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UPS Package

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Active member
If you smear a layer of vaseline between layers of plastic (vacuum bags or saran wrap) it creates a petroleum jelly odor barrier. I'm sure that an employee smelled the package and promptly ripped it open, it won't smell with the vaseline layer.

He said he double vacced it...no one smelt it. Probably the guy on the other end pulling some shit.


Tropical Outcast

Or use a dye pack.

It is impossible to get that stuff off for at least 3 days.


Couldn't you get a biker mate to do a courier style delivery
in exchange for a bit of bud for his time and petrol - fair play both ways then..?


He said he double vacced it...no one smelt it. Probably the guy on the other end pulling some shit.

^^ Yep, trust me, a ups employee did NOT take it, they go thru security when they go in and out of work, I have friends that work for ups and fed ex and they all have said its really hard to steal shit. the ONLY way i have seen people get shit out of ups is when a package breaks open and they just pay the insurance for it and put it in a box, then the security can take it, OR if security finds someone stealing something... then Ups security takes the item and pays the insurance, ive seen it happen a few times, My buddy has gotten me PSP's, headphones.. ect.. to be honost, id say the recipent of the package is jacking you, hope you get to the bottem of this, peace


Fed Ex contracts some deliveries to couriers. I could have stolen so much shit from the distribution facility I helped out at. I was one of the couriers from an outside company. I delivered packages that had already been abused in transit before I picked them up, and perfectly fine packages. Sometimes I could tell what was inside. Once, pitching boxes, one fell open and a bunch of quilting and pillows fell out. Restuffed it as best I could, but there was no tape available to fix the box.

The only security was a guard shack where I signed my name and company. No inspections, nothing. I could have taken out plenty of packages that weren't on my list and no one would have known.

(Actually, while making these Fed Ex pick ups, my stash was generally under my car seat every day. 8))
As others have said, you should really make sure that the weed didn't actually make it to the receiver. It sounds like someone just ran off with your nugs and made up a story. Either way, sorry to hear about your loss.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Shipping buds is a bad idea, and a really good way to end up in jail. ;)


i used fed ex next day air to hawaii and it worked like a charm, if u make hotel reservations they know ur room # 5 days before check in, so u can call the front desk get ur room number and send it to the room with no name on it, and send it from a fake name as well. it was on the kitchen counter of our condo when we arrived after a hard day of travel LOL
i figured the faster the box moved the less chance of it sitting in a hot fed ex truck stinkin it up for some one to rip me off.
and yes it was the ups guy that ripped you off.


ICMag Donor
Enough of the conversation regarding sending herb through the mail. It's a Federal offense and this site doesn't condone it......
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