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Update on Recent Raids


Jeff Lebowski


Despite new state regs, Feds crack down in California

Ignoring guidelines recently issued by Attorney General Jerry Brown, written with support from advocacy group Americans for Safe Access, the Feds raided four medipot shops this past week - two in Long Beach, one in Laguna Beach and one in Cherryland. "DEA activity continues despite attempts at oversight and scrutiny," says ASA's George Pappas.

Who got hit:

• Long Beach Holistics, 745 E. Fourth St.

• HHA, Long Beach, 834 E. Fourth St.

• We Are Hemp, Cherryland (Alameda County), 931 East Lewelling Blvd.

• Laguna Beach Holistic Center

ASA reports: "Local law enforcement participated in the raids in Alameda and Laguna Beach, though it is unconfirmed whether local police were involved in the Long Beach raids. This comes just one month after California Attorney General Jerry Brown explicitly directed all California police to obey local and state, not federal laws. It was uncertain why local police were violating the directive of the Attorney General, though departments that participated have been identified as expressly hostile to California's medical cannabis law."
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livin my way the high way
sounds like some little piggies need to be fired for not following a direct order. maybe the system will be a little cleaner if they do get the boot.


Active member
zingablack said:
sounds like some little piggies need to be fired for not following a direct order. maybe the system will be a little cleaner if they do get the boot.

Gee, ya think I'd get fired if I basically told my 'most superior' officer to F'Off?

Granted our *ahem* loving feds were probably reaaaaaaaally nice about it. (not)

Probably wouldn't take much threatening of what they could do to the department if they didn't cooperate. Plenty of officers that are just pissed off at life in general and never learned about medical cannabis to go do a raid. Never seem to find a shortage of those idiots these days.

Met a LOT of really nice officers in my days. Most wouldn't step up and swear to uphold the crap that's in our legal system today. They'd be too ashamed to be a part of it.

Times are changing more quickly these days..... the younger generation has a majority of lost souls running it.


New US Attorneys will be appointed in the first half of 2009. The DEA's war on MM will end with the election of Obama.


Mackawber: hopefully, but with Joe Biden as the VP...not sure how much will change in the MM front.
Hydro-Soil said:
Gee, ya think I'd get fired if I basically told my 'most superior' officer to F'Off?

State/Local police are not paid by the feds.

They follow a chain of command. Their 'most superior' officers are the local mayors and the governor.