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uk clone only! (and british bred strains)

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Active member
First, let me say I have been awake for 3 days and not eaten for 4, so if I have upset anyone by being obtuse or abrasive, sorry.

Yes, you have the same risk with a normal male x female cross of intersexed traits.

I think what I should have said is that...

Fuck knows, I'm becoming Bob DeNiro in Taxi Driver so my grey matter is fucked right now.

I'll explain what I meant when I've slept.


ICMag Donor
i dont even know what your talking about indifferent bro,,,,you must be tired.:)

we was havin a good dicution about intersexed traits,,,,,,

you said "selfing WILL promote intersexed expreshion"

i was sayin ::::selfing is the best tool for repair,,,,,,[especialy when presevation is top priority!]

imo,,outcrossing will only mask the intersexed-trait,,,outcrossing will just make it recessive,,, selfing is the best method of repair,,,,,

in the case of the diesels, where the only source of supirior genotype is a cloned indervidual......i think we need to look at repair stratagys,,


ICMag Donor
Oh I know it's a cultural thing, it's a white, middle class, Trustafarian thing. Combine it with a set of natty dreads for extra plus points on credibility when smoking and talking patois with Tim and Giles (now G Man).

Unless of course he's a genuine Jamaican Rasta in which case I'm terribly sorry for poking fun, Jah bless.

"Me throw me corn but me no call no fowl" (i.e. "Don't call yourself a chicken just because you eat my
feed; I never said I was endeavoring to feed the chickens.")

Yeah mon,, few brethren (n sistren) are practising ras-ta-fari... as I n I once was... class , creed, nationality, skin colour nah come into that! It's an ital ting ... cultural to the Conquering Lions of the Tribe of Judah. Wake up! :rasta:

Here's a link to the reasoning thread : http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=125721&highlight=Rastafarian

"Rastafari stands alone..."


Smoke n be merry all ... :tree::smokeit::dance:


First, let me say I have been awake for 3 days and not eaten for 4, so if I have upset anyone by being obtuse or abrasive, sorry.

Are you recording a studio album or somthing??:chin:


Active member
Are you recording a studio album or somthing??:chin:

..exited about Santa maybe!??...:window:

maybe, or a crimbo crack binge?:xmasnut:

Three good guesses, sadly all wrong. I'm an insomniac with chronic digestive problems and just going through some medication changes for my anxiety and panic attacks so life is rather rough for me right now.

Why oh why don't we have med ganja in the uk, a script for 5g of strong black hash per day would probably do me more good than all the bloody chemicals they want me to take.

Glad ya liked the video doc, wasn't poking fun at ya, just I saw that video the other day and found it hilarious, then this thread reminded me of it.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey indifferent try dr stuart's herbal teas - tranquility or valerian plus - might help

hi room i am starting of some seeds and i am looking to find out what light cycle you use as I have only ever gone from clones before and done 18/6 in veg and 12/12 in flower.

When starting seeds I have germinated them in moist paper towels in between to plates to keep heat in,
root comes out fine and then i transfer them to my jiffs (little rot wool cubes) soked in power thive.
I then put them in my small propagator and wait until I see them pop through and then switch on my veg light asap,
what I am wondering is what light cycle do I have it on for seedlings until they have established roots do I leave the light on 24hours until a certain stage and then switch to 18/6, or do I switch to 18/6 as soon the first sign of the plant comes through the rot wool cube
These are my seedlings and I have had the light on them now for 24hours for the past week the light is a 250watt enviro light low energy thing,
am I doing it right or should I be on 18/6
they are all looking healthy but i'm thinking should they be bigger by now.
what do you think?


Yes well clones are generally taken from the lower flower tip branches as they maintain a constant A sexual way of proppergation of a geneticall exact replica of its mother.. these lower branckes root easyer apparently but you can clone the top the side branches it is up to you..


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
goneforasmoke - 24/0 or 18/6 will be fine for seedlings.

fyi its against the rules to ask for or offer clones in open forum.

thanx cannaboy i think more research about cloning is needed if anyone has any pics that would give me more indication that would be cool
it's something i have never done before but will be getting into this year


Active member
would you say having my seedlings on 24/0 is better for early life as a pose to 18/6 what are ppl's thought and what would you do

Doubt it makes much difference really but some darkness is probably beneficial. I go 20/4 all the way from start til I begin flowering, clones or seedling. Read a report from OG where they did side by side tests and 20 hous of light and 4 of darkness in veg gave best yield in the end.
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