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Uh, you can't go in that room


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
all you got to do is pull out the tigers costume and flippers.. and yell YOURRRRRR GREATTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active member
You better hope the flippers are a turn off, Poopy.

My daughter worked for a bit as a sales rep for a large custom shirt printer and she tells about the old weird guy who came in and wanted a whole bunch of tees made for a 'furry' convention.

It was a lot of tee shirts.

You just never know...Somebody might want to see how much weight Tony the Tiger is packing.

h^2 O

what? You hear humming like there's a street light in there? You must be tripping man. I don't hear a thing. Why would someone put a streetlight in a house? Come on that's just crazy.


Active member
You broke the cardinal rule do not tell anyone, That's the way most people on here say anyway, I'm not telling you how to live, I haven't told my step son yet & our 4 yr. old grandson comes over as well as them! So do what you want do!!!!!:wave:

lol, yeah, those were special cases though, all future growers. (one grows now and other last time i met him was planning on a house so he could grow) (none of them even know where i live)

family knowing was fine, mostly, though to their understanding i dont grow anymore ;) (oh they are worriers :))

it depends though.

i just got a small grow, have gotten busted once for growing, got a small fine and the cops promised to never come back lol, (told them im disabled and grow only for me, had 3 small seedlings back then, cfl grow)

id get a fine at most and lose some equipment and plants.not something im eager for, but wont lose sleep over either..

got seeds stashed away as well in case.

generally i just go by, "its none of your freaking business! you gonna help me grow huh?"

but in special cases, like those people i mentioned before, i have changed the tune, helped them out in one case. even if they rolled on me, well, difficult to imagine them snitching my 10 plant grow to save their ass over their own 10 plant grow.

pretty stupid, hey, im gonna mess it for another grower, grower that would happily give me seeds and new clones when im able to grow again :)

just so i can save myself a few bucks (like i said, small fine for a small grow)

so, it depends. if i was facing life in jail or even just some time or hefty fines, i wouldnt tell a soul. specially if there was money involved.
There is my altar and praying mat. As a gay into HC sex could not say it is dungeon, because my guests would love to get there, but anything religious shit scares them away. :joint:


Active member
My old roomate still pays me to keep some of his crap in there. He pay me like $120 a month for climate control storage :D

Guest 16149

Just tell them your mom, dad or some other close relative died in that room and that you cannot stand to go in there, it gives ya the creeps so you keep it locked and unused

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