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Unkown bug problem?


I have recently found some unidentified brown and yellowish tiny specks on the tops of the leaves. They are mostly found towards the beginning of the fan of the leaves. I have never seen anything like this and it almost looks like microscopic specs of dirt. There are no webs or eggs on the underside of the leaves which leads me to believe that they are not spidermites. Please help me identify this problem. Any feedback is greatly appriciated. Thank you for your time.


Active member
I'm not going to bother guessing which bug you have but recommend you get some neem oil and start using it till you know which bug you have been checking it out a little better.


try to shake the plant when something if flying away of it could be whiteflies. anyway a picture could fix even more :)

mr. b

New member
pics would help a bunch here, for some reason i'm thinking you have the start of a ph problem, i have a home cross that is ph sensitive


No not that I can see, not sure if it's a bug problem or some kind of fuckup mold or something. It for sure kills the plants though! Any ideas? Neem oil does not seam to work in stopping it...


New member
if you cant post a pic, then look under the leaf and see it there are little tinny specks moving around, sounds like spidermites. But with out some good pics it could be a few others.
First let me say that it is definately not spider mites if there is anything brown going on. I have seen spider mites lots of times. Only once on my weed though, thanks miracle grow soil.... Spider mites will eat everything except the cell walls usually but I have never seen brown spots large enough to point out from spidermites. And spidermites leave a whitish colored speck which is actually a bite make where they have eaten a microscopic section of the plant. plus neem oil would kill mites and nearly all other insects.

I need to know what kind of ferts your using, I assume chemical, not organic. If you are using chemical ferts, I very highly suggest you hit them with a table spoon and a half of fish emulsion. that stuff works miracles without being too technically advanced. If it is the ferts the emulsion will get the plants healthy within a week or so. Plus its cheap and it absoluitly cant hurt your plants unless you add wayyyyy too much.

the reason why I ask if your using chemical ferts is because I had this problem nearly every grow with chemical ferts then I switched to organic I never had another problem unless I pushed them to their limits with the organic ferts then all that happened was leaf taco-ing, and all you have to do for that is feed straight water until the leaf flattens out.

Anyway I hope that is helpful. Plus you can use emulsion along with your chemical ferts for a very bountiful harvest.

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