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US Congressmen tired of pointless marijuana arrests



I dunno if its so much that they are looking at it as pointless to arrest people who do the same thing they did /do.... their family members , staffers, etc. do....

So much as it is that they see a better way to make money off pot heads in the penal system.

Once its legalized...?.. YOU are going to be inviting the gov to your grow.. openin the door for Gov inspectors... code enforcement, tax man, fire marshal, etc. etc... people with citation booklets.....

Take california for example... Now that its legal theres no public sympathy for people growers who slp up or grow outside of the guidelines.... folks GET Hammered MEAN KINE HAMMERED by the courts.. MUCHO FINES.. Mandatory Jail time... I mean . they get bent over n done dry....

JUst as we need grocery stores cause not everybody who eats Cheese or drinks milk has a fckn COW in their back yard or knows a farmer.... not everybody wh eats salads has a years supply of salad (letuce) stored away from the fall harvest.... WE NEED folks who grow more than enough for themselves.. ANd that isn't even a consideration yet..NOr will it be....

this "OK u can grow a little" stuff is a half ass step that resolves a TINY portion of the current problem... legalization as it is now being enacted takes about 2% of the pot smoking public off the target list.... the rest of the people who would rather smoke dope than do hard drugs or drink...and don't have the ability to grow their own... will be getting the shaft a lot harder when the government can say "well ya coulda grown your own" ... the gov. is essentially increasing the stakes of the game.. the income it can generate from marijuana... and placating the most vocal proponets of the legalization movement..... YOUR BEING DUPED AMERICA... made into suckers...
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How come when someone conveys a positive message with ungrounded facts everyone calls that person an idiot.

Yet when someone conveys a sinister or controlling message with unrelated facts to support it the sheep herd on up and jump in their cage happily?
Its like the polititians tell you exactly what they are going to do, yet they add little catch phrases and messages purposely catching the ears of the dumbasses after they just bored them to sleep with their complete facism.

Why does the general public need to elect people from a pool of 5 or less options, who tell them what to do and become all-powerful, yet still call themselves free.

Im beginning to understand some of the sterotypes of americans.

Its like being an asshole and going to college for 6-8 years buys you control over masses of people. And the only people fighting back are the non assholes that are either educated or at least not brainwashed and ignorant regaurding 1-1,000 issues they have an opinion on.

I know im speaking very generally, and i give political opinions that may be false or not work out from time to time... But one thing i do understand is the english language, definitions of words, and how polititians and the media lie, decieve and bullshit the public on a weekly sometimes daily basis.

I cant have 100% sympathy for a caregiver or dispensary owner who got busted dispite the law except for the first case.

Ya the laws are stupid, but you have to find out who is empowering these idiots to enforce futile laws and then petition and swarm them with letters of disencourgement, reasons why their efforts mean nothing, and offer them routes where tax dollars could be more well-spent.

They will probably die pushing their facist agenda, but at least they will die in frustration and futility.

Weed will never be truly extinct unless they spray the whole fukin planet with herbicide, so whats the point of confiscating a couple pounds and lieing about its value?
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THe focal POINT of the post is the fact that the supply to 98% of the Marijuana users isn't even being considered for legalization.

The tract being taken by the government ...which is being applauded by the PRo Legalization movement....is NOT in their best interest.

Let me put it another way,

The most sympathetic and vocal figures in the Legalization movement are the TRUE MEDICINAl users.. this makes up about 2% of the pot smoking public.

They are being offered the opportunity to grow their own, in some states.

The typical MJ Arrestee, the other 98% .....is neither medicinal, or able to grow his/her own supply....

The typical Grower Arrestee...the supplier to the 98% who cannot grow their own.... isn't even being considered for legalization...
INFACT they are both being targeted for increased punishment..

THERE IS PUBLIC SYMPATHY for victims of the MJ laws, so much so that many are being spared jail time....I.E. THe Government isn't getting them into the SYSATEM as deep as they used to get them....
POINT -- THe GOvernment MAKes MOney off people being in the SYSTEm rather than Outside it-- THe larger the Prison the larger the Gov. Bureaucracy that runs em-- More Gov appointees.. more political appointees, more POWER...

The Strategy of the Government being applauded by the PRo legalization movement

Taxes, and opens the doors for GOv. inspectors...on the Medicinal users growing their own... thereby increasing Government revenue from that small but vocal group whom the general public has enormous sympathy for... While taking them out of the debate.
the strategy also Legitimizes the Governments targeting of the other 98% of MJ arrestees.... therby enabling them to push for harder sentences, higher fines... Allows the GOv. to increase the number of charges on a MJ arestee, Tax evasion, code violation, just to name a few....

Thus they essentially dismantle the PRo Legalization movement, take the legs out from under it... AND INcrease the INcome generated from Marijuana Users at the same time... Without having LEGALIZED it ...
Think its called a .. FLim FLAM .... a STING ...


B- your flying over there head......You cant change neo hippy or wanna be hippy thinking your Flying above there radar.....

Im sure a read alot done a littles, will chime in~see you at the spot holla :spank:


Active member
b52, you put some time into your thoughts i can tell. it has some merit, but i think the people are seeing the false-front the "medical" movement is putting up. and know its just a bunch of young guys trying to smoke at home as the prime "target" every paper article has it, so the next step is to abolish the medical and embrace full-on federal legalization, itll be trouble at first, the gov will be retarded at first, but 5 or 10 years after legalization people will look back at how stupid they/gov was, just like with alcohol prohib. but yea, untill then its the non-medical users getting the boot. cali law just declared that(by president) that you dont actualy have to be 'current' on your recomendation to be "medical" still.

also most cops in cali brush off weed as a non-issue in the first place, ive had my "car bubbler" in the hands of more then a dozen pigs and none have even tried giving me grief about smoking, one cop, while i had a 3ft bong in the back seat, told be , "forget the weed, where is the coke, and speed".of course there are the few total dicks.

hey you dont happen to be b52 from AN?


b52, you put some time into your thoughts i can tell. it has some merit, but i think the people are seeing the false-front the "medical" movement is putting up. and know its just a bunch of young guys trying to smoke at home as the prime "target" every paper article has it, so the next step is to abolish the medical and embrace full-on federal legalization, itll be trouble at first, the gov will be retarded at first, but 5 or 10 years after legalization people will look back at how stupid they/gov was, just like with alcohol prohib. but yea, untill then its the non-medical users getting the boot. cali law just declared that(by president) that you dont actualy have to be 'current' on your recomendation to be "medical" still.

also most cops in cali brush off weed as a non-issue in the first place, ive had my "car bubbler" in the hands of more then a dozen pigs and none have even tried giving me grief about smoking, one cop, while i had a 3ft bong in the back seat, told be , "forget the weed, where is the coke, and speed".of course there are the few total dicks.

hey you dont happen to be b52 from AN?
No ..but I know who your talkin bout... what a guy !! I actually have a picture of him on my walll that I pray to everyday....

YEah..LOL... I dont smoke dope myself..cept when I harvest maybe I'll take a taste..but ..anyhow..Sometimes I forget that most members of this site light up a bong then go online...
INteresting to note, ..If I were posting to an ACID dropping site..people woulda read the post and saw the whole thing for what it was.. in 3 D, LOL...
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Bullshit, this whole thread... some valid points and 50 invalid ones. seems like people use information to start an anti-information debate.

Once its legalized...?.. YOU are going to be inviting the gov to your grow.. openin the door for Gov inspectors... code enforcement, tax man, fire marshal, etc. etc... people with citation booklets.....

not sure what you are trying to say but it sound like you are saying that legalizing cannabis will cause people to search your house with frequent occurrence.

personally, i think legalizing cannabis will cause the 20year old college student to have 1 pot plant in his back yard and the GOV will say, thats ok.

are you offended that legalizing cannabis will cut into your; big time, organized criminals, mafioso organization for lost money through the elimination of prohibition?

stfu, Al Capon.


jack DA reaper said:
bump :violin: :violin:

Of course you disagree Your one of the 2% 007


IF you read --and take two seconds to actually understand the extremely simple point I'm making--- Then read some of the responses---

You'll find the responses illustrate very clearly what a simple task it is for these Spinmasters n Professional Politicians in Washington to burn the hell outta the Marijuana Smokers of AMerica... I mean.... they havent had it this good since the DRUNKEN DRIVERS of AMERICA came to them for support in legalizing DUI............. MAN its just freakin sad..LOL........ Until ya read their posts its easy to think of MJ TOKErs as being a group made up of primarily REGULAR Guys- Happy Go lucky JOE Averages........... Spend some time on the forums n you find that the Regular Joes ----wellthey may bot be outnumbered but they dam sure are out posted by chronicaly depressed underachievers who also happen to be pot smokers..LOL


Active member
b52 said:
YEah..LOL... I dont smoke dope myself..cept when I harvest maybe I'll take a taste..but ..anyhow..

pSi007 said:
are you offended that legalizing cannabis will cut into your; big time, organized criminals, mafioso organization for lost money through the elimination of prohibition?

stfu, Al Capon.


"I guess that makes me 1%" (Jane's Addiction)
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The laws against people who consume marijuana have been a fraud since 1996.

All persons convicted since then, under either state or federal law, should have their convictions set aside ASAP.

Documentation will follow shortly on a new thread.

I intend to make a site available where a single person will be able to plug in their information and produce a document that would be taylored for their own current court case.

Stay tuned and tell your friends.

Anyone that has a case outstanding.


Let me put that another way

In the United States,

there has been no law against marijuana since 1996.

Gert Lush

Active member
peanutbutter said:
In the United States, there has been no law against marijuana since 1996.
Why what happened in 1996? Were the laws repealed? If not, what makes you think they're no longer on the statutes?

Gert Lush

Active member
Also, I find it interesting that a major news item like this got so little coverage.

I mean, the OP cites that well-known publication "Macedonia Online"!!!!!
Oh, well, good, at least the Macedonians are taking an interest.

I managed to find an entry in "Alternet", and a little post on "Cannabis News", and that's it. Most strange.


peanutbutter said:
Let me put that another way

In the United States,

there has been no law against marijuana since 1996.

Eh you weren't by any chance Wesley Snipes Tax Consultant were ya?

The Hawaiians take this approach all the time, I used to be incarcerated with a few of em that boughtinto it for years n years - Imena they really believed it in their hearts.... unfortunatly..their hearts were connected to their asses which were sitting in Halawa Correctional Center.. ..

Its Illegal folks.... N it aint getting any closer to being legal for schmucks like us......
Course ya can go on believeing what ya have been told to believe if ya want.. .. kinda like Christianity or any religion for that matter- When the time comes to put up or shut up--- and your sittin there lookin like a dumbass.... its time to accept that the only reason you beleived in it is because you WANTED TO believe in it.... LOL

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