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uk clone only! (and british bred strains)

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Elevator Man

Active member
Never grown the blues personally, but it's so close to the livers and smelly/mystery strain, there's not much that would surprise me. It's grown a lot round here, and a couple of friends grow it, but I can't be arsed with all those now - got too much on with the specialities...:)

As for differences - just a bit more BB in the smell really...:)


ICMag Donor
is the "stinky one"....like a less stinky cheese or blues with more of a sativa high...blues being too much hassle, for what its worth

im happy with that stink....if it was up to me....id isolate that stink from cheese and diesel and use it like eggs in a cake....

im guessing there all skunk dom....wich is the best for taste.....blues seems to be better than cheese....the local dealers have this blues...its just like cheese but i cant get mine as tasty and ive tryed coco,hydo,soil...flushing...zyme..no zyme..canna boost,budlink,no budlink,ghe, canna aqua,vitalink,high temps, low temps..ionic nutes...almost everything....cheese is just not as tasty
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Elevator Man

Active member
In my opinion, and it is only my opinion, there's not much skunk in any of them. If there's one strain that is behind all these 'sub-strains', it's Northern Lights, and and old one at that. The guys who used to run all these a long long time ago were deffo working with NL hybrids - I used to know some of them, and still see one or two around. Trouble is, I can't go into detail for security, and it's ultimately pointless, as no-one can remember accurately anyway. At the time no-one thought it would become 'legendary'...:)

I honestly don't think there's much difference in tastes and smell between any of them to be bothered - as I mentioned, my friend is growing them all, and you can hardly tell them apart in hydro - soil seems to better express the individual differences, of which there aren't many.

Sorry to seem so down on them, but I've personally been trying to move on (and move my friends on) from these strains, as we've had 'em around for a long time with nothing new on the scene. Now there's shitloads of variety, and way more DJ Short strains in circulation, which in my book is a good thing...:)


ICMag Donor
they are only 2 years old to me EM...everyone is many years behind you bro

and most people i meet have never smoked anything like it...they have stood out from any importted weed or any bits of homegrow that is available.... people love it..an its fresh to them too...

did you mean blues an livers has the NL...is that where thay differ trom cheese?

there is a defo difference...blues is like cheese but candy in taste the smell is less deep more sweet...at first i thought i need to treat the cheese differntly to make it as sweet, but its imposible to get it to that candy taste...


there are a lot of blues crosses from what i hear. i had some not long ago as friend has a cut and it has great smell taste, but more mentholy and piney than usual it seems. the high isn't anything spectauclar and it gets boring quick. yet to try the legendary cheese though. i want some proper pure skunk that i smoked when weed was still class b. funky taste funky high, not devestating or twitchy paranoia shit just funky goodness.


ICMag Donor
Elevator Man said:
and it's ultimately pointless, as no-one can remember accurately anyway.

We like that line of thought :yes: :D

I n I let ya know where this psychosis clone comes from as soon as it flowers out :wink:

Peace dLeaf :joint:

"ya can fool some ppl some times,,, but ya can't fool all the ppl all the time"

Elevator Man

Active member
I would say the 'blue' or the fuel/fruit smell/taste almost certainly comes from the Northern Lights end of most of those hybrids - Cheese is the odd one out, obviously.

There's also a 'Blue Meanie' going round, which I've had described to me as both 'Blueberry X Livers' (nonsense), or Blueberry X White Widow (possible). Fact is, no matter what the blues or livers or the smelly one actually are, they're clone-only, so no-one's going to be crossing any two together! As for the WW link - possible, but in reality, I've never met anyone here who knew anything about breeding, and any seeds made I would guess are totally accidental.

I made a cross of the smelly one X Flo, and have lost a few to outdoor freezes, and the guy who grew some out fucked them all up and chopped them down - dick. So there's about ten seeds left, which I will get round to, as I think, like the others I made, it'll be better than the original.


ICMag Donor
Elevator Man said:
I would say the 'blue' or the fuel/fruit smell/taste almost certainly comes from the Northern Lights end of most of those hybrids - Cheese is the odd one out, obviously.

There's also a 'Blue Meanie' going round, which I've had described to me as both 'Blueberry X Livers' (nonsense), or Blueberry X White Widow (possible). Fact is, no matter what the blues or livers or the smelly one actually are, they're clone-only, so no-one's going to be crossing any two together! As for the WW link - possible,.

thats why i love s1...two clone onlys ...eg ...blues x livers polen...or livers x psycho polen ....wow

i know you guys think im pissing in the pool, but i promise il keep them to myself...if someone asks me to,that is!

northern lights being the fruit fule in the blues!...thats a nice statment...i trust you to be acurate ,but are you fairly sure that is the difference cheese and blues EM?


ICMag Donor
i dont go on there much...to many peeps i know personaly....they are not nice..trust me!!...

please add any blues/livers..info....
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Elevator Man

Active member
Honestly, there's nothing more to add on blues/livers - they are what they are, and any more is just idle speculation - we've been debating it for years, with no outcome, other than they're still around, they always yield good, and they stink - which fits the bill for most commercial growers.

They're either, IMO: Northern Lights-dominant Jack Herer, Northern Lights X BigBud, Northern Lights pure or Northern Lights X Skunk #1. And yeah, I reckon they're the same too - though I still think the smelly one is slightly different...but that's the end of my take on this, as I'll just end up going round in circles...:)



ICMag Donor
livers/blues is awsome...

NL is a wickid answer EM..thats good enough for me..your right its juat speculation and round-abouts after that...

2 great questions answerd

ive been trying to sorce blues for ages
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Em is right, it just goes on and on in a circle. I agree the Smelly One is a bit different, I see a lot of Skunk in the Smelly One, I could even believe it was a Skunk just a different pheno to Cheese as they have some striking similarities, but if I were a betting man I'd lay money on it being a skunky pheno of a skunk hybrid but to speculate beyond that is pointless, but it's definitely very skunky.


ICMag Donor
i think i should try growin them both...lol

i have realy enjoyed the blues...

one more thing i will add is.....cheese / blues / livers / psycho...they are all amazing and sound very similar......seems to me like old is gold
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Active member
Sam_Skunkman said:
Clones from pre 1978??? Interesting as I only introduced Skunk #1 in 1976, but very few people had it.
I have not seen any 30 year old clones, when I checked up on any that were claimed to be they were all less then 20 years.
Also clones were hard to maintain before Halides and Sodium lights were available in the late 70's.


Hi Sam,

why were clones hard to maintain before Halides and Sodium lights ?
in the UK i use fluros on 24/0 to maintain my mothers . fluros been around for more than 30 years .
when you compare the tropical climate of California to that of the UK , is it really that hard to believe better indoor gardening techniques had been developed here .

ot1 states he sent genetics to help with the development of SK#1 , and that his ES clone is Nigerian x early version SK#1 .


Active member
got myself a cutting of psycho-berry at the weekend...
which is psychosis x blueberry.

also my seeds of my new cross (psychosis x biddys sister) are dry now, i'm calling it "psycho-sister". got a little too much going on now to sprout any, hopefully some friends will give me a hand testing them though.


ICMag Donor
Yo LLP hope Bubble Axe is doing the doobie for ya :D

What's with this psychosis dude ?? Is it anything to do with 'Club Psychosis' (the rave promotions) ?? :chin:

Anyhow, this cut grow's like a rocket in coco,,, much quicker than Cheese,, doesn't grow like Super Skunk,, looks a little like NL.. and really stands out in the garden :dance: genetics went to the LGA already (bless up),,

All answers on a postcard to ICMag please :D

peace peace peace
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