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United States / Medical Marijuana

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry

The first state to de-criminalize marijuana in the early 1970's assessing a maximum fine of $100.00 for 1 oz. or less.

Oregon was one of the earliest MMJ states with help from Jack Herer (mobilizing activists in conjunction with Oregon's Voter Power group) and George Soros (money - lots and lots of money).

Last state? Probably Florida or Texas. Too much money being made on the side of the criminal justice system.

That's my read anyway.


I agree with you CC.

I just wrote letters to all my state/federal officials after the president ignored MMJ on Youtube. Crist basically didn't read my paper which i hand wrote, and just passed it on to my states drug enforcement agency. They wrote me a letter on why marijuana was bad and that it's illegal.
Worst letter i've ever seen next to one of the only other officials to reply. He on the other hand must've not read my letter at all because i was given a pre-written essay on unions and my state's ability to create them.

I'm going to end up moving out of Florida soon just because i hate what it has become. I can't even get a state representative to read a letter without who's title didn't even deal with marijuana, it seems they just bypass everything.

I wish out of state schools weren't so expensive.


PA is last. Western Pennsylvanians will never let the bill through


I just wrote letters to all my state/federal officials after the president ignored MMJ on Youtube. Crist basically didn't read my paper which i hand wrote, and just passed it on to my states drug enforcement agency. They wrote me a letter on why marijuana was bad and that it's illegal.
Worst letter i've ever seen next to one of the only other officials to reply. He on the other hand must've not read my letter at all because i was given a pre-written essay on unions and my state's ability to create them.

I'm going to end up moving out of Florida soon just because i hate what it has become. I can't even get a state representative to read a letter without who's title didn't even deal with marijuana, it seems they just bypass everything.

That is pathetic and sad. It angers me, in fact; yet it's hilarious at the same time.

This is exactly why people don't bother writing or contacting their officials. It's a joke.

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I think texas and florida will be last, louisiana, mississippi, oaklahoma will probably be right there with them.

Sad for me cause I live in one of those states, I gotta get out of this place.

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