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Ur two cents here



Ive see plants look like that Quite a few times.The chem sis i had produced blotches of
that effect on many occasions.harmless Though..


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
Is there any chance that plant is right in front of a fan?

Some of my leaves of my plants that are right in direct sight of the flow of the fan get like that.


Active member
Your friend inspected that plant, and advised you to toss it? Your friend is no expert. In future, ask his advice on plant matters for entertainment purposes only. Good luck. -granger


Active member
Broad mites. Cut off and scope the underside of one of the twisted looking leaves with a 100X scope. You are looking for eggs. They are microscopic, so you must have a scope and look carefully. The twisting & distorted leaves are a sign, though.


High country cat herder
Get a scope and take a long hard look at the bottom of the leaves. Personally I e never dealt with broad mites, but that does look suspiciously like insect damage. Eliminate that possibility first.

Wind burn was also mentioned, and I have seen leaves look exactly like that from being directly in the wind blast from my circulation fans.


New member
Ya the fan is blow n right on them .. Fan burn smh . never would of looked at that as a posable prob .. I will adjust that .. Sprayed with neem oil hopefully that will do the trick thanks for the input

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