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UK's Hysteria Hits US


Active member
URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v10/n062/a01.html
Source: Pique Newsmagazine (CN BC)
Author: Claire Piech


The executive director of the Whistler Community Services Society is encouraging people in Whistler to watch a documentary on smoking marijuana that's airing on CBC this week.

Greg McDonnell said the film The Downside of High highlights the under reported reality that teenagers who start smoking marijuana before the age of 16 are four times more likely to become schizophrenic.

"I personally have worked with individuals who this has happened to," said McDonnell.

"When I continue to work with individuals who are prolific pot smokers, I am worried about their mental health because it is a crap shoot. What the research is saying is they don't know who that one in four is going to be."

The Downside of High premiers on Thursday, Jan. 28, at 8 p.m. on CBC-TV, and will be aired again on Thursday, Feb. 4, at 10 p.m. on CBC News Network.

mr noodles

like smoking mj is a new thing....hint....look at society we are smoking since century ....

so by that logic 1/4 of all the school in america produce schizophrenic since more than 40 years ?

its bullshit people who are schizophrenic where before and after smoking weed....

lost in a sea

schizophrenia is not just one thing, like they want us to think, it is a whole spectrum of mental diseases caused by a multitude of different causes.....but they are still very behind at understanding how to define this spectrum of disorders...

cannabis can help people with a predisposition to psychosis to become more predisposed to psychosis....there is no point in arguing the contrary..

But no more than alcohol or a multitude of legal drugs, that a person, usually with a family history of mental illness, maybe taking....

if someone is potentially mentally unstable then using any drugs is a bad move...

the only people the media can pull up that are schizo, and have smoked ganja, were obviously going to go mad one day anyway......they always show pictures of people when they were young, "before their abusing of super skunk varieties" (media bullshit lol) and they usually look bloody wierd before....and quite often have fucked up parents..


ICMag Donor
the arguement reamins,,,,,

canna has over 400 indervidual parts,,,an over 60 cannabinoids

kids who resort to buying cannabis on street will never know exactly what they are getting,,,,people might think kids are buying cannabis, but what kids end-up administering themselvs with is usaly NOT of medical quality and a doctor hasnot precribed a recomended dosages of constituants,,,,,

how can anyone expect to quantifi and value findings without a controled enviroment, test subjects and various other stages documenting real facts,

its impossible to make sutch judgments,,,,,,,,,

fugin cartoons


The one-quarter thing is when they smoke heavily, for years, starting around thirteen. There's a reason every marijuana reform organization that's taken seriously wants weed as a 21-and-up drug.

Oh and it's determined by genetics if you're vulnerable so it should be predictable.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

When are people/media/politicians gonna listen to the scientific evidence that there is NO fucking link to schizophrenia or any other mentall illness....psychosis, surprised that wasn't mentioned.

Where are all the mental health institutes in Holland holding all these schizophrenics.

Bottom line people with these disorders are likely to use cannabis as a way to help/cope. They don't want to have these mental health problems....they do try other drugs too.

Fuckin media.


ICMag Donor
yes there is.........Δ9-THC is highly psycho-tropic,,,,,,,its a mild acid typa-thing

we make problems for ourselvs,,,,big wow 20% thc,,,,,,in years to come peeps will lose this obsetion with THC,,,trust me;),,,,,,,its the only way


schizophrenia is not just one thing, like they want us to think, it is a whole spectrum of mental diseases caused by a multitude of different causes.....but they are still very behind at understanding how to define this spectrum of disorders...

cannabis can help people with a predisposition to psychosis to become more predisposed to schizophenia....there is no point in arguing the contrary..

But no more than alcohol or a multitude of legal drugs, that a person, usually with a family history of mental illness, maybe taking....

if someone is potentially mentally unstable then using any drugs is a bad move...

the only people the media can pull up that are schizo, and have smoked ganja, were obviously going to go mad one day anyway......they always show pictures of people when they were young, "before their abusing of super skunk varieties" (media bullshit lol) and they usually look bloody wierd before....and quite often have fucked up parents..

Sorry its bullshit and not logical, may aswell say that coriander leads to manic depression, cannabis as you know has been used for centuries and there isnt evidence of insanity or personality disorders in the history of cannabis use....its the contaminats in street weeed that definitely causes the " mental illness"


Active member

I just posted recently pointing to a study that shows no correlation between increasing pot use and the number of diagnosed cases of psychoses:

We examined trends in the annual psychosis incidence and prevalence as measured by diagnosed cases from 1996 to 2005 and found it to be either stable or declining.

The casual models linking cannabis with schizophrenia and other psychoses are therefore not supported by our study.


The new reefer madness is bunk -- just like the old reefer madness:

The study looked at a period of time when pot use was increasing in society, but the incidence of psychoses diagnosed remained level or declined during that period of time -- if the number of diagnosed cases doesn't increase when pot use is increasing, then it's simply not showing any causal link whatsoever. If the study is valid, it's not possible for there to be a causal connection.

Casual models, indeed -- this was the author's nice way of saying "bunk studies".

stickey fingers

may be they should,document , a AA meeting,or under age drinking in the US,just a bullshit report ! cannabis keeps me from being schizophrenic. SPECIAL THANKS, DR JAY RIP


ICMag Donor
Δ9-THC is psycho-tropic,,,,,,,,,sideeffects of acids are well known,,,,,,THC is like taking a mild acid trip

denying the psychotropic effects of THC its like sayin LSD is not phycoactive!!

or am i wrong?


Active member
Δ9-THC is psycho-tropic,,,,,,,,,sideeffects of acids are well known,,,,,,THC is like taking a mild acid trip

denying the psychotropic effects of THC its like sayin LSD is not phycoactive!!

or am i wrong?

You're wrong.

Psychotropic simply means it affects mental activity.


It has no connection to whether or not it gives rise to psychoses.


And you're equivocating between THC and LSD -- two very different substances. Just because they both affect the mind in some way does not make them equivalent in all respects.

Furthermore, psychoactive simply means the same thing as psychotropic -- acts upon the mind.


You seem to be confusing the prefix "psycho" which just means "mind" or "of the mental" with psychoses or mental illness in general.

Unless I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to say -- which is certainly possible.


Patient Grower
englishrick is just demonstrating how bullshit propaganda like this gains traction.

It is easy to demonstrate that cannabis is not a causal effect of psychosis simply be noting the rate of psychosis per capita and comparing it to the rate of cannabis use per capita. If cannabis were a causal effect in psychosis, the incidence of psychosis would have followed the huge increase in cannabis use in the 1960s. However, rates of psychiatric illness have held steady. The submission that cannabis is a causal factor in psychosis is simply laughable on its face.


Me thinks that cannabis 'psychosis' was the invention of some lawyer, a most convenient use of public fear of anything unknown, when defending complete numpties.

It wasn't me, it was the CANNABIS. I was possessed.
or something along those lines.

lost in a sea

Sorry its bullshit and not logical, may aswell say that coriander leads to manic depression, cannabis as you know has been used for centuries and there isnt evidence of insanity or personality disorders in the history of cannabis use....its the contaminats in street weeed that definitely causes the " mental illness"

no its not bullshit really, i think you misunderstood me, and your being a little ignorant of quite how mentally unstable some people are, before smoking weed....these are the people that are popping up in studies and in the media..going crazy and stabbing themselves or whatever..NOT mentally normal (within boundaries) people like us that would have always been ok smoking dope probably 100,000 years ago........

if you went back in time and gave some nutter, that had a mental problem some dope it wouldnt do him any favours, but everyone else would be fine..

yeah weed was here long, long before us ! the hash being kicked out of places like afghanistan, pakistan and morocco today, has probably not changed much in 10,000 years + it was the bomb then and still is...... we evolved with mj just sat around us all the way.....

to put it into modern context, if for example you take a child of under 14 years old that has a mental disorder of some kind (like obsessive compulsive, bi-polar, depressive or psychotic) and let him/her smoke dope for a few years.......... you really think, that they are on average, likely to stay in the the same or better mental state ??

its really unlikely........a child that probably has a neuochemical imbalence of some kind should not be adding THC or cannabinoids to the mix or anything else.....and the same goes for a adult that shouldnt be fucking around with their body/brain chemistry either...

but cannabis psychosis as a physiological entity doesnt exist, the symptoms and areas of disfunction are the same as normal psychosis..

oh and if your coriander has the same effect on your brain as ganja, then maybe you got your jars mixed up or something, because as far as im aware coriander doesnt flood your brain with cannabinoids .....

you know our brains have cannabinoid receptors !!?? (just like the opiod receptors, serotonin and dopamine etc..) shit loads of em......theres non in there for constituents of coriander !!..

but i do agree that rabbit traquilizers ground up, as well as other readily available stimulants/depressants bought over a counter.........and ground glass sprayed on nugs, is a major scurge on cannabis, and imo, its mainly to make the kids think ganja is shit and they just start buying cocaine instead...


no its not bullshit really, i think you misunderstood me, and your being a little ignorant of quite how mentally unstable some people are, before smoking weed....these are the people that are popping up in studies and in the media..going crazy and stabbing themselves or whatever..NOT mentally normal (within boundaries) people like us that would have always been ok smoking dope probably 100,000 years ago........

if you went back in time and gave some nutter, that had a mental problem some dope it wouldnt do him any favours, but everyone else would be fine..

yeah weed was here long, long before us ! the hash being kicked out of places like afghanistan, pakistan and morocco today, has probably not changed much in 10,000 years + it was the bomb then and still is...... we evolved with mj just sat around us all the way.....

to put it into modern context, if for example you take a child of under 14 years old that has a mental disorder of some kind (like ODD, bi-polar, depressive) and let him/her smoke dope for a few years.......... you really think, that they are on average, likely to stay in the the same or better mental state ??

its really unlikely........a child that probably has a neuochemical imbalence of some kind should not be adding THC or cannabinoids to the mix or anything else.....and the same goes for a adult that shouldnt be fucking around with their body/brain chemistry either...

oh and if your coriander has the same effect on your brain as ganja, then maybe you got your jars mixed up or something, because as far as im aware coriander doesnt flood your brain with cannabinoids .....

you know our brains have cannabinoid receptors !!?? (just like the opiod receptors, serotonin and dopamine) shit loads of em......theres non in there for constituents of coriander !!..

but i do agree that rabbit traquilizers ground up, as well as other readily available stimulants/depressants bought over a counter.........and ground glass sprayed on nugs, is a major scurge on cannabis, and imo, its mainly to make the kids think ganja is shit and they just start buying cocain instead...

No your not getting what im saying...earlier you posted sayin that people are likely to become schizophrenic from using cannabis if they have a predisposition to mental illness and you ALSO said "THERE IS NO POINT ARGUING THE CONTRARY"
Im just here to say YES THERE IS A POINT IN ARGUING THE CONTRARY, not being nasty but you make it sound like you know for a fact that cannabis can lead to schizophrenia, im just disputing that opinion thats all, im also not ignorant to how mentally unstable some people are AT ALL i spent some time in a psychiatric ward and know EXACTLY what some people are like mentally in there.
Im of the opinion that in fact cannabis can alleviate the symptoms of mental illness NOT cause them and that "nutter" you talk about would probably gain MORE benefit from cannabis than the "normal" people which in fact makes our opinions the complete opposite (apart from agreeing with you that contaminants in weed is a problem)
When i mentioned coriander i meant it as to show how ridiculous the laws are in regards to cannabis...has it not occured to you that less experiments are done on the effects of legal herbs like coriander as an example than cannabis ....in other words the governments are ok with having hundreds of herbs being legal without hardly knowing anything about their constituents and effects...surely your not naive enough to think cannabis was made illegal because thay had done experiments at the time proving it was dangerous do you??? The chemicals in cannabis is NOT the reason its illegal it is because of political bullshit to suit their agendas...and of course i know our brains have cannabinoid receptors....sort of goes to show maybe we should consume cannabis in that case.
Im a qualified herbalist ...so i think i have a good idea what herbs do what...for example as you may know just a few nutmeg kernels eaten at once can cause death...the same with excessive saffron, but they aren't controlled substances are they? Im not saying they should be controlled but goes to show that many things can affect brain chemistry...so theres no point in you picking just cannabis out of all the worlds herbs as a causer of mental illness....or are you starting to believe all the propaganda on tv and in the papers about cannabis??!
And you saying that the hash that is coming out of morocco and afghanistan is the same as 10,000 years ago is just bullshit ...i think you ll find its much more adulterated with contaminants these days than back then don't you??

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