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uk clone only! (and british bred strains)

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ICMag Donor
Yeah :yes: It's got the LOT except the clap,, been outside under glass for months,,, dont worry about it ,, nothing we cant handle with some love and lemon n chilli juice :canabis:

Rainbow Kush... [Doc Leaf]


still working to give the hood a new dimension... :bandit:


ICMag Donor
Green Knot Kush ,,, (outdoor / under glass)


Displaying clustered flower-heads ,, just like the Orange Kush male parent :D


If you're gonna post endless pics of the same two plants why not start a grow diary to document those plants instead of filling this thread up?


Active member
If you're gonna post endless pics of the same two plants why not start a grow diary to document those plants instead of filling this thread up?

i was thinking that im sure that rainbow kush is lovley but im fed up looking at it.
i mean no disrespect:tiphat::ying::ying::ying::ying::ying::ying::ying::tiphat:


I thought this thread was to catalogue clone only and british bred strains, and that would infer that the strain has to be something established and considered to be a worthy keeper by several people, but doc is just filling it up with things he's hacked and only been grown recently. It would be far better if he started his own thread to show his work instead of continually spamming it here, he just assumes that the plants are going to become keepers from day one, or that is certainly how it comes across as he's been bigging up those two hacks ever since they sprouted. Better to have his own thread and only post in here any plants that become established keepers after being grown by several people, and by several people I don't mean his LGA cronies, I mean people who will be honest who have no affiliation to doc and won't be sycophantic.

I'd say the same thing to anyone if they kept posting pics of things in this way.


Well here's something different for you man, there you go :comfort:

A likkle snoe sleeper


and a suicide cheese (don't quote me on that tho ;) )



Those look nice and healthy stuppa, that's a very big pot the cheese is in for a coco grow, how often are you watering/feeding?

I'm feeding everyday mate bottom feeding them, the big ones are taking about 2.5 litres each a day now .I think the pots are about 40 ltrs . The little snoe has got root bound now tho so i've stacked it in another 6.5ltr pot in the hope that that might help ,prob too late tho now cos it's already in the 3rd week of flower , she will be getting chopped well early anyway cos i have no smoke at all.


Interesting, completely different way to how I use coco, but it looks like it's working out good for ya. I always top feed till tons of runoff to avoid salt buildup because I got terrible salt buildup in the medium when I bottom fed. I've never had success with big pots of coco either cos I found I got better results with smaller pots and big pots would stay too wet. Guess you're showing there is more than one way to skin a cat. I wouldn't worry about the Snoe getting rootbound, it's never a problem in coco, I grow plants about the size of your snoe in a 3.5 litre and don't have any problem, rootballs are always dense as hell with small pots but it does em no harm, unlike when soil plants get rootbound. What nutes are you using?

Dr. D

Active member
Interesting, completely different way to how I use coco, but it looks like it's working out good for ya. I always top feed till tons of runoff to avoid salt buildup because I got terrible salt buildup in the medium when I bottom fed. I've never had success with big pots of coco either cos I found I got better results with smaller pots and big pots would stay too wet. Guess you're showing there is more than one way to skin a cat. I wouldn't worry about the Snoe getting rootbound, it's never a problem in coco, I grow plants about the size of your snoe in a 3.5 litre and don't have any problem, rootballs are always dense as hell with small pots but it does em no harm, unlike when soil plants get rootbound. What nutes are you using?

Same thoughts exactly man, i get away with really small pots in coco and get crazy salt buildup if i dont water to runoff..i get great results in 1.6 litre pots 1-2 ozs depending...Peace


Interesting, completely different way to how I use coco, but it looks like it's working out good for ya. I always top feed till tons of runoff to avoid salt buildup because I got terrible salt buildup in the medium when I bottom fed. I've never had success with big pots of coco either cos I found I got better results with smaller pots and big pots would stay too wet. Guess you're showing there is more than one way to skin a cat. I wouldn't worry about the Snoe getting rootbound, it's never a problem in coco, I grow plants about the size of your snoe in a 3.5 litre and don't have any problem, rootballs are always dense as hell with small pots but it does em no harm, unlike when soil plants get rootbound. What nutes are you using?

Yep build up can be a problem but it's just a case of occasionally doing a top feed and checking the run off ph/ e.c ,if the ph has dropped alot it's a safe bet that there is build up ,well that or it's got root rot. I've been pretty lazy with doing that this time and i checked for the first time the other day and the ph was pretty much spot on .
One clear advantage of the bottom feeding is that the air roots at the top of the pot stay drier which they like , when you top feed they get drenched which means less air for them .

Dont be fooled by the size of the little snoe it's exactly the same age as the big ones , it had a broken stem due to me being a clumsy bastard, the roots kept on growing but the top part did'nt which is why i was thinking it must have overgrown the pot.

I'm using hydroptops nutes which is pretty cool cos they are british made , so i have british nutes and british strains :smoker:


ICMag Donor
Well here's something different for you man, there you go :comfort:

A likkle snoe sleeper


Nice plant :yes:

If you're gonna post endless pics of the same two plants why not start a grow diary to document those plants instead of filling this thread up?

The plants in the photos are from different individuals within two separate populations of plants. This thread is about UK Clones and British Bred varieties ,, without any prerequisite of fashion, availability, or popularity. So we're ticking all the boxes,, and I sure dont have to do what you say anyway pookie!

If you did your research you'd understand that LLP is a close friend of the LGA (he's a member) and I n I sure he doesn't mind us posting images of new varieties descending from his own base of genetic clone stock on here. It's all positive.

Hope this helps


Same thoughts exactly man, i get away with really small pots in coco and get crazy salt buildup if i dont water to runoff..i get great results in 1.6 litre pots 1-2 ozs depending...Peace

I used to use mostly 1.6-1.7 litre 10cm square deep pots and my best was 45-50g, 25-30g was more common, dependent on strain. Nowadays I tend to use 3.5s so that I have a safety factor in that if I am unable to water them for a couple of days (and sometimes my knees are so bad I just can't face climbing up to my grow) they don't suffer any undue stress.

Yep build up can be a problem but it's just a case of occasionally doing a top feed and checking the run off ph/ e.c ,if the ph has dropped alot it's a safe bet that there is build up ,well that or it's got root rot. I've been pretty lazy with doing that this time and i checked for the first time the other day and the ph was pretty much spot on .
One clear advantage of the bottom feeding is that the air roots at the top of the pot stay drier which they like , when you top feed they get drenched which means less air for them .

Dont be fooled by the size of the little snoe it's exactly the same age as the big ones , it had a broken stem due to me being a clumsy bastard, the roots kept on growing but the top part did'nt which is why i was thinking it must have overgrown the pot.

I'm using hydroptops nutes which is pretty cool cos they are british made , so i have british nutes and british strains :smoker:

Whatever you're doing it's working, I guess goes to show how versatile coco is!

I've seen that happen before - where roots grow like mad on a damaged plant but the plant itself doesn't grow much.

Not heard of hydrotops, I'm not happy with how the Dutchmaster nutes I'm currently using are working out, not very suited to coco so I'm going to change after this run, I'll have to check the hydrotops stuff out, I was gonna go back to the old staple of Canna, although I liek the look of the Vitalink stuff and that's British too.

Dr. D

Active member
I used to use mostly 1.6-1.7 litre 10cm square deep pots and my best was 45-50g, 25-30g was more common, dependent on strain. Nowadays I tend to use 3.5s so that I have a safety factor in that if I am unable to water them for a couple of days (and sometimes my knees are so bad I just can't face climbing up to my grow) they don't suffer any undue stress.

Whatever you're doing it's working, I guess goes to show how versatile coco is!

I've seen that happen before - where roots grow like mad on a damaged plant but the plant itself doesn't grow much.

Not heard of hydrotops, I'm not happy with how the Dutchmaster nutes I'm currently using are working out, not very suited to coco so I'm going to change after this run, I'll have to check the hydrotops stuff out, I was gonna go back to the old staple of Canna, although I liek the look of the Vitalink stuff and that's British too.

I dont know how to quote parts so il quote all lol, Same here man iv just started using the 3.5 litres again for similar reasons and my plants keep getting bigger than i expect em to be so they really need the bigger pot. Iv been wanting to try out the Vita-link stuff too, their other nutes are great as a base nute iv used them in soil and hydro without all the additives with awesome results. Iv always wondered about changing the ratio of a to b with the Canna stuff but the NPK breakdown on the bottles shows the same on both bottles so i can only assume thats the ratio when mixed..
Some coco grown british bred bud :ying:


Nice bud Dr. D, i think your both doing pretty good if you can get 2oz off those little pots . They say that you can work out your potential yield from the size of the roots or pot that the plants are in and i think that is true , the best i could expect to get with my 40ltr pots is 25-26 oz which works out almost exactly the same as getting 1-2oz from a 1.6 ltr , still depends on the strain aswell tho i guess .

i'm actually using the wrong nutes really, the ones i have are designed for hydro but still seem to do OK in coco. Hydrotops do a bio-lite nute that designed specifically for pot growing , it works on a low e.c to prevent build up . You can also send them a water sample and they will formulate the nutes to your water supply ,very useful if you have shitty water like i do. I think i will get tailor made ones next time ...if there is a next time LOL


Nice bud Dr. D, i think your both doing pretty good if you can get 2oz off those little pots . They say that you can work out your potential yield from the size of the roots or pot that the plants are in and i think that is true , the best i could expect to get with my 40ltr pots is 25-26 oz which works out almost exactly the same as getting 1-2oz from a 1.6 ltr , still depends on the strain aswell tho i guess .

i'm actually using the wrong nutes really, the ones i have are designed for hydro but still seem to do OK in coco. Hydrotops do a bio-lite nute that designed specifically for pot growing , it works on a low e.c to prevent build up . You can also send them a water sample and they will formulate the nutes to your water supply ,very useful if you have shitty water like i do. I think i will get tailor made ones next time ...if there is a next time LOL

alright Stuppa. can you post, or pm me a link where to get the hydrotops nutes from pls. i rang a place that used to sell them and they said they've stopped makeing them? cheers mate.


Well-known member
I have actually been in conversation with the main man from Hydrotops. Heres the thang...

ATM, he only services 1 shop. This shop does not do mail order.

I am currently working with the main man in getting his stuff stocked in Brighton. I currently have a box of 12x bactivator and 12 x FFF sitting waiting for me at the PO. To be distributed to shops near me. And some for me of course. Now these shops will do mail order, so happy days. I shall keep you informed.

So, until the distribution ring is increased, the chances of you living near Nu Green,the current only outlet, is very slim.

Sending my water off next week. My next run will be exclusively Hydrotops.


Very nice bud Dr D, and interesting what you say about bigger plants with the 3.5s, I will have to see how mine do in the bigger pots, I've done two runs in 3.5s but one was an organic experiment and the other was ruined by a plague of mites so not yet seen the difference over the smaller pots in my own garden.

There are three reasons I am interested in the Vitalink nutes:

1. They are supposed to use better quality raw chemicals than Canna

2. They used mono potassium phosphite instead of mono potassium phosphate, phosphite is supposed to be a fair bit more easily absorbed by the plant and to also strengthen it's defences against pests and moulds.

3. They are British and priced well.

This hydrotops stuff sounds very interesting, look forward to hearing more. I find it strange he only supplies one shop, why is this? Is it because he sells most of his stuff to the pro horti world?

I'll wait until herbi tries the stuff first though, if he likes em then that's all the recommendation I need.
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