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uk clone only! (and british bred strains)

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ICMag Donor
Green Knot Kush



Why add it to any list until it's been grown out and sampled by a few people? No way of knowing if this Green Knot is any good or not until then. You just seem to assume it will be good and that is a dangerous leap of faith.

Some of us have more faith in our ability than others! These genetics already grow in different gardens... (pardon the pun). Green Knot Kush is new to the UK clone scene,, so is Rainbow Kush,, both are set to predominate the gardens of many (indoor and outdoor,, soil and coco) over the coming months :canabis:

Now mind out my way... unless you have something positive or at least constructive to say!

DocLeaf :joint:


That is kinda what I ment but I still think I'd grow a better sample than soma or rez or any coco grower put your money where your mouth is.. soil crap indoors??? nah Indifferent you just cultivate Alge i've seen and heard all srories about the crap you call bud.. perhaps you need to stop trying to follow what people do and just get your own way diled the Ic mag cup entrys were grown how the grower grows best,, No they say soil is the best for a reson.. And i'ts bullshit that coco gets 70/80% more hand fed daily..you might!! I found water alone doubles my yield and I was a coco man .. When growing in soil you need to be able to grasp the basics first then realise that you need to grow them for a season.. Never seen a coco grow that the smoke impressed me more than my mates.. its not about the smoke in coco!!!!!! I will take the pepsi challange with anyones bud in a blind taste.. I will also come round and give a demo on how to do it properly after. shall I sign you up Hempy..

That barely makes sense. For a kid you sure do think you know it all! Crap I call bud? Love to know who told you porkie pies cos there's only two people on this forum who've seen or smoked my bud and neither of them know you. Your ego is quite plainly huge, I don't need you to teach me anything and as for a pepsi challenge, that ain't gonna happen cos I don't grow the sort of mediocre skunky shit you love.


That barely makes sense. For a kid you sure do think you know it all! Crap I call bud? Love to know who told you porkie pies cos there's only two people on this forum who've seen or smoked my bud and neither of them know you. Your ego is quite plainly huge, I don't need you to teach me anything and as for a pepsi challenge, that ain't gonna happen cos I don't grow the sort of mediocre skunky shit you love.

I like just good bud regardless of skunk,, nobody told me porkie pies we all just look at the pictures of your grows and all your posts in you different HANDEL and can see for ourselves that you wouldn't know don't be getting paranoid now,,, its just all your work!!


ICMag Donor
Back on track please ppl,,, let's not spoil LLP's thread :canabis:

UK Clone Only and British Bred Strains :canabis:

Peace (always Peace)


Well-known member
Hey Doc, I know you have probably said a hundred times, but what is the makeups of your Rainbow and greenknots... certainly sound interesting...

I can not believe how fat these snoe sleeppaas are getting. Amazingly big. Can not wait to be pulling it all in a little under 3 weeks.



Yeah Scrog is a bigger yield than upright this pablo cheese on water out did its clone sister nearly 4 times over.. and it resembels some indica done like this. I can say verdentgreen inspired me and I will keep the scrog alive the next 1 in is a meter square blues.. going for 1226 grames of a 400w,EASY!!!, the SCROG thing is its a bastard to trim..


I am going to run the rainbow and the green knott but I have loads of KC crosses to look thru first I want something without flo and without skunk.. I am going to try some Deepchunk courtesy of BeAn. Cheers mate.. got the western winds connie chung and masterkush on the go too looking for some sativas nowerdays as (I have all the Indica anyone could want)


1226 g's from a 400w?! How much did that one give up and how long did the grow take?

BTW no comments on my dubious cheese do you guys think it's buddahs one? Or another cheedar... seems sweeter than the cheese I am used to getting buds of.


That 1 has 122 squares I estimate 100 g's I let you know when its trimmed then. dry. 8 weeks flower the clones were 3 weeks old under 125 w fluros that scrog above shared a 400w with 6 others I am getting the hang of things now, the upright girl did 35g dry, not worth even growing realy cheeper to buy bud..


LOL 1226 g from a 400w hehe good luck :)

I'm deadly serious 1 plant 1 400w and 1226g from it I'l be about 12 weeks, on plain water!!!!!! I never went on OG but I talk to people all the time that did and they say they see nothing of us on Ic impressive like back on og,, I don't know so,,

I think it means that all the best grows are well hidden away now,, there was a thread with a wharehouse full of tents with 1 plant scrogs the dude was pulling 50 kg easy.. Old photos are wicked..

The fact is everyone nowerdays is too scared to try be adventarous when all of us should be getting a kg per plant only some do.


cannB, pablo in the morning, psyco at night....the scrog looks great, always wanted to try that method n never have, with more floorspace i will defo be scroging shit out.:)

Deepchunk x bosnian will be awesome, we need to see more eastern euroweed...:)


That barely makes sense. For a kid you sure do think you know it all! Crap I call bud? Love to know who told you porkie pies cos there's only two people on this forum who've seen or smoked my bud and neither of them know you. Your ego is quite plainly huge, I don't need you to teach me anything and as for a pepsi challenge, that ain't gonna happen cos I don't grow the sort of mediocre skunky shit you love.

for a monkey your spelling, grammar and motor skills are incredibly above avarage....must have been the thousanth one.;)


Well-known member
Hey thanks Doc....

We have some nice Jamaicans selectin atm. If we find anything intresting they will be getting jiggy with my Chem 4 x D male. Perhaps even my heri male also.. ah good times.


Herb is that a herujina male that just got mentioned,,, I have a craving for something lightweights shouldn't smoke!!!

That is a wicked thing to have kept WELL DONE! Have you any seeds made from the dad?? I find all the best stuff in homemade seeds..

I think Doc's painted lady will come out the best of shanti's critical and WW x Freetibett. WWxfree tibett was probably the most sucsessfull hybrid of the year,, critical is just BAD ASS painted lady will do 700 g a square meter for noobs probably..
I can't wait to smoke the mofo..


cannaboy when u posted 1226 g from a 400w you do mean wet dont you ? so around 18 ish oz dry yer ?


1226g dry from a 400 is bullshit. I got 18oz dry from 3 plants scrogged under a 400 in a wardrobe using three DWC bubblers and that was with a big yielding AK47xHawaiian Indica and that's 504g, 2 weeks veg, 11 weeks bloom. I've seen 800g from a 400 done using 64 cuts of top44 in a metre square ebb n flood table with no veg time and I just don't believe you can do better than that. Most huge yielders like PP and Top44 that will give those kind of numbers are crappy smoke. A friend used to have a Skunk3A2 cutting he could get a kilo off one 600 with using a GH aeroponics setup but it wasn't great smoke, generic Dutch skunky crap. Biggest yielding but high quality cuts I've seen were a SSH and that AK x Hawaiian, but as a rule of thumb, anything that yields immense tends to be lacking in quality and the really high quality stuff never yields all that great.
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