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Uncured + Cured Pot in same jar?

I'm pretty keen on my memory and eye when it comes to the herb in my "awaiting fire" jar, but more recently ive come into some local weed thats dried, but hardly cured at all. Now my jars got a bunch of cured to perfection Afghani, some Sour Diesel from San Fran I got over Phish weekend (thanks kids), ect ect. So my question is, I'm not going to effect the cured pot by introducing some uncured fresher stuff to the jar, am I? Seems like a noobish question, but I've always kept them seperate and I'm feeling its unnecessary. Thanks fellas.


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
that makes no sense to me, the only thing i would be concerned with would be if there is moisture in the new buds at all, it will transfer into your cured nice nuggs, which would not be good.

when i harvest and have some left over of the same strain, i put thenew stuff on the bottom and the old stuff on the top. that way by the time i get to the new stuff, its had time to cure. hope that makes sense


that makes no sense to me
the only thing i would be concerned with would be if there is moisture in the new buds at all, it will transfer into your cured nice nuggs, which would not be good.
You just contradicted yourself and answered the guy's question...

Uncured bud is usually moist, and even in jars, over time, the moisture dissipates and the bud "cures". Introducing fresh bud that seems dry on the outside, is probably a bit moist on the inside for a few weeks, so it would reintroduce moisture into already dry nugs..

IMO - Anything that adds moisture to already dry buds ruins it for good. Adding freshly cut herb moistens the dry cured bud, ruining the texture, flavor, and potency.This also goes for the common newby mistake of trying to add "Flavor" or "Freshness" to bud with fruit peels, herbs, or any moisture at all, it makes mold fluorish, usually unseen, and it ruins the flavor and potency of the bud..been there, done all that...I see alot of dark, musky smelling week commercial bud around and can't help to imagine that greedy dealer trying to add wet lettuce or something stupid to the bud to get the extra 3 grams out of it, the bud gets ruined, weak, dark, and yucky tasting..


IcMag Resident Comic Relief
You just contradicted yourself and answered the guy's question...

Uncured bud is usually moist, and even in jars, over time, the moisture dissipates and the bud "cures". Introducing fresh bud that seems dry on the outside, is probably a bit moist on the inside for a few weeks, so it would reintroduce moisture into already dry nugs..

IMO - Anything that adds moisture to already dry buds ruins it for good. Adding freshly cut herb moistens the dry cured bud, ruining the texture, flavor, and potency.This also goes for the common newby mistake of trying to add "Flavor" or "Freshness" to bud with fruit peels, herbs, or any moisture at all, it makes mold fluorish, usually unseen, and it ruins the flavor and potency of the bud..been there, done all that...I see alot of dark, musky smelling week commercial bud around and can't help to imagine that greedy dealer trying to add wet lettuce or something stupid to the bud to get the extra 3 grams out of it, the bud gets ruined, weak, dark, and yucky tasting..

what was meant was that it makes no sense why you would separate them, if you "properly dry your buds in the first place you wouldnt have to worry about transpiring moisture to the other buds. it would be stupid to put wet buds in with dry ones no shit. my concern is that people are too quick to dry and jar their buds. i for one. do not have that problem.also fyi, really dry dry bud, is shit to and turns to powder. thats not fun either. so best bet is to properly dry b4 you jar anything.

does a humidor not keep cigars tasting good? by keeping certain % of humidity?


so what would be the optimal percentage of moisture? I would guess less than 10%...?
test update - all buds that were "uncured" were all properly dried to stem snap, wasn't worried about adding moisture so much as I was losing distinction between strains (everything becoming one complex, mixed aroma/taste). The jar seems so have gotten a kind of freshy smell, mixed with diesel (somehow that shit always manages to stink threw the pack), but I believe its just because the uncured nuggets have that fresh smell (even though they are completely dry, burn smooth and to a white ash). I was worried so I threw a nugget of sour out, let it breathe and stuck it into a medicine bottle on its own for a while. Sure enough, it was as heady as I remembered. Thanks for all the quick input! Not having much luck with my micro grow thread, ill throw it in my sig soon but its easily findable if anyones got input. Thanks.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
You just contradicted yourself and answered the guy's question...

Uncured bud is usually moist, and even in jars, over time, the moisture dissipates and the bud "cures". Introducing fresh bud that seems dry on the outside, is probably a bit moist on the inside for a few weeks, so it would reintroduce moisture into already dry nugs..

IMO - Anything that adds moisture to already dry buds ruins it for good. Adding freshly cut herb moistens the dry cured bud, ruining the texture, flavor, and potency.This also goes for the common newby mistake of trying to add "Flavor" or "Freshness" to bud with fruit peels, herbs, or any moisture at all, it makes mold fluorish, usually unseen, and it ruins the flavor and potency of the bud..been there, done all that...I see alot of dark, musky smelling week commercial bud around and can't help to imagine that greedy dealer trying to add wet lettuce or something stupid to the bud to get the extra 3 grams out of it, the bud gets ruined, weak, dark, and yucky tasting..

this whole post is bullshit. anytime you gotta give cannabis to people, anyone can tell you that you can use any type of leafy vegetable to keep some moisture in the bag or container that the herb is kept in to give a it a freshness which any smoker could appreciate.

anytime i have really dry weed (and yes you can have it too dry!) and some almost halfway cured or still being burped buds, theres nothing wrong with just leaving the the buds in there or doing like endo said and put the more moist buds at the bottom . eventually the moisture of the fresh buds will dissipate into buds that are more dry also giving them a freshness as well. were not talking about sopping wet, just cut buds, were talking about buds that still need a lil more time to dry before they can considered cured or in the process.

only reason i called it out is because, while i grow a next crop, i have those buds to last me and i do/ use the best methods that i know is gonna keep my buds fresh. ive had my last bit of buds mold on me before so i learned and adding "pre-curing" stage buds always helped out , and went hand in hand with the keeping things fresh.

there is no grower that doesnt have his or her own "panel of judges", and my panel always tells me the truth, so thats how i KNOW that the methods i have learned from others are trust worthy.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Many times if my stash has dried out to the point that it crumbles to dust at the slightest touch, I have taken orange peels and put them in the jar with the herb overnight. The next day, the herb is just moist enough to hold itself together again. And is ready to smoke after maybe 3-4 minutes out of the jar. No effect on potency. Adds a bit of a citrus smell to it. (Imagine that!) I kinda like it, honestly. Don't see any reason why doing it with other herb would be a negative thing. Except to the connoisseur for aesthetic reasons.
From the Overgrow Archives:

Moisture is essential for the curing process, it is both your friend and enemy. If too much moisture is left in the buds, with out the regular mixing, venting and turning of buds involved with curing, molds and bacteria can quickly form and ruin the taste and potency of your stash. On the other hand, without the necessary moisture metabolic processes essential to curing do not take place.

Fresh cannabis plants are around 80% water (all %'s by weight); curing generally begins after the cannabis has lost half of it's initial mass, and contains approximately 33% of it's initial water.

Once curing is complete and the pot is "dry", it should still contain 10-15% moisture, approximately 2-4% of its' initial water. This is an ideal because most bacteria and molds can not grow below 15% water content, and below 10% cannabis buds tend to powder.

adding moisture can be either a good or bad thing, it depends on the condition of the ganja. Some is needed for the curing process to occur at all, too much leads to mold, not enough gets you powdery grassy nasty weed. Its a balance. I doubt that OP will ruin his cured bud by adding a bit of uncured, its just gonna up the water content of the cured stuff and its gonna have to drop again before its properly smokable. If OP wants to smoke his cured nugs in the imminent future then he should leave them alone, but adding the fresh uncured nugs and allowing the whole thing to sit will make the new nugs cure faster and the old ones cure to a higher level of complexity (so long as they don't spend more than 6 months or so curing, after too long the process reverses and osmosis causes the bud to actually LOOSE potency. At this point the bud should be vacuum sealed or frozen) Good luck and happy gardening!
