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Up In Smoke Cafe in Hamilton Raided by Police

Up In Smoke Cafe in Hamilton Raided by Police
by Marc Emery (08 Mar, 2006) Reports came in after police answered telephone. Last updated at 12.44 a.m. Thursday eastern time

The Up In Smoke Cafe, from CH News
The Up In Smoke Cafe at 227 King St. East in Hamilton, Ontario was raided Wednesday, March 8th by police. Owner Chris Goodwin was arrested along with three employees, and taken to Hamilton Police Headquarters.

The charge against Goodwin is possession and trafficking. Stephanie Spicer ("Bong Pixie" on the CC Forums) is charged with possession and trafficking in pot cookies. Davin ("Maddchronic" on the CC Forums) is charged with possession.

After the nearby Sandbar Tavern in Hamilton was seized by police as a "crack house", a plain clothes police officer entered Up In Smoke. Chris, Davin and a volunteer Steve were smoking a joint. The plain clothes officer snatched the joint out of Davin's hand and said "You're all under arrest for possession of a controlled substance."

Goodwin was led away with the two others while police inspected the premises. They eventually took the cash register for the store and stayed inside the store for four hours. No warrant was presented to anyone.

Goodwin is being held overnight with a court appearance on Thursday morning for bail. Chris' previous charges for possession will likely incur the removal of his bail and it's possible Goodwin could be in jail for some time. His lawyer is Peter Bushie. Stephanie Spicer has been released from police custody but her release conditions prohibit her from going back to the store or within 2 blocks of the premises.

Chris Goodwin is the most visible and uncompromising cannabis legalization activist in Ontario. His shop, Up In Smoke Cafe, had been visited by Hamilton police over 200 times in its 18 month history, and over 30 customers have been charged with marijuana possession on various visits. Up In Smoke was selling seeds, bongs, pipes and had a private lounge for members to smoke and use vaporizers.

We are in contact with Chris Goodwin's parents and staff of the Up In Smoke Cafe, and will post more details here as they become available. To stay up to date, people can call Stephanie Spicer at 905-518-4132 or 905-574-4131.

Stephanie Spicer has determined that Matt Mernagh, Chris Lawson and John will open the Up In Smoke Cafe Thursday morning.

The phone number at Up In Smoke is 905-777-9119. Customers are urged to visit and donate to the legal defence fund for the four. Please go to Up In Smoke and buy merchandise, help put the Cafe back on its feet again. Cannabis Culture urges everyone in the movement to visit Up In Smoke as a homage to the great courage shown by Chris Goodwin, one of the pre-eminent cannabis activists in the world. Chris is one of the great ones, and we cannot let him down now.

Make "FREE CHRIS GOODWIN" and "Long Live the Up In Smoke Cafe" banners for protesting. Tim Meehen, Puff Mama, Alison Myrden and other activists will be converging at Up In Smoke Thursday.

To see a clip on the bust, go here, and we will provide news clips on Pot-TV as they come in.

For more discussion and updates about this story, visit the CC Forums "Up In Smoke Cafe Raided" thread.


New member
Yeah the guy who owns it is actually really cool and the one girl who worked there is really nice and very attractive.

Just a shame in general.

Seems like a right wing shift is going on in Canada.


Well it's about damn time for you Canucks to throw the USA out of your country. I live in the U.S. and it pisses me off to see Bush and his cronies pushing their weight around. You guys are leading the charge of legalization and i support you. Things are way out of whack down here. Don't give up the fight just cuz some frickin conservatives got elected. You know they're sucking George's dick and will do whatever he tells them to do. Things look to be going to shit since then. Get off your asses and get it done. REVOLT! Coup! Civil war!! Whatever it takes...throw the conservatives out before it's too late! And you end up like us...doing a year for and ounce.

Good news is availability is at a record high!!! woohoo!!


New member
Nah emery is saying that if they don't reopen immediatly they will lose all thier customers but the owner is still to paranoid to open up again.


always hopeful yet discontent
akornpatch said:
Well it's about damn time for you Canucks to throw the USA out of your country. I live in the U.S. and it pisses me off to see Bush and his cronies pushing their weight around. You guys are leading the charge of legalization and i support you. Things are way out of whack down here. Don't give up the fight just cuz some frickin conservatives got elected. You know they're sucking George's dick and will do whatever he tells them to do. Things look to be going to shit since then. Get off your asses and get it done. REVOLT! Coup! Civil war!! Whatever it takes...throw the conservatives out before it's too late! And you end up like us...doing a year for and ounce.

Good news is availability is at a record high!!! woohoo!!

you said it akorn. bush's cronies in canada are gonna try and bring down the whole canna-culture up there...


Since I like what you were trying to say I'll translate that for those who may not understand what you wrote (I had to read it a few times). "They're open again. Emery's an Idiot who doesn't know shit."

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