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Unregulated use of pesticedes on America's most popular crop



If you think about it, there are no directions on how to use pesticides on cannabis. certain plants act differently to certain poisons. Do you guys think this is a big problem, or is it ok?


I was thinking this same thing myself, i was actually coming in here to post a thread about it...haha...glad i found this.

So we all know Cannabis is way healthier than tobacco...The radioactive chemicals used on tobacco is directly contributed to the cancer cigarettes cause...among many other things...

so lets say cannabis finally gets legalized...what's to keep corporate bastards from growing the main supply, using the same radioactive pesticides and fertilizers on cannabis? It wouldn't be long until weed causes cancer too. Then they'll just say "see, it was bad all along".



Active member
I'm pretty sure the Mexcan drug cartels are not growing pesticide free. In fact, i think Mexico is one of the countries that DDT is still legal and used all the time...
Just another dangerous side effect of drug prohibition, you have no idea what pesticides or other nasty shit comes with your green sack.


I'm pretty sure the Mexcan drug cartels are not growing pesticide free. In fact, i think Mexico is one of the countries that DDT is still legal and used all the time...

Its not about pointing our fingers at who is doing it, I think we have all probably misused a pesticide at one point, basically because there are no instructions on how to use pesticdes on flowering cannabis. It's not good to do something potentially harmful to yourself and others, if you are uninformed and don't know shit.

so lets say cannabis finally gets legalized...what's to keep corporate bastards from growing the main supply, using the same radioactive pesticides and fertilizers on cannabis? It wouldn't be long until weed causes cancer too. Then they'll just say "see, it was bad all along".
very possible

Pesticides OMRI or not have to be dosed/used carefully per sq foot area, A TON of people don't follow those directions.


She sounds like some kind of urban legend lol but don't use avid for spidermiters.Hang a no pest strip for 48-72 hours and good by spidermites.I wouldnt use dichlorvous which is the active ingredient in no pest strips on plants about to be harvested,but its got me out of a few fixes


I dont know all the particulars on this but I read a story about a MMJ pioneer from the northwest.She helped a bunch of people and handled a bunch of weed for years.She was in the game from early on. If I remember right the residual pesticide in the pot took her out from all the years of handling.
Sister Jane was her name.


after reading that I got kind of freaked out. i have smoked alot of bud from a lot of different places, I had to have been hit with floramite or avid somehow.


for how serious this situation is I'd think more people would be rallying on this.. I can see 10-15 years from now a lot of people going down to cancer because some idiots like to spray their "cash crop" with nasty shit and not have a care in the world.. To me those "kids" who are fucking other people over in a serious way deserve to be punished in a serious way... Even here on ICMAG, I see people talking about how they grow their cash crop in hydro (sprayed with nutrients, pesticides, and nasty chemicals till the end of flowering), and they grow their headstash organic and won't spray during flowering... can you believe that there's actually assholes like this around this site? The people that do this need their caps blown off in 5 different ways... Please look out for these shithead punks advertising that they taint their cash crop... Organic is the way to go, anyone who has done a hydro vs organic side-by-side should know that whether a hydro plant is flushed or not, it still won't be as gentle on the lungs as an organic plant, but all people have is green in their eyes, and hate in their hearts... This is not what cannabis is supposed to be about, but when the wrong people get a hold of a good thing they tend to ruin everything.. Next time you see a punk talking about how he likes to secretly hurt other people, do us all a favor and stab him in his neck 10 times like Joe Pesci did in casino...


for how serious this situation is I'd think more people would be rallying on this.. I can see 10-15 years from now a lot of people going down to cancer because some idiots like to spray their "cash crop" with nasty shit and not have a care in the world.. To me those "kids" who are fucking other people over in a serious way deserve to be punished in a serious way... Even here on ICMAG, I see people talking about how they grow their cash crop in hydro (sprayed with nutrients, pesticides, and nasty chemicals till the end of flowering), and they grow their headstash organic and won't spray during flowering... can you believe that there's actually assholes like this around this site? The people that do this need their caps blown off in 5 different ways... Please look out for these shithead punks advertising that they taint their cash crop... Organic is the way to go, anyone who has done a hydro vs organic side-by-side should know that whether a hydro plant is flushed or not, it still won't be as gentle on the lungs as an organic plant, but all people have is green in their eyes, and hate in their hearts... This is not what cannabis is supposed to be about, but when the wrong people get a hold of a good thing they tend to ruin everything.. Next time you see a punk talking about how he likes to secretly hurt other people, do us all a favor and stab him in his neck 10 times like Joe Pesci did in casino...

Dude you need a hug, or maybe some nice organic hash. Yummy. I agree with what you say. However stabbing people, and kicking their asses will not do anything except make you or myself look crazy. The best thing to do is just respectfully share the knowledge of how fucked up these chemicals are. The same shit is done to 95% of the GMO food in the grocery store. I think this is just the American way. Gotte love Merica!

miss addy

New member
My husband died from T/Cell lymphoma, a cancer that is thought to be linked to agricultural pesticides. We smoked a lot of herb and lived in a highly agricultural area. He was a prick, but I loved him and he is gone. He died at 34


...I see people talking about how they grow their cash crop in hydro (sprayed with nutrients, pesticides, and nasty chemicals till the end of flowering)...

...anyone who has done a hydro vs organic side-by-side should know that whether a hydro plant is flushed or not, it still won't be as gentle on the lungs as an organic plant, but all people have is green in their eyes, and hate in their hearts...

Dude, have you ever grown hydroponically? Because it seems like you've got some serious hate on for it. A hydroponic grow doesn't mean any more pesticide use than an otherwise organic grow.

What are these nasty chemicals that the "greedy punk kids" who grow in hydro are spraying all over their customer's nugz? Because while there may be a few cash hungry assholes out there, I imagine there's probably just as many that grow in soil as opposed to hydro.

Shit, if you wanted to, you could grow 100% organically in hydroponics.

Don't hate the method, hate the abuser.


A friend of mine says the local shwag smells like raid and burns his throat. I got the pleasure of smelling some local mids not too long ago, the shit had a horrible chemical smell (not like chemdawg) but like nasty shit had been sprayed on it.

I never really thought to much of this issue til I started growing indoor organic, what you plants eat and breathe will eventually make it into you. I used to know this guy that would hose down his flowering plants with one of those miracle grow hose sprayers. This is what you are dealing with when you dont know much about the source, too much of this stuff going on.