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United's 1st ever grow - 250 cfl in small tent, LST &/or SCROG ?!

hi mate - looking good! - have you worked out how you are going to attach screens to pot yet? or are you going to repot again before that?

'what are your strains??. i tend to repot, fit the screen and flip at the same time - i find that the repot encourages some stretch.'


VG - Thanks. I think I am going to screw them into the pots, kind of like the way you do but instead of screwing through the top of the screen frame into the top of the bamboo, I have cut a section out of the top of the bamboo (like a ledge) which I will them screw into the side of the screen. I think using this cut out it will help when creating the angle of the bamboo to screw into the pot.

I'm currently using 1 gall pots and hoped that would be enough for this grow. What do you think? I've only got about 70-75cm of total growth height (including the pot).

I'm currently growing White Rhino Fem seeds by Greenhouse Seeds, I'm led to believe that this is a short bushy plant any way and hoped to keep all the buds at the top of the screen instead of around it Xmas tree stlye.

Plants are currently 35 days from going in the ground and I've been feeding veg for around 23 days.... plants are about 8"-9" tall and 10"-12" wide. Some of the lower shoots are starting to get to canopy height...next update I will take some more pics of lower levels.

Also....what does eveyone do with the large fan leaves?? I know they are good for absorbing light but what if they are in the way of the lower shoots (which are bud creators)??

Every bodies comments are welcome and appreciated!!:joint::joint:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor

i like your idea of screwing through the side of the cane - that should work quite well as long as they are sturdy.

pot size - scrog should control your height - i would go for as big as you can fit in there really 2-3 gallon maybe

the plants look happy :)


leaves - i dont remove many - and i might remove a finger or two rather than the whole leaf. or you can tuck them under the screen
Another Update!!

Another Update!!


i like your idea of screwing through the side of the cane - that should work quite well as long as they are sturdy.

pot size - scrog should control your height - i would go for as big as you can fit in there really 2-3 gallon maybe

the plants look happy :)


leaves - i dont remove many - and i might remove a finger or two rather than the whole leaf. or you can tuck them under the screen

Thanks VG!!

Ok so time for another update...

These were the girls last week...

Then on Saturday I decided it was time I fitted the screen :yoinks::yoinks:

It was a bit of a quick job which needs a little extra work to tidy up
but I feel it will do the job for a first time effort. (will take more pics
of screen next time)

So here's a side view....

& Top View.... I think they are filling the screen nicely after 2 days.

I only decided to put the screen on 2 of them and I'm thinking
I will leave the 3rd alone for now... depending how the other 2 go of course.

Here's an close view of the side branching...

Next job.... stabilising the dropping temps!!! :wallbash::wallbash:
Getting as low as 16C so I start my insulating this week.... thanks VG!! :joint::joint:

When I fitted the screens I also started the process of flowering :woohoo:,
they have seen 2 hours less every 3 days so are now down to 14-10
and I also fed with Canna Terra Flores / Vega mixed last 2 waterings.

Opinions plese :1help::1help::1help:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey mate the screens look good - what size did you make em?
they look good to go flowering wise too. you should fill the rest of the screen as they stretch. you might limit the N a bit to discourage too much stretching as the screens look pretty full.

you asked about insulation in the loft. i used the silver bubble wrap as a cheep way to get some more insulation in the whole loft, but i also properly insulated one end of my loft and made a bubble wrap curtain so as i could have a 'room' within the loft that i could heat if necessary. (it worked fine in the winter with the air circulating through the cab but in the summer it was too hot so i ducted air up through the house into the grow instead. i may go back to the room method this winter i'm not sure yet)
hey mate the screens look good - what size did you make em?
they look good to go flowering wise too. you should fill the rest of the screen as they stretch. you might limit the N a bit to discourage too much stretching as the screens look pretty full.

Hey VG - Screens are 12" by 12" like yours.... designed exactly the same :joint::joint: So thanks and big :respect:

I'm feeding with the Canna Terra series and fed with both Vega & Flores today, I was going to only feed Flores from next feed...I'm not sure on mix or N content.... do you think I should just feed Flores now??:1help::1help:

Ok another bunch of pics for you....now 2 days of 12/12 - Will change the second blue 125w 6500k to the red 125w 2500k tomorrow.

The plant I have not scrogged was getting a bit too tall, so..

Little bit of lst on it to try and keep it the same height.

& here's a pic of all 3

Quick question to all.....

What might this be????

It was one of the lower leaves from one of the scrogged plants. I have now removed some of the lower leaves and also some of the internal leaves that looked like they were getting no light.

Do you think its maybe lack of light as it was one of the lower ones?? Some of the other leaves are showing the same signs but not as bad (these were the ones I removed). Any ideas???

The plants still look healthy so I'm not overly concerned.... at the moment and I'm keeping a close eye on them.

Fingers crossed for some bud action soon! :joint::joint:
More pics

More pics


Thought I'd give another quick update.... 1 week 12/12

Scrogged plants are streching a bit more than I had hoped but I'm tying them down... growing very nicely though!! :joint::joint:

And the plant on its own.... also with a bit more lst to keep height uniformed :smoker:

All 3 together...


Hi all....

Thought it was about time I updated you all. Bit too much :joint::joint:

So to start off with...we have girls!! :woohoo: (thank you Greenhouse!!)

Here are the 2 scrogged... side then top

then the un-scrogged plant

And some bud porn :joint::joint Small but nicely formed :woohoo:

So what do you all think???

Pic of tent as leaving


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
mate you've nailed that modscrog on the first attempt - nice one!

i'll be interested how you get on with the scrog vs unscrogged plants.

kudos to ya!

mate you've nailed that modscrog on the first attempt - nice one!

i'll be interested how you get on with the scrog vs unscrogged plants.

kudos to ya!


Many thanks VG, I've learned a vast amount from your grows so again thanks!

I'm pretty glad I did leave one plant unscrogged now as I have not got the space for 3 scrogged plants. I think I will rebuild the screens for my next grow though, but this time on a rectangular frame. This should then help with light efficiency and help with getting the plant growing down the screen. I am having a bit of trouble keeping the plants in the light... I have a bit of a void in the back of about 15cms. I may stick to just 2 plants as well next time... but that depends what I pull from the 2 scrogged plants.

At the moment one of the scrogged plants has about 12 good bud sites and the other has 9, while the unscrogged plant has 7...
The unscrogged plant has the bigger and more developed at the moment (I think this is from less stress though)...

I think now I've topped and trained these and kind of know what I'm doing. (still learning for sure!!), I will be able to get at least 18-20 good sites off the next plants.
New Update

New Update

Thought it was bout time I did another post for you all...:joint:

Plants are now 37 days of 12/12...

Same spec as usual... Scrogged 2 first...

And unscrogged plant

And some bud pics...
Last edited:


Hi all....

another update.... unfortunately there has ben some issues... :wallbash::wallbash: see link: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=145597

From help on the forum it looks like a over fert... here are pics on unscrogged plant that has been least effected.

And the 2 scrogged...
You can see in the last pic how the buds have not formed properly, have far too many leaves and have slowed considerably :yoinks::yoinks::mad::mad:

and a pic of tent...

It does look like I'll still get some good smoke from it though... :joint::joint::joint:


Where did you get this tent, and how much it cost? It looks perfect for my seedling/part veg stage.