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Uk gov deny treatment to a 6 year old.


Well-known member

Government refuses medical cannabis to six-year-old epileptic boy who had 3,000 seizures in a year

‘He deserves to have a wonderful life full of joy, not the pain he currently faces,’ say his parents
Maya Oppenheim Sunday 18 February 2018

Members of the all-party parliamentary group on drug policy reform have urged the Government to help Alfie PA
A six-year-old boy whose rare form of epilepsy dramatically improved after using cannabis has been denied a request for a medical cannabis licence by the Government.

Alfie Dingley, from Kenilworth in Warwickshire, has a childhood epilepsy (PCDH19) that causes multiple seizures.

He experiences up to 30 fits a day and once had 3,000 seizures and 48 hospital visits in the space of just a year.

The young boy saw his seizures considerably reduce when he travelled to the Netherlands to take a cannabis-based medication prescribed by a paediatric neurologist last September.

It is estimated that with the Dutch cannabis medication Alfie would have about 20 seizures a year.

But the Home Office has denied the family’s request for medical cannabis oil, which remains illegal in the UK.

It said the drug “cannot be practically prescribed, administered or supplied to the public”.

Alfie’s mother, Hannah Deacon, said while her son was abroad he managed to go 24 days without suffering a single attack.

“You’ve got to fight for your kids, I want to know that I’ve done everything I can,” she told the BBC.

“It’s very rare and very aggressive, there are only nine boys in the world with Alfie’s condition,” she added.

“We never imagined how well it would work. He’s just a six-year-old boy, he deserves a happy life. We’ve found something that makes him happy and now we’ve got to take that away.”

She said his cannabis dose was “very small” and he was taking just three drops of the oil. In stark contrast, the volume of steroids he is currently needing to treat his condition can sooner or later lead to organ failure, psychosis and even death, according to Alfie's mother.

Members of the all-party parliamentary group on drug policy reform have urged the Government to help Alfie’s struggle.

Writing on their campaign website Alfie’s Hope, the parents said they were fundraising for their son to go abroad to take the treatment. The family were forced to return home from the Netherlands because they did not have medical insurance in the country.

“We are now campaigning for him to have a chance to use medical cannabis in his own country along with all other children with epilepsy that is unresponsive to pharmaceutical drugs,” they said.

“We are also fundraising to enable us to take Alfie abroad to give him the treatment we believe will help him as it is currently still illegal in this country. We feel unable to wait until the law is changed in the UK.


Indicas make dreams happen
This is both disgusting and saddening. There is a proven medication that will allow someone, a child at that, to have an improved quality of life and ease suffering but they are completely denied it. If this were any other plant or drug/medication there would be no issue but most governments have zero tolerance for anything related to MJ, even if it doesn't get someone high.


all Governments need a good feed of laxetts and a good flush down the toilet.


Seed Whore
The people responsible for stopping a kid from getting medical help deserve to burn. :mad:

I'm sure if it were their kid something would be done.

I blame mostly Big Pharma for this.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Alfie's Mum was on the BBC morning program this morning, and that is a good thing for medical cannabis in the UK. Hopefully she will get the backing she needs from our usually useless politicians, and her little boy can lead a much better life with the medication he needs.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
They've avoided saying that the "medicine" he'll get instead will permanently damage him and he will HAVE to be institutionalised as soon as he's 18

The decision by unelected scum is just a measure of how far this also unelected government does not represent the people


cant re Member
They've avoided saying that the "medicine" he'll get instead will permanently damage him and he will HAVE to be institutionalised as soon as he's 18

The decision by unelected scum is just a measure of how far this also unelected government does not represent the people

Even the elected ones are scum. Ive often wondered how they sleep at night??


Active member
There is this medical belief that mj brainwashes people. Heard it myself from a soviet born dr.

They seriously fear they will lose their stranglehold on society.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

This decision stinks. It’s wctually a human rights issue. There is zero intelligence in this decision. WTF!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Why should the state be allowed to choose what medication a Mother gives to her child?

Just so that they can protect their big 'donations' from BIG PHARMA?....and allow them to sell their medications for ridiculous profits to sick people.


Well-known member
Alfie Dingley: 'Break the law' call on medical cannabis


An MP has urged medical cannabis users to "break the law" to use the treatment.
It came as the case of Alfie Dingley, six, from Kenilworth, Warwickshire, was discussed in the House of Commons.
Newport West Labour MP Paul Flynn said it would take a "heart of stone" to refuse the family medicinal cannabis to treat their son's epilepsy.
Home Office Minister Nick Hurd pledged to help Alfie, but said cannabis did not have proven "medicinal benefits".

The urgent Commons debate had been tabled by Conservative MP for Reigate, Crispin Blunt, after the Home Office denied the family's request for a licence as the drug is illegal in the UK.
Mr Blunt said the national approach "flies in the face of the popular view".
He said there was evidence of the effectiveness of cannabis-based treatments.
Alfie was taken to the Netherlands to take a cannabis-based medication in September. It reduced the number of seizures he had, said his family.
Mr Hurd said the government "sympathises" and would try and find a solution "within existing regulations".
During the debate, Mr Flynn said it would take a "heart of stone" to tell a parent "that your child has to turn blue up to 30 times a day and have a seizure" because of the law.
To medicinal cannabis users, he said: "I would urge them to break the law, because the law in this case is an ass."
Conservative MP for Kettering, Philip Hollobone called for a free vote on the medicinal use of the drug.
A private members' bill on the use of medicinal cannabis, raised by Mr Flynn, will be discussed on Friday.

Old fark

New member
Big pharma control

Big pharma control

Big pharma still has a very tight grip On Uk and Australia .Motherfuckers!✌🏻
Australian child services are stealing children being treated for intractable childhood epilepsy with cannabis.
Out spoken medical cannabis activists are being jailed for helping people to live.
For what?A healing herb!
When will this big pharma nonsense end everyone is so sick of their utter bullshit!👍🏼
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Well-known member

Hopefully some positive headway.... let’s hope they don’t drag their heels too long Over such a time sensitive issue.

A licence to allow a boy to legally take cannabis to treat his epilepsy is being considered by the government.

Six-year-old Alfie Dingley, from Kenilworth in Warwickshire, suffers up to 30 violent seizures a day.

The Home Office had denied the family's request for a licence as the drug is illegal in the UK.

But speaking in the House of Lords earlier, Health minister Baroness Williams said "every option is being considered" by ministers.

She said she had a "huge amount of sympathy" for Alfie and his family and that the policing minister and the home secretary "want to explore every option within the current regulatory framework including issuing a licence", under section 30 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.

Alfie's mother, Hannah Deacon, took her son to the Netherlands to take a cannabis-based medication in September.

She said that while there, the medication, prescribed by a paediatric neurologist, saw his seizures reduce in number, duration and severity and he went 24 days without an attack.

Ms Deacon said Alfie's cannabis dose was "very small", just three drops of the oil
His condition is very rare with only nine boys in the world with the condition, she said.

The case had been raised in the Lords a day after an urgent Commons debate was tabled by Conservative MP for Reigate, Crispin Blunt.

Lord Dear, independent crossbencher and former chief constable of the West Midlands, told the debate on Tuesday the current legal classification of the drug as having no therapeutic value had been "roundly rebuffed" by other countries.

Calling on the government to look urgently at the licensing of the drug for medicinal use, he said 12 EU countries, numerous US states, Canada and Israel all allow "under medical supervision licensed use of cannabis".

Baroness Williams added: "We must keep laws like this under review and certainly the World Health Organisation are reviewing cannabis as a whole and the constituent parts of cannabis.

"We are keeping a very close eye on the outcome of that review and we will be taking a view on it in due course."


Well-known member
The state doesn't care about you or anyone else suffering. . . not even a child (contrary to their oft repeated claims to take another right away, " It's for the children ! " )

The truth is that cannabis is a thorn in the side of the state. . . even if you believe that the US is making huge progress, it is always one "overdose" or "mass shooting" away from being thrown under the bus once again.

It is like the goat and nomadic peoples. . . hard to pin down and tax the fuck out of. . . hard to make submit to subservience to a ruling class.


See the world through a puff of smoke
There is no problem when it comes for Ritalin to prescribe to 7 years old, but when it comes to Cannabis which can save a childslife it is a big NO from those government officials.Its a strange world we're living in.