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UK Assets Seizure Law Abused


ICMag Donor
Dated Oct 29, 2009

The raid that rocked the Met: Why gun and drugs op on 6,717 safety deposit boxes could cost taxpayer a fortune

More than 500 officers smashed their way into thousands of safety-deposit boxes to retrieve guns, drugs and millions of pounds of criminal assets. At least, that's what was supposed to happen.

90% of safe deposits opened, and contents seized, were totally innocent. Only 5% provably criminal, 5% undecided. Allegations of police stealing money and jewels. Victims had to put up 50K each to prove innocence.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Dipshits. Pretty soon EVERYONE is going to hate LEO. You can't just abuse people. There is an end point.


Active member
You wont like this then

‘Capone’ cash grab power for councils


Published: Today

FARE dodgers and council tax evaders could have their homes searched and cash seized by council officials under tough "Al Capone" laws.

Home Secretary Alan Johnson will let town halls tackle small-time offenders with powers designed for police to use on crime bosses.

Debts can be collected for low-level offences from next week in a radical extension of the Proceeds of Crime Act.

Town Hall officials, the Royal Mail, the Rural Payments Agency and Transport for London will have the right to search homes, seize cash, freeze bank accounts and confiscate property.

The move has infuriated cops. Paul McKeever, chair of the Police Federation, said: "The Proceeds of Crime Act is a very powerful tool in the hands of police and police-related agencies and it shouldn't be treated lightly.

"There is a behind-the-scenes creeping of powers occurring here and I think the public will be very surprised. They would want such intrusive powers to be kept in the hands of warranted officers and other law enforcement bodies - which are vetted to a very high standard."

Councils have come under attack for using anti-terror laws in the past to spy on householders who fail to recycle correctly - and there is a fear they will be targeted by the new powers.

The Home Office plans to "embed" financial seizure across the criminal justice system.

Ministers have set a target to recover £250million in criminal assets by 2010, rising to £1billion per year soon after.

A Home Office spokesman said: "Seizing ill-gotten gains is a key part of the fight against criminals - whether it is small offences or organised crime."


daddy fingaz

Active member
....dear oh dear...

the 1st part of this statement is correct, not sure about the 2nd part!? ..

"There is a behind-the-scenes creeping of powers occurring here and I think the public will be very surprised. They would want such intrusive powers to be kept in the hands of warranted officers and other law enforcement bodies - which are vetted to a very high standard."

more and more erosion of freedom, laws passed under the pretense of 'anti terrorism' being abused for other agendas! !:noway: