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Unknown deficiency


New member
Here is some background info on these plants.
Strain- White Widow
medium- hempy bucket
nutes- general hydroponics(grow, micro, bloom) and foxfarm open sesame
light- 600w hps 400w mh
age-5.5weeks, 1.5 weeks since flipping to 12/12

I am having some problems with these guys, the new growth is often a very light green and small/shrunken. They also seem to be stunted, they were absolutely blowing up before but since around the time we switched to 12/12 they have slowed down. they haven't stretched very much and only one of them has even shown sex. Normally by now all of the plants would have shown sex and would be stretching like crazy but these just aren't. A lot of the bud sites are small and just don't seem as healthy as they should be.

As of right now we are giving them roughly a half gallon each with 3 teaspoons of bloom, 2 of micro, one of grow and a quarter tsp of open sesame every 2 days. We haven't had any issues with burn and I know they aren't getting too much but we are hesitant to keep bumping up the nute levels but there is a clearly some kind of problem. I was thinking maybe a sulfur deficiency? Gonna add some epsom salts next time, they haven't had any at all so far. I was also thinking maybe the roots/plants are too cold at night? What kind of symptoms would show from the plants being too cold? Unfortunately don't have a thermometer at the moment but i can't imagine it gets below 45 or 40 at lowest at night. That seems like it could be too cold though so maybe it is having an effect?

Anyway, here are some pictures, I am open to any ideas or suggestions. Let me know if any more info is needed and thanks in advance. I really want these ladies to recover and do better.







Midnight Tokar

I don't know.........they look healthy to me. I'm thinking the combo of switching to 12/12 and with temps near 40 may have stalled them.


The plants look like they are suffering from low temps. They are cold, they quit drinking and eating as much, 45 is too cold. Shit slows way down for me if my lights off temps get below 60 but I never let them get below 65.


New member
I don't know.........they look healthy to me. I'm thinking the combo of switching to 12/12 and with temps near 40 may have stalled them.

I mean yea they are mostly healthy, they look a lot yellower under the hps so maybe it just looked worse than it is. they are definitely stunted though and I feel like the new growth is too small and shows signs of some kind of deficiency. Gonna keep a heater running when the lights are off now so hopefully that will help but I think it's more than just that.


New member
The plants look like they are suffering from low temps. They are cold, they quit drinking and eating as much, 45 is too cold. Shit slows way down for me if my lights off temps get below 60 but I never let them get below 65.

Ok so you don't think there is a deficiency otherwise? I don't know if it actually gets down to 40-45 but the lows at night are in the low 20's and they are in a cold basement so it could definitely get there.
Even if there was you really shouldn't try to diagnose or treat a deficiency without checking PH.

To cold gets my vote.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
The plants look like they are suffering from low temps. They are cold, they quit drinking and eating as much, 45 is too cold. Shit slows way down for me if my lights off temps get below 60 but I never let them get below 65.
yup gotta agree, look like a buddies show that had low temp issues.

They will explode if you give em temps of just over 80 degrees

they look good, that look is similar to when they are goin strong

if you did not let me know the temp I would have a hard time with this one.

put the light closer to warm em up, sounds like you can add another light no problem and still have decent temps

Good luck, puff on


Non Conformist
It takes -all- the spokes in the wheel for it to roll right, and the temps are as important as any other spoke in that wheel.

They'll continue to blow up when they warm up...

I used ta have a veg room that I could lower the temps and change the MH bulb from warm to cool, and stop them in their tracks! It was handy when I got ahead of my self in the flowering room.

Jus turn up the temps, change the bulb, and bang! like they never missed a beat. No signs of them being unhappy, and no loss of vigor, at all. It helped me out more than once. lol

Good luck, BC


New member
Even if there was you really shouldn't try to diagnose or treat a deficiency without checking PH.

To cold gets my vote.

Ah sorry completely forgot to include the ph. Ph has been at 5.8, sometimes down to 5.5 but no lower than that.

yup gotta agree, look like a buddies show that had low temp issues.

They will explode if you give em temps of just over 80 degrees

they look good, that look is similar to when they are goin strong

if you did not let me know the temp I would have a hard time with this one.

put the light closer to warm em up, sounds like you can add another light no problem and still have decent temps

Good luck, puff on

Alright nice. I will drop the lights a bit and try to make sure it stays warm in there overnight. How important is the temperature of the water when I water it? That is another thing that has been pretty damn cold and I feel is having an impact as well. Is there an optimum temp for the water?

It takes -all- the spokes in the wheel for it to roll right, and the temps are as important as any other spoke in that wheel.

They'll continue to blow up when they warm up...

I used ta have a veg room that I could lower the temps and change the MH bulb from warm to cool, and stop them in their tracks! It was handy when I got ahead of my self in the flowering room.

Jus turn up the temps, change the bulb, and bang! like they never missed a beat. No signs of them being unhappy, and no loss of vigor, at all. It helped me out more than once. lol

Good luck, BC
Glad to hear they recover quickly, hopefully by the end of the week I will see some of that explosive growth I have been missing out on.

Thanks everyone for the responses, I really appreciate it.


Def cold temps.
get a heater and set it for 80 daytime and 68 night
water with 68F - 72F
water pH 6.4


It looks like those buckets are directly on the cold floor. I could be wrong but if they are get em up at least so 2 inches of air can get under them....thats if its a cold floor. I could not imagine 45 degrees would make any weed happy no matter what part of the country its from. My flower room stays between 77 and 81 degrees.....the veg cab which is in the flower room will hit 83 when the flower room is up 2 80 so I keep it at 77 as much as possible.

What TR33 said also is correct.



New member
It looks like those buckets are directly on the cold floor. I could be wrong but if they are get em up at least so 2 inches of air can get under them....thats if its a cold floor. I could not imagine 45 degrees would make any weed happy no matter what part of the country its from. My flower room stays between 77 and 81 degrees.....the veg cab which is in the flower room will hit 83 when the flower room is up 2 80 so I keep it at 77 as much as possible.

What TR33 said also is correct.


I put them up on bricks so they stay off of the floor. It was really cold and I'm sure that wasn't helping. They already look better after a day of the heater being on so hopefully they will just bounce back now and start to get as big as I think they should be getting.

I do have question about ph though, TR33 said that I should be ph'ing to 6.4? I thought it was supposed to be lower then that when you are doing hydro and since hempy is a form of hydro I've been watering at about 5.8 each time. Should I really be giving them something like 6.4 instead? There is a little bit of twisting in the leaves sometimes and I have been wondering about the ph. It never looks that bad though really so I'm unsure of what it should be at.


Looks to me like a ph problem, are you sure(without reading any of the replies above) your meter is calibrated? I've had no issues with temps going down alot at night, i've even had a mother survive 3 months of 5-10 c without issues, well not this kind of issue anyway. Looks underfed because of ph lockout.

Ph should be around 5.8 to 6.2, mine drift from about 5.6 to 6.2 before i correct and they love it.


Cold night temps!! Had the same thing when night was 60, with white widdow. Keep it at 65 and they will look better in 2 days!


I put them up on bricks so they stay off of the floor. It was really cold and I'm sure that wasn't helping. They already look better after a day of the heater being on so hopefully they will just bounce back now and start to get as big as I think they should be getting.

I do have question about ph though, TR33 said that I should be ph'ing to 6.4? I thought it was supposed to be lower then that when you are doing hydro and since hempy is a form of hydro I've been watering at about 5.8 each time. Should I really be giving them something like 6.4 instead? There is a little bit of twisting in the leaves sometimes and I have been wondering about the ph. It never looks that bad though really so I'm unsure of what it should be at.
If you are doing Hempys like hempy has told, than you dont need to check your ph, nutrients will bring it down to where it should be. If you are doing them like Hempy.


ICMag Donor
I am on the temp wagon too... but iron def. along with P def. is what you are seeing from cold n wet conditions at night. Night heat for sure and break the thermal barrier between the brick and your bucket and floor(r-max, foam, wood?) that should keep root zone warmer. keep the plant transpiring by changing the air, burn some co2, run that heater in the daytime whatever just get some o2 to the roots as soon as you can. In the 2nd pic left side that leaf looks thin and papery? as opposed to soft and succulent if that makes sense? PH should never be ruled out with salt based ferts. that could be a big part of it. Its times like these that hone your skills with ladies. They look pretty healthy, you will be fine. NS

p.s. build a makeshift grow tent with plastic or even cardboard to trap that heat homie, think microclimate!
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How important is the temperature of the water when I water it? That is another thing that has been pretty damn cold and I feel is having an impact as well. Is there an optimum temp for the water?

Chilly water can really freak out a plant. If you had a water reservoir heater and keep that around 65-75 degrees F your plants roots will love it AND it will keep the room at a more constant temperature.

Glad to hear the heater is helping. Temps are definitely an important thing. Great fluctuations in heat/cold can really effect the plants. You probably can see that now :)