corner, a credit union set up by Colorado's state government to help dispensaries access banks.
Right now, only four states — Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington — plus Washington, DC, allow the possession of recreational marijuana. And medical marijuana is currently legal in 24 states.
Californians will likely have a chance to vote for full legalization of recreational marijuana on November 8.

jump /injack

If you have thought the DEA was tough on Cannabis just wait until Sacramento has this new law passed in November. It will give the State of California an additional $2 billion dollars to blow and the only thing they have to do is talk you into thinking that a new tax is a good thing. California has gone from the 7th largest economy in the WORLD to a debtor state with an "F" credit rating, that's down from a AAA in only a decade. If you ran a business like the politicians run the State of California you'd be out of business with-in 6 months. We have major water problems that have closed down the Central Valley that used to bring in over $20 to $30 Billion Dollars for a fucking fish, 50% of all water now goes into the Ocean because the 'government' can't dam and retain run off and rain water. We have a bill coming up very soon in the CALPERS [that is the retirement fund for those that have worked for the state] which in underfunded and will cost hundreds of billions. Now the same people who have devastated California financially are asking for more billions to blow; NO, they are not to be trusted and you only have to look at the finances to know that truth. You vote for any thing like paying 15%+10% for cannabis, you're voting for the end of Cannabis grown in California, it will come from Mexico and you will be in jail wondering why your doing 10 years for evading tax's. You do not give more money to people who have a track record of lie, cheat and steal. All tax revenues should go into medical research using Cannabis, a 5% overhead should be the maximum taken for any overhead that should be enough, no to any taxes on Cannabis above the 10% sales tax, no to bloated bureaucracy.
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Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
If you have thought the DEA was tough on Cannabis just wait until Sacramento has this new law passed in November. It will give the State of California an additional $2 billion dollars to blow and the only thing they have to do is talk you into thinking that a new tax is a good thing. California has gone from the 7th largest economy in the WORLD to a debtor state with an "F" credit rating, that's down from a AAA in only a decade. If you ran a business like the politicians run the State of California you'd be out of business with-in 6 months. We have major water problems that have closed down the Central Valley that used to bring in over $20 to $30 Billion Dollars for a fucking fish, 50% of all water now goes into the Ocean because the 'government' can't dam and retain run off and rain water. We have a bill coming up very soon in the CALPERS [that is the retirement fund for those that have worked for the state] which in underfunded and will cost hundreds of billions. Now the same people who have devastated California financially are asking for more billions to blow; NO, they are not to be trusted and you only have to look at the finances to know that truth. You vote for any thing like paying 15%+10% for cannabis, you're voting for the end of Cannabis grown in California, it will come from Mexico and you will be in jail wondering why your doing 10 years for evading tax's. You do not give more money to people who have a track record of lie, cheat and steal.

The Blackmarket Will Still Be Thriving, nothing will be coming from Mexico...

The market is so strong already, im not even worrying if this bill does pass...


yah they're trying to honeydick the CA voters for sure. too bad CCHI didnt get on the ballot


if it smells like fish
......yeehaw...fuck harborside tho they only care about lining their own pockets with gold and trying to regulate everyone else out of business...I would love to bitchslap a few of them...cause ya shouldn't hit biotches


ICMag Donor
......yeehaw...fuck harborside tho they only care about lining their own pockets with gold and trying to regulate everyone else out of business...I would love to bitchslap a few of them...cause ya shouldn't hit biotches

sorry for a bit of a change up I just felt the need lol ( some really really good OG lol, have the laughies big time and remember I'm mostly smoking for help with pain so this is an extremely welcomed HIGH that I wasn't expecting and am much thankful for:) )

I still don't quite understand their "grading" for lack of a better word or assigning thc content to their products which have for the most part been disappointing at best, shitty and a waste of money at the worst. I truly respect the owners for what they've done to advance the cause, the risks they've taken. I used to run tonage from the islands to Fla to NJ to NY back in the day but frankly never thought of the consequences until my attorney told me to take off my watch, wedding ring etc ( know what I mean jelly bean? ) but this guy knew what he was facing and proceeded anyway, out in the open not on a go fast boat, and for that I give him lots of respect. But the weed they sell is disappointing and I haven't shopped there in over a year. Sorry.

Congratulations on your win though. I wish no man or woman anywhere on earth would see what I've seen because of weed.


ICMag Donor
If you have thought the DEA was tough on Cannabis just wait until Sacramento has this new law passed in November. It will give the State of California an additional $2 billion dollars to blow and the only thing they have to do is talk you into thinking that a new tax is a good thing. California has gone from the 7th largest economy in the WORLD to a debtor state with an "F" credit rating, that's down from a AAA in only a decade. If you ran a business like the politicians run the State of California you'd be out of business with-in 6 months. We have major water problems that have closed down the Central Valley that used to bring in over $20 to $30 Billion Dollars for a fucking fish, 50% of all water now goes into the Ocean because the 'government' can't dam and retain run off and rain water. We have a bill coming up very soon in the CALPERS [that is the retirement fund for those that have worked for the state] which in underfunded and will cost hundreds of billions. Now the same people who have devastated California financially are asking for more billions to blow; NO, they are not to be trusted and you only have to look at the finances to know that truth. You vote for any thing like paying 15%+10% for cannabis, you're voting for the end of Cannabis grown in California, it will come from Mexico and you will be in jail wondering why your doing 10 years for evading tax's. You do not give more money to people who have a track record of lie, cheat and steal. All tax revenues should go into medical research using Cannabis, a 5% overhead should be the maximum taken for any overhead that should be enough, no to any taxes on Cannabis above the 10% sales tax, no to bloated bureaucracy.

AGREE 1,000% BUT it's still better than anyone seeing the inside of a jail.


AGREE 1,000% BUT it's still better than anyone seeing the inside of a jail.

See thats your problem right there, people will still be facing jail time for possession of over 1 oz or 6 plants, when med already allows you 8 oz currently. Its fraud, phony, scam, hypocrisy whatever you want to call it.

If they want to legalize it now they're seeing $$$$, then they need to pay reparations to anyone who has ever paid so much as a 100 dollar fine, probation fees, done hard time for cannabis. Those people all deserve compensation for that, otherwise its just the government stealing the industry from us.

jump /injack

Why hasn't some California College or University chimed in and said, "yeh, well take $500,000,000 and set up a medical research facility to study the properties of Cannabis and we will let you audit the program, in fact for that type of money we'll give the Cannabis representative office space and fully staff it. This tax money is for research, the State and Federal Government have given nothing for research, just suppression and jail sentences for anyone that wanted to prolong their lives. The State and Federal government have SUPPRESSED all research on this [except for a chickeshit study by the Univ. of Mississippi that they won't realease] because they've been paid in some way like big political contributions to both parties. If there was a breakthrough on a cancer cure, 80% of the pharmaceuticals would have to go out of business. Giving this type of money to a 'government' is like pissing on a 220 line for fun, not very smart.


Active member
Why hasn't some California College or University chimed in and said, "yeh, well take $500,000,000 and set up a medical research facility to study the properties of Cannabis and we will let you audit the program, in fact for that type of money we'll give the Cannabis representative office space and fully staff it. This tax money is for research, the State and Federal Government have given nothing for research, just suppression and jail sentences for anyone that wanted to prolong their lives. The State and Federal government have SUPPRESSED all research on this [except for a chickeshit study by the Univ. of Mississippi that they won't realease] because they've been paid in some way like big political contributions to both parties. If there was a breakthrough on a cancer cure, 80% of the pharmaceuticals would have to go out of business. Giving this type of money to a 'government' is like pissing on a 220 line for fun, not very smart.
what like cal poly pomona, are you asleep at the wheel, apps for all this is already been done:tiphat:

jump /injack

"what like cal poly pomona, are you asleep at the wheel, apps for all this is already been done"


Hey Lyfespan your URL's showed some interesting seed crosses but nothing about Cal Poly being the recipient of any monies for Cannabis Research.

"what like cal poly pomona, are you asleep at the wheel, apps for all this is already been done" will do a "Google Search" and take a look. Good information, post it up but would think UC Davis would be the campus to get the research funds as it is agricultural and very good.
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Active member
"what like cal poly pomona, are you asleep at the wheel, apps for all this is already been done"


Hey Lyfespan your URL's showed some interesting seed crosses but nothing about Cal Poly being the recipient of any monies for Cannabis Research.

"what like cal poly pomona, are you asleep at the wheel, apps for all this is already been done" will do a "Google Search" and take a look. Good information, post it up but would think UC Davis would be the campus to get the research funds as it is agricultural and very good.

Food and Ag will be the ones granting permissions, things are starting to move now as the governing bodies are being put into place. Drug Czar is just starting to make the rounds with information this month:tiphat:


if it smells like fish
See thats your problem right there, people will still be facing jail time for possession of over 1 oz or 6 plants, when med already allows you 8 oz currently. Its fraud, phony, scam, hypocrisy whatever you want to call it.

If they want to legalize it now they're seeing $$$$, then they need to pay reparations to anyone who has ever paid so much as a 100 dollar fine, probation fees, done hard time for cannabis. Those people all deserve compensation for that, otherwise its just the government stealing the industry from us.
actually san diego guidelines say I can have an lb and 24 plants...but I have a growers exemption and am a caregiver for peeps ...this will all change when it goes legal I believe..the end is near...yeehaw