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uk clone only! (and british bred strains)

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ICMag Donor
Got back to look at my PotLuck room after a few days away and realised PL10 had not been flushing for the last 5 days as I thought but had been getting the Bloom/boost/molasses solution that a few of the Long-flowering girls that share a system with her are still getting.
They are in a multipot F and D system and can be capped off individually in their lower pot from the rest of the system if I need to feed/flush them individually but have them in the same system.Which has been very useful when growing diff plants blind. But Stupid Me forgot to cap PL10 off and she hasn't taken kindly to strong nutes at this stage so looks somewhat battered. I will have to flush her through til shes smokable now....
Anyway enough about my dumbness,lemme tell you about PL10 or 'GRIME' as I've been calling her. I have yet to work out the definite Dad of her(I had some ideas but changed my mind) but am 100% sure that her mum was a dark and dirty Afghan we used to call 'STAN'(not the most attractive name for a lady I know but I didn't name her!). I first got a cut of Stan from in about '91 but she had been around Harrow on the Hill in the hands of a couple peeps for a good few years b4 I had her.
Stan smelt like Limey,Acidic Floor cleaner.With no sweet notes at all but some oniony,garlicy stank from a distance and tasted very sharp and fizzy with a knockdown Stone.
As far as smell goes Grime(PL10) is very similar to its mum....Limey and Grimey,but with a tad of sweetness in there also that I can't recognise as anything familiar as yet.
The weird thing is she goes darker and more leathery than Stan although her leaf-blades aren't as wide as Stan's were and I don't remember having any possible Indy Dads that could have produced such a cross during that period.So She maybe could be throwing back some traits that were hidden to me til now from Stan's heritage(which I know little about).
There's a couple of shots from the Nug-Cam as well below of Gold Tooth and LDN Pink.
PotLuck 10 \/

Gold Tooth \/

LDN Pink \/


Active member
lovely nugs man, looking forward to the smoke report.

securing the survival of this cross definitely would benefit everyone, this is the most unique cross i've seen in a while.


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ICMag Donor
PPSkaze smoke tested!

PPSkaze smoke tested!

I smoked my first few joints of the only available pheno of PurplePineapple x Skaze a few hours ago and took a few
kwik notes about it so I can do a short report for those that care!
I'll start by telling you only a little about appearance as you can see for yourself in the pics. I will say that
she has shrunk less than I thought she would,which is a releif as she's much smaller in stature than her genetics
led me to expect and didn't stretch to much in bloom.
She has long,slim,slightly skeltered cola formation,but although they are very braided and foxtaily,they are quite
hard and not wispy like some foxtailing mostly Sat's tend to be.So she's no Huge yeilder but I think the 67 grams
she produced,trimmed and dried was more than average for her stature(about 25 inches tall from pot),although she was
InvisiSCROGed and I'm not sure if she'd perform in SOG as yet.
She has dried to more silverish hues amongst the purple and green tones,with the orange hairs a more rusty shade
now.The stems dried have a plum/silver birch look to them and smell like a posh aromatherapy oil's blend.The
trichome cover is good but they are smallish with mostly well developed heads that are 90% clear,10% milky.
Overall from the first jar opening the first fragrance's are like pineapple and dark berries(not blue),with a kind of
fermented fizziness,with some spicey,earthy notes.When you squeeze the buds the fruitier almost tropical flavours are
dominant and its much the same when broken up.When my mate poppped round he thought it was air freshener and weed
mixed together and wouldn't beleive it was the ganja til I shoved his face in the jar.
The first toke was a surprise as although some of the Fruity smell translates into the taste,it was predominately a Nutty,Hazey,Herby flavour not present before in the bouquet 'til it's smoked.It's very tasty with mild but not un-expansive smoke that tickles the throat,but no coughing(yet!).On the exhale its Very Hazey and then you're left with a little sweetness in the aftertaste(which is slightly reminiscent of Psycho's aftertaste for those that know what I mean).
The first sensations were within minutes and its deffo got a quick but not mellow early lift.Heavy eyes came
quite quick but no Indica body lethargy.Mild quickening of heartrate and mild giggles after sharing joint between 2
in 5 or so mins.We listened to some new music and found it great as an Aural sensitivity booster,may be good party
After another joint 10 mins later we decided its quick in effect and very pleasant with definite waves of highness
but not devestating.
After smoking a number of joints for 2 hours then none for 2 we realised its high lasts well but it's a little moreish
so can lead to over-doing because you wanna smoke more even though you are plenty high already and It can make you a little spacey so not Bedtime weed and not daytime smoke unless a heavy Indy smoker usually.
Overall for potency we would give 7/10 with 90% Sativa and 10% Indica effects.For quality of high 9/10 as it's quite a different,spacey but very pleasant kinda high.
After my friend left I worked on some music(I'm a producer)and found it very focusing in small doses,to the point I lost track of time,but got lots done(so no motivation probs).I desired no more munchies than usual!
So from Initial impressions I'm very happy with the finished quality and think she may be a new fave.I will fill out a smoke report form for her and post it up in thae appropriate thread when I've got to know her properly.
Before I forget I found a couple of small put stripey seed's in a bud close to a little yellow nanner(the only one I've seen so far)so I'm assuming they are a couple of s1 seed's and may help with this girl and the 1 boy I have in keeping it going.



Great report Londinium :joint: ,
the spacey sativa high sounds perfect, the sort of thing i like man, (that's why i love SSH + NL#5xHaze so much),
definately a winner this 1:yes:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yeah it's deffo Cubase weed LLP although I switched to Nuendo a few years back meself cos its like Cubase GTI!
i'm pretty sure its writing and Inspo weed whatever you play or program! I've been using GrapefruitKush for a few years 4 that purpose but was getting sick of taste and it makes me sneeze often as well,so glad for alternative.
Hazeseeker its definitely in the same ballpark highwise as SSH and NL5H(2 of my faves also as I'm sure we've agreed b4).but its a 7/10 for strength and I'd make both those a 9/10 probably so its lighter. Also stature wise its half the size of them as well. I chopped it at 9 1/2 weeks and think thats close to optimum so its a li'l quicker than my fave pheno's of SSH and NL5H but if we had more pheno's of PPSkaze to try we'd probably find some longer bloomers(theoretically). Its a bit of a 'BonsaiSat' really I s'pose! JBo
Heres TranSkAGE at 11 1/2 weeks ready to chop after 48 hours of darkness!

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Ta' E.M. I think you'd appreciate the high too.Anyhoo I feel the same about some of those Flo family pics of yours,she's the Prettiest most perfect plant I have seen in ages.
Are you DJ....Are you DJ....Are You D.J. in disguise?! Repeat to fade......... JBo

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londinium - its great to see some of the pp genetics being grown even if it don't look like the pp. its like being a grandfather lol
you have a male of the cross also ? if so it may be worth breeding the 2 x's together to see what is thrown out from the parentage.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hello Retry glad to see ya! Hope she gave you some ancestral pride,I'm just sorry its a Skaze leaning pheno (or more specifically P.Haze and CaliO from the Skaze side are the dominant genetics IMO)but I think it may be due to the Skaze being from the male which often leads to it dominating the genetics above the Female's in my experience. Also there is a lot of diff strains in the male parent some relatively stable when crossed and some not,so could've leaned in many direction's I 'spose.
I do believe I have a male PPSkaze and a couple of selfed seeds so will try to make f2's of this PP and possibly the other selfed seeds(if they sprout!) with the male and see what pops up(may need help then with f2 run's peep's).
Still may have some PPx's in batch of seeds I still have so I haven't given up yet and if I keep finding nice new plants along the way then all the better!
On a Sadder note my crew and I lost friend and Sativa-master Baz R.I.P.(54) this week to electrocution(not in his growroom! but check ya wires anyhoo for me). So please smoke a bud of your best in Baz's memory for me tonight!
He helped work the Skaze and many other strains with me so I'm gonna make a blunt of PPxSkaze in a mo and smoke it for Barry and Fam.
We will be making a hybrid from his best work next year and I will give them all away to the community to spread his memory! Ta JBo


Quality thread, just read the whole 40 pages! I love finding about the heritage of some of the green I've been chuffing over the years. Interesting to read about the Rumple earlier in the thread too. Was being toked in my circle of friends perhaps about three years ago, but not seen it for a while now. Not complete killer but a very pleasant smoke, hadn't realised it was a clone. edit: Spoke to F today about the Rumple, apparently is a 4 way cross but he isn't sure what of, as F is not the grower, but the person I used to source the buds from.

Hopefully in time I can contribute to this thread, some of the clones discussed in here are available to me through FOFs.

At the moment I'm waiting for some other cuts though - White Rhino & Rox - from a grower whose judgement I know I can trust. As I understand it these cuts are currently doing the rounds in my area amongst a small network of growers, a network I'm only just becoming part of myself.

Quite interested in the Rox for outdoor purposes here in Blighty too, but have read mixed reports on how early it really is. Grower I am sourcing it from says it's one of the most vigourous plants he has had for a long time, though, and is a tough little cookie with regard to mold & pests.
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Bumping this awesome thread:joint:

few pics of my cross Northern Cheese Haze (Uk Exodus Cheese x NL#5xHaze)
this pheno smells strongly of pineapple







ICMag Donor
Nice plants all :D cool speed cheese haze seeker :dance:

What's new for 2009 UK crew ?? anything else tasty on the horizon ?? :chin:

keep sowing, growing, selecting, and crossing them all :yes: :canabis:
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