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Unclefishstick's Guide to Home Bicycle Repair

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pappy masonjar

Well-known member
back in the 70s i bought a motorcycle,i got hit by a car in the parking lot ,3 days after I got it . with several other close calls, I sold the motorcycle the next year. people don't watch for u

lol,i like to call those young kids on over powered crotch rockets "darwins children" since they will be erasing themselves from the gene pool soon enough...

Unfortuantly, a buddy of mine got killed on a crotch rocket. But he was only going 15 mph, making a turn, and got crushed by an elderly woman. (Ironic,, we were just talking about that. Another example of why old people should at least have to retake the test yearly. But i think 80 + is to old to drive regardless). It was really sad. He stood up and was freaking out, he dropped to the ground dead seconds later His artiries and viens in his neck were all severed. I cant imagine that feeling when he jumped up. Poor kid. 19 years old.

I think its still somewhat alive ..... but in the over 40's crowd . the younger generation are all about them & what they can get , fuk everybody else !!!

Hey, i resent that! I have extremly strong morals and i was born after 1973. So not everyone under 40 is like that. Just 99.6%. And I know its one thing to act like a stand up guy, but ive proven myself many times. One instance, I got snitched on by someone i had trusted. ( and by trust i just mean, someone i trusted enough to give them bud.) And of course the pigs tried to get me to do the same. I said 4 words ever, to the police: "I want a lawyer". And yea, i prolly wouldnt have had to do the 11.5 months, but i would never have been able to look in the mirror again. And to make it worse, the person that snitched on me, got caught with less than 2 grams. They would have got probation, if that. But they were weak, and scared, and the cops did the usual, "your in big trouble" and the idiot/wussy believed them. Anyways, thats just one example, my morals are more diverse than just 'not snitchin'. I take care of my kids and pay my bills. I dont have a 'baby mama'. Well, i guess technically, my baby has a mama, but u know what i mean. And other stuff.
Anyways, unc said somethin similar about, "dont trust anyone under 40" Can we change that to, 'dont trust 99% of people under 40'?
Im just bustin balls, I know exactly what you guys are talkin about.. I dont trust anyone under 40.:biggrin:

Like these Day 64 dry & smokable nuggets of pure delight !!!!!
Quit lying, you dumped kief all over those buds! ;) j/k. Those look AMAZING.:tiphat:

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Afternoon guys. Feeling like shit today. Didn't sleep good with a fever got up at 7 back to bed at 10 and slept till 3.

Lots of nerve/muscle pain. Think I'm dehydrated so been drinking lots of water hoping to feel better.

Buds look nice dans bro.


Active member
:laughing: you mean those morons like me who think they always have right of way?

oh wait,i did have the right of way,how silly of me to assert it...
probably lucky for both of us the road was so steep,if it had been a flat residential road with a 25 speed limit i would have caught him because sudden insane berserker fury gives you surprising speed on a bike and if i had caught him at that moment i have a feeling a serious ass whoopin would have occurred or least i would have seen how much damage a kryptonite u lock could do to a pick up truck...that or the 6 foot steel cable lock i carry....

and that was just incident number one....
then coming up out of a parking lot with an insanely steep access road,like san fransisco steep some jackhole was just stopped at the top with a green light and no oncoming traffic..i was having to pedal hard just to keep moving and get stalled out by this asshat....
and then i get around him,coming downhill,in the marked and posted bike lane and was actually going 32.4 mph on a 35 mph speed limit road and had some fuckstick pull out in front of me and then just sit there in the way with a dumb expression on their face...

it was a day of ninja bike shit for sure...the first guy actually brushed me with his mirror and i was about to go down right into the side of his moving truck but i caught myself and then pushed off before his bumper could snag me,got my balance back and tore off after him....

:joint: calmer now though....nothing like a couple bowls and a moment to think,holy shit that was close....

ssorry unc, I should have told you I was coming to town, watch yourself im still driving around,

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
You use Cannazyme dans? I do and but it just kind of soaked into my head that while it is an enzyme it also has that 2 percent of P that Canna takes into account for healthy blooms.

Yeah, you could get by without it but I guess I never looked at it like it's a bit of a bloom booster.

My LOK's are doing things in this new room that they have never done before. Namely flowering like gang busters. Never seen this kind of growth in flower before. Got the light above them dialed up to 1000 successfully and I'm sure that has a bit to do with it as well.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
pappy....lol,you get to come to the meetings but you dont learn the secret handshake until you turn 40!

third,chicken soup,sleep....doctor uncle has spoken....

joesy....keep yer eye on the road grandpa! someone almost got the crap beaten out of them today!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
and serious,when one of you guys is out there every day at risk from dumbass drivers then you earn the right to joke about it,otherwise im sort sensitive on this particular topic...

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
So I'm letting this latest round go 11 weeks just to see how they do. Everything except the WW dom, she came down at 9(tops) and 10(underdogs).

Usually my LOK swell around day 75-77 if I can let them go that long. Don't always get to let them but didn't have any trim time this week so on to next week.

Try and get some pics tonight.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
You use Cannazyme dans? I do and but it just kind of soaked into my head that while it is an enzyme it also has that 2 percent of P that Canna takes into account for healthy blooms.

Yeah, you could get by without it but I guess I never looked at it like it's a bit of a bloom booster.
Yep ! with every feeding !!! yeah its more of a bud builder for me than it is enzymes .
i'm still not using the boost either .... i might try some molasses in flower at low doses . want to see what it does to a jug of water first .... the shits kinda thick for drip lines . but it might break down enough in water . we'll see .

pappy masonjar

Well-known member
molases dissolves pretty good, but it does settle a bit. Im thinkin it'd be good through drip lines, but not positive.

i just stared using this stuff on a recommendztion from a geriatric strictly organic grower. ( and no.. by geriatric i don't mean 43. He was like 75. but i bet he knows the secret handshake!!!)



Its just basically sugar/molasses, and they have another kind "Fruit NFusion" that has the exact same ingredients. How it differs besides the name, i could not determine.

Edit- now that i look at the label... duh. With my recent mag def problems, i should have been using this one my veg plants too. Ive only used it bloom yet.

And dan- about the epsom salt, is it just for foliar feeding? I wanna use it in the morning, right b4 the lights go out. and what was that ratio again? i already cant find it because this thread grows 47 pages a day.
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Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
Man what an emotional morning of ups & downs !!!! freakin stress !!!

Oh well , shit happens right ??? mornin fellerz :shucks:
Sounds like we all had a bad day :crazy: I had an asshat mouth off at me today. To bad for him. I was smoking a cig and almost done with it so I put it out on his nose. Punk ass fucker got the message I was pissed of FOR REAL. LOL
Afternoon guys. Feeling like shit today. Didn't sleep good with a fever got up at 7 back to bed at 10 and slept till 3.

Lots of nerve/muscle pain. Think I'm dehydrated so been drinking lots of water hoping to feel better.

Buds look nice dans bro.
You need gatorade brutha.

and serious,when one of you guys is out there every day at risk from dumbass drivers then you earn the right to joke about it,otherwise im sort sensitive on this particular topic...
Well in that case :moon: I earn that right almost everyday. Ever hear of a get back whip? I keep 1 handy everytime I ride and it is a good day when I dont leave a dent in some assholes hood.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
a little harder to catch people on a bike of course but im pretty sure a 6 foot steel cable lock would do some damage not to mention the kryptonite lock....if that next light had only been red i would have caught him...

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
lol Heavy steal buckle on a braided leather strap or a lock on a cable both serve the same purpose well :biggrin:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
tomorrows another day and some more miles,just another day on the road...better to die in the saddle than die on the couch...i dont need to tell you..live to ride,ride to live...just spandex instead of leather....

well im well over 400 gms on the latest glue scrog,still have a good sized bin to trim plus some more on the screen still....should make my painfully average .6 grams a watt at least...

Smokin Joe

Humpin to please
ICMag Donor
Nice yield unc.
We know why dogs like to stick their heads out of windows going down the road :D
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