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UK's Hysteria Hits US


sallyforthDeleted member 75382

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sallyforthDeleted member 75382

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Active member
THC might not be exactly the same compound as LSD, but we cant argue against the fact that THC makes you trip a lil too,,,,,,

Oh yes I can -- indeed. I've tripped on LSD a fair bit in the past (gave it up 20 years ago), and no way in hell is tripping on LSD anything like getting high from pot:

Taking THC/pot has never made me hallucinate. And it certainly has never made me see my best friend's neck stretch to 20 feet long, the roof rise up to accommodate his neck stretching that long, my field of vision filling with alternating small black and white boxes filling in to spell out the word "back" rendering me effectively blind (that is, all I could see was the black and white boxes and the word "back" wherever I looked). Finally, after my vision cleared, I was being driven home by a friend and perceived no car but just the two of us in a seated position cruising through the streets as if we were on an invisible flying carpet two feet off the road.

You're equivocating again -- getting high on pot is not "tripping a little" like LSD -- nowhere near.

These are two very different substances that effect the user in very different ways (physically and psychologically) -- stop speaking as if they are related.

THC is not the only medicaly benifical cannabinoid, so why do "WE" focus on THC,,,the answer is because "Westeners" love tripping,,,triping is a sideeffect!!, at this point we are entering into "recreactional drug use" ...at some point "Recerational drug use" becomes "drug abuse"

All drug users do not become drug abusers. That's prima facie untrue.

And again, being high is not tripping -- stop confusing the two.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

In 2007 and again confirmed in 2009 CBD in cannabis has been proven to be ANTI-psychotic.
There was clinical trials done on patients with schizophrenia and cannabis was found to be better than the medication they were taking. However the strains used were high in CBD and THC. Cannabis is also good for the neuralpathways of the brain. I could go on, as you've seen I've tried to link this info with a couple of posts, but it wouldn't allow me to link it.

However if you google...cannabis compound found to be anti-psychotic and search, you'll find a lot of info on this...wikipedia explains it well.


Patient Grower
Oh yes I can -- indeed. I've tripped on LSD a fair bit in the past (gave it up 20 years ago), and no way in hell is tripping on LSD anything like getting high from pot:

Taking THC/pot has never made me hallucinate. And it certainly has never made me see my best friend's neck stretch to 20 feet long, the roof rise up to accommodate his neck stretching that long, my field of vision filling with alternating small black and white boxes filling in to spell out the word "back" rendering me effectively blind (that is, all I could see was the black and white boxes and the word "back" wherever I looked). Finally, after my vision cleared, I was being driven home by a friend and perceived no car but just the two of us in a seated position cruising through the streets as if we were on an invisible flying carpet two feet off the road.

You're equivocating again -- getting high on pot is not "tripping a little" like LSD -- nowhere near.

With all due respect, you obviously haven't done a large enough dose of THC. I've certainly hallucinated when I've eaten too much.

The drugs are still hitting different parts of the brain, and I'm very skeptical that the stories around acid are just propaganda themselves.


Active member
With all due respect, you obviously haven't done a large enough dose of THC. I've certainly hallucinated when I've eaten too much.

The drugs are still hitting different parts of the brain, and I'm very skeptical that the stories around acid are just propaganda themselves.

Hallucinated in terms of what I described?

I don't mean the occasional "something odd out the corner of my eye" kind of thing. I'm talking about full blown hallucinations -- not "just some visuals".

I've made brownies a number of times long ago with top flight hash. And while I might be tempted to call that experience "trippy", I wouldn't equate that with an acid trip in the least -- certainly not in terms of the visual experience.

However, perhaps I haven't dosed on THC heavily enough to see people's anatomy change, physical objects vanish, effectively lose my vision and to experience animations. I doubt I will now -- my days of pushing limits are behind me -- I just like a comfortable buzz these days.

Either way, to equate the buzz from pot with the buzz of acid is a category error. To quote "Pulp Fiction": "It's not the same ballpark -- it's not even the same game."


Patient Grower
I've done both acid and mega doses of cannabis. Yes, I know what it means to hallucinate.

Frankly, I never experienced the extreme hallucinations you describe with acid.

<snip> As I heard once more the alien and unreal tones of my own voice, I became convinced that it was some one else who spoke, and in another world. I sat and listened; still the voice kept speaking. Now for the first time I experienced that vast change which hasheesh makes in all measurements of time. The first word of the reply occupied a period sufficient for the action of a drama; the last left me in complete ignorance of any point far enough back in the past to date the commencement of the sentence. Its enunciation might have occupied years. I was not in the same life which had held me when I heard it begun.

And now, with time, space expanded also. At my friend's house one particular arm-chair was always reserved for me. I was sitting in it at a distance of hardly three feet from the centre-table around which the members of the family were grouped. Rapidly that distance widened. The whole atmosphere seemed ductile, and spun endlessly out into great spaces surrounding me on every side. We were in a vast hall, of which my friends and I occupied opposite extremities. The ceiling and the wall ran upward with a gliding motion, as if vivified by a sudden force of resistless growth.

Oh! I could not bear it. I should soon be left alone in the midst of an infinity of space. And now more and more every moment increased the conviction that I was watched. I did not know then, as I learned afterward, that suspicion of all earthly things and persons was the characteristic of the hasheesh delirium.

In the midst of my complicated hallucination, I could perceive that I had a dual existence. One portion of me was whirled unresistingly along the track of this tremendous experience, the other sat looking down from a height upon its double, observing, reasoning, and serenely weighing all the phenomena. This calmer being suffered with the other by sympathy, but did not lose its self-possession.<snip>

<snip> But -- oh horror immeasurable! I beheld the walls of the room slowly gliding together, the ceiling coming down, the floor ascending, as of the lonely captive saw them, whose cell was doomed to be his coffin. Nearer and nearer am I borne toward the corpse. I shrunk back from the edge of the bed; I cowered in most abject fear. I tried to cry out, but speech was paralyzed. The walls came closer and closer together. Presently my hand lay on the dead man's forehead. I made my arm as straight and rigid as a bar of iron; but of what avail was human strength against the contraction of that cruel masonry? Slowly my elbow bent with the ponderous pressure; nearer grew the ceiling -- I fell into the fearful embrace of death. I was pent I was stifled in the breathless niche, which was all of space still left to me. The stony eyes stared up into my own, and again the maddening peal of fiendish laughter rang close beside my ear. Now I was touched on all sides by the walls of the terrible press; there came a heavy crush, and I felt all sense blotted out in darkness.

I awoke at last; the corpse was gone, but I had taken his place upon the bier. In the same attitude which he had kept I lay motionless, conscious, although in darkness, that I wore upon my face the counterpart of his look of agony. The room had grown into a gigantic hall, whose roof was framed of iron arches; the pavement, the walls, the cornice were all of iron. The spiritual essence of the metal seemed to be a combination of cruelty and despair. It's massive hardness spoke a language which it is impossible to embody in words, but any one who has watched the relentless sweep of some great engine crank, and realized its capacity for murder, will catch a glimpse, even in the memory, of the thrill which seemed to say, "This iron is a tearless fiend," of the unutterable meaning I saw in those colossal beams and buttresses. I suffered from the vision of that iron as from the presence of a giant assassin.

But my senses opened slowly to the perception of still worse presences. By my side there gradually emerged from the sulphurous twilight which bathed the room the most horrible form which the soul could look upon unshattered -- a fiend also of iron, white hot and dazzling with the glory of the nether penetralia. A face that was the ferreous incarnation of all imaginations of malice and irony looked on me with a glare, withering from its intense heat, but still more from the unconceived degree of inner wickedness which it symbolized. I realized whose laughter I had heard, and instantly I heard it again. Beside him another demon, his very twin, was rocking a tremendous cradle framed of bars of iron like all things else, and candescent with as fierce a heat as the fiend's.

And now, in a chant of the most terrific blasphemy which it is possible to imagine, or rather of blasphemy so fearful that no human thought has ever conceived of it, both the demons broke forth, until I grew intensely wicked merely by hearing it. I still remember the meaning of the song, although there is no language yet coined which will convey it, and far be it from me even to suggest its nature, lest I should seem to perpetuate in any degree such profanity as beyond the abodes of the lost no lips are capable of uttering. Every note of the music itself accorded with the thought as symbol represents essence, and with its clangor mixed the maddening creak of the forever-oscillating cradle, until I felt driven into a ferocious despair. Suddenly the nearest fiend, snatching up a pitchfork (also of white-hot iron), thrust it into my writhing side, and hurled me shrieking into the fiery cradle. I sought in my torture to scale the bars; they slipped from my grasp and under my feet like the smoothest icicles. Through increasing grades of agony I lay unconsumed, tossing from side to side with the rocking of the dreadful engine, and still above me pealed the chant of blasphemy, and the eyes of demoniac sarcasm smiled at me in mockery of a mother's gaze upon her child.<snip>



Active member
I don't want to get into a contest about who's experienced what or who's done this or that, but honestly, what I described shouldn't be considered extreme for a proper hit or two of acid.

At least when I was taking it -- I don't know anything about what's out there these days.

As for the quoted text, that's pretty poetic in nature. Not sure I would take that literally. A "trip report" from 1857 I would take with a couple grains of salt.

I think I'll just leave it there and let others continue on with the thread if they wish.


Patient Grower
Well, the quoted text is consistent with my experience. Yes, the man does know how to turn a phrase, but it seems that people back in that day all did so. My days of the electric kool aid acid test were back in the early '80s, so what's out there nowadays is irrelevant to my experience as I've lost all interest in tripping on acid. I never quit, just lost interest. My best hallucinations though were the result of smoking coke-aine. Let me tell you about the time I perceived myself to be in the French army, second in command, sitting in a tent in the desert with Napoleon devising strategies to be employed against the enemy. I mean I was there, different century, different continent, different climate, a job totally unrelated to my life's experience, and no particular interest in the Napoleonic eras.

I'm not trying to make this a contest either. Just relating my personal experiences. Take them, leave them, take part and leave the rest, it's all the same to me.


Cannabis contains over 400 indervidual bits and over 60 cannabinoids,,,,,,,,western bred cannabis is mainly THCritch...THC is not the best canna has to offer!!,,,,,id even say its too active to be "redily" avalable in places like WALLMART,,,,,

test show only spicific groups react positivly to cannbinoid treatment,,,,,by-all-means get canna to the groups it helps,,,,,i AM NOT sayin THC causes psychosis!!!,,,,,,

BUT I AM sayin "its too active to have in a newsagent`s next to the cigs"..... disspencerys are fine,,,chemist`s are fine!!,,,,make prescription available from the doctor

wouldnt you rather use a less phycotropic substance as an antagonist??, in the search we might find something better than what we have now?,,,,,,

if ya gona say "shops like WALLMART should sell herbal canna in the same form as we have it now" then ya might aswell sell salvia100x and every other smartdrug next to it.....at this point headshops become chemists, an they need qualifications,,,then we are back to square 1,,doctors and prescriptions for THC

recreational drug-use is another debate..

if you wana get "high" then the drug is gettin used for recereational puropses!!,,,,,,there is a fine line between "recreational drug use" and "drug abuse"

put a chemist in WALLMART!!....make prescriptions for THC available in ALL FORMS.....makin budform ilegal is crazy!!!,,,,,,,,,its the ilegality that creates a blackmaket!!

OK, I really don't mean to come off as a dick, but PLEASE PLEASE learn to spell correctly. Also, stop comparing different drugs to each other to try and make them look similar. Cannabis has NOTHING in common with LSD. Weed is weed, LSD is LSD and Salvia is Salvia. Weed has an effect on your CB1/CB2 receptors, LSD has effects on many, many different receptors (not the cannabinoid/opioid/GABA ones, which are responsible for the effects of many other drugs though) which causes its unique effect and Salvinorin A and Salvinorin B are kappa-opioid agonists. THEY HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON. They're different chemicals, and making weed legal doesn't mean you'd have to make every other drug legal too. Also, I am convinced that cannabis has never been and will never be a cause of any psychotic illness, either you're gonna get it at some point in your life or you aren't. Cannabis use might make it surface a bit earlier, or for other people it might help with the symptoms, but it's definitely not gonna cause a psychotic illness to appear out of nowhere.

Also, you're saying that weed is too strong to sell openly. I completely disagree. What about the millions upon millions of recreational users that we have today, they seem to be doing just fine to me? What you're suggesting is a limitation of cannabis to its medical uses, but that's a mistake IMO. If you educate people and give them back their responsibility, I see no reason why RECREATIONAL use of cannabis shouldn't be allowed and tolerated. After all, the majority of the people on these forums are recreational users as well.


They are getting it wrong.. I'd rather say people with psychological issues are four times more likely to attempt self-medication with cannabis. Their "scientific method" is flawed if they don't take this into consideration.


Patient Grower
Hehe, the only thing that the gateway theory proves is that people that like to get high, like to get high.


Active member
Perhaps more attention should be directed at set and setting. The relationship of psychedelics to set and setting is well established. In fact, most of the negative experiences attributed to psychedelics result from poor set and setting. Maybe set and setting is a more valid indicator than the drug itself when it comes to cannabis also. Especially when considering aspects of predisposition to mental disorders. Although I find that term slightly biased in this regard.


ICMag Donor
You gave us the "reefer-madness" ,, originally we caught it from you folks... hehe

The UK Government ignores it's paid advisers,, then sacks them,, and employs ppl that suit,, confused,, baffled youts

Hysteria,, was the name of an old rave event,, back in the day :dance: :joint: :bandit:


New member
I have had personal experience with someone who went psychotic because of smoking tons of weed... but you have to taek it in context.

This kid had just broken up with the girl he married in order to get citizenship. He was a little fucked in the head to begin with, but he moved in with us and started smoking weed like we did. Eventually he started doing things like walking around outside with my bong (I found him on top of the Williamsburg Bridge with it one afternoon)... we had to get him committed. His first stint in the mental hospital, they thought he was bipolar or something - and gave him a ton of anti-depressents, mood stabilizers, and those pills made him shake so they gave him other pills to stop the shakes. He comes home and starts smoking more weed. This really fucks him over and he goes completely batshit, calling himself jesus etc., finally going back to teh mental hospital and they diagnose him with schizo psychosis.

Weed definitely had a part in his insanity, but I would say that it had more to do with his life in general, and the pills that he was prescribed. He seemed to think taht weed was a gateway to a utopian life when it was really just bringing out his bonkers.


Patient Grower
Really, all you can honestly say is that your friend was smoking pot when he cracked. Correlation does not necessarily indicate causation. It would be just as valid to say that living in your house caused his schizophrenia, because he was doing that as well when he cracked, right?


Where do you fucking idiots come from? Hepatitis C is a virus you twit!


PharmaCan........If you cannot discuss a subject and not be offensive to other members .....do not post. If you do so again....we will talk about it further.



Active member
''Hysteria,, was the name of an old rave event,, back in the day'
ahhh gotta love hysteria i still got a few tapes , got a mint one from new yrs eve 99

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