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UK Legalisation E-Petition


The Tri Guy
What's the connection Doc? How does synthetic versions have anything to do with either the E-petition or sativex?


Active member
They hold on to that Sativex tight up their asses. There has been a lot of reports where patients would greatly benefit from using it and still they were denied

I'd love to see their grow lab though

The cannabis in Sativex is grown with permission from the Government, under highly controlled conditions.

Two different sorts of cannabis plant are used to make Sativex. Each plant is carefully selected to produce the same amount of active ingredients. Every vial of Sativex contains exactly the same balance of each type of plant, to make an effective medicine.


They hold on to that Sativex tight up their asses. There has been a lot of reports where patients would greatly benefit from using it and still they were denied

I'd love to see their grow lab though

nice job for some lucky B#####D lol


Active member
I'd even take the job of the women who hang the plants lol Wonder if there's any cameras watching them :D


ICMag Donor
How many votes did the proposition get so far ???
Last edited:


A pitiful amount Doc.

There must be millions, MILLIONS of tokers in this country. Where are they?

Being pussies thinking they are going to end up on some Government hit list (like they aren't already on it).

Or being negative idiots like Ramius' first post in this thread (no offence mate, but that attitude is never going to get us anywhere).

Regardless of what happens, at 100k they have to debate it, which is infinitely better than them NOT debating it. It's not rocket science.


A pitiful amount Doc.

There must be millions, MILLIONS of tokers in this country. Where are they?

Being pussies thinking they are going to end up on some Government hit list (like they aren't already on it).

Or being negative idiots like Ramius' first post in this thread (no offence mate, but that attitude is never going to get us anywhere).

Regardless of what happens, at 100k they have to debate it, which is infinitely better than them NOT debating it. It's not rocket science.

it will never happen . even if they did debate it it would be over in 2 mins . british Government says cannabis is bad . too meny people with mental heath problems from
smoking killer skunks .


it will never happen . even if they did debate it it would be over in 2 mins . british Government says cannabis is bad . too meny people with mental heath problems from
smoking killer skunks .

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:snap out of it:

Did John Ball, Wat Tyler and Jack Straw express this attitude during the Peasants Revolt? Did they fuck.

The Government are public servants who derive their power from us - if we want them to do something, we have to tell them. How do you expect things to change if you aren't prepared to stand up and be counted?

Somewhere along the way the English have lost their bottle, brainwashed into replacing it with a negative, self-loathing, self-deafeating attitude which can be encountered in every aspect of daily life.
A pitiful amount Doc.

There must be millions, MILLIONS of tokers in this country. Where are they?

Being pussies thinking they are going to end up on some Government hit list (like they aren't already on it).

Or being negative idiots like Ramius' first post in this thread (no offence mate, but that attitude is never going to get us anywhere).

Regardless of what happens, at 100k they have to debate it, which is infinitely better than them NOT debating it. It's not rocket science.

Well said! the negativeness is astounding.. to change minds you need to change their thinking.. sitting there vending seeds etc while saying it will never get discussed etc is bad.. the very fact you can bring 3 months of meds into the UK under home office rules gives a lot of ground to us... the fact GW pharma use THC as an ingredient gives ground to us.. but the UK folk sit there slagging people off for trying to get active and make change!!
it will never happen . even if they did debate it it would be over in 2 mins . british Government says cannabis is bad . too meny people with mental heath problems from
smoking killer skunks .

thats the whole thing killer skunk.. even though they have given license to GW to use Killer skunk for sativex etc... so which is it? good or bad? there are some legal grounds that are very dodgey to say the least...


So, because some fat judge bellend says so, we should give up?

I refer you once again to my posts above.

If you have nothing positive to say I suggest you stop posting about any campaign. Your negative energy doesn't help the cause in any way.
You only have to read this thread to see why it will never be legal when they have these views


The lawyer should of asked on what grounds it is dangerous and for conclusive proof of this, they also should of raised issues regarding why Sativex has just been granted license for cancer trails in manchester if its so dangerous... If anyone by passes the electricity you will be prosecuted more strongly.. and any argument you have is thrown out the window... (in general).

this aint perfect but its a start...


you see the home office has been two faced by saying theres no medicinal value in cannabis and then grants a license just for that.. medicinal use in cannabis...

Under the Schengen agreement you can have 3 months supply of medicinal cannabis within the countries signed upto it, as which the UK is!! its also mad that any other person travelling can bring their 3 months into the uk and smoke away... yet we in this country can't.. thats a descrimination case is it not? however the home office last year admitted you could do this very thing!!



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