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Uh-oh! Lockout? Overfert? Ph Issues? HALP!


Active member
awesome to hear that its not getting worse....:good:
420 is a great number....i always thought it stood for "its time 4 a 20" like a 20 sack of weed:dunno:...mo


6 days later, lost 2 more plants and the rest are progressively getting worse. Every factor I can think of is picture perfect and my plants are dying off one by one. Bout to revamp the whole damn thing, or do a soil run, or tear it all down and sell it for parts or something. Beats me.


Active member
I think the pics show a Mag def and a Cal def. I believe the clawing leaves on top are signs of a Ca def, and the interveinal chlorosis on the low leaves is Mg. These are caused by low pH if there is enough in your nute solution. For you it may be an actual deficiency as clean as your tap is.

The purp is a P def.
Hydro advise can suck, because you get guys who run their res at 5.5 and guys who run their res at over 6.
I think 5.6 to 5.8, but I use coco and as long as i keep it 5.8 to 6.2 i'm good.

And I use either flora bloom and flora micro, or like now, just maxibloom. maxi at 1 tsp per gallon. but that's coco.

I do know that once you fix this, you'll wonder why it was such a big deal. Sometimes suddenly things just get easier.
And you picked aero, which is not so simple. Actually since you don't use true mister/atomizers, it's just a NFT system.


ICMag Donor
Hey Sensi-
Sorry that things arent turning around, that sucks. Hydro can be finicky and as hazy said once things smooth out it will seem like not that big of a deal. Easy to say from my end though watching your hard work slowly slipping away. I have run coco for a while and this next time I am going to try a few Hempy buckets, sort of a passive hydro system that you can leave alone for a few days. 3-5gal bucket with perlite about two inches on bottom and then filled with coco, a 1/4 drain hole about two inches up from bottom and water normal nutes until it barely runs out of the hole. Seems like it would be too easy but people seem to love it, hazy has done a few.
BrainSellz has a great attitude, good to have support when things arent going that great
Its hard but think of how much you learned trying to solve this mystery. You will for sure be a better grower because of it. Good luck and hope things settle out. NS
It's cal-mag, , the KISS method is great, but in some setups it's low on cal-mag because different water is different. Add 2tsp/gal of cal mag for the next week and you won't have to scrap this grow... please try before just giving up. They can respond really well.

Darth Fader

I've got some plant that are looking like this - leathery leaves, tips curling downward, & twist new growth. I'll be very interested to see if you figure this out.
what do you keep your co2 ppm's at. its my understanding that you need your temp to be around 85 to 90 with co2 so the plants transpire more to keep up with it.


"easy growing type"
What STRAIN are you growing? Rockstar Kush
What was the establishing technique? (Were the seed or clone?) clone
What is the age of your plants? approx 1 month from cut
What PHASE are the plants in? (seedling, vegetative or flower) are the plants in? Veg
What Technique are you using? LP Aero
What substrate/medium are you using?(Hydroton, RockWool etc.) N/A. Neoprene Pucks
What is the Nutrient temperature? 66-68f
What Nutrient's are you using? GH Maxibloom
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using? Flushing with PH'd tap today, but prior to that 700ppm at .5 conversion (ec 1.4)
What is the pH of the "Tank"? Swing from 5.5-6.0
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment? Calibrated weekly, might grab some new solution soon to be sure
When was your last watering? 15 min on, 15 min off
When was your last feeding change? (ie. grow-bloom-micro-additional) Flushing with plain ph'd tap for 24 hours at the moment, before that it was maxibloom and nothing else
What size bulb are you using? 1000w HPS and 600w HPS, both in aircooled tubes
What is the distance to the canopy? approx 15 inches for the 1k, a couple feet for the 600
What is your RH Factor? RH is in the mid 50% range
What is the canopy temperature?76-78f
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range)Lights on 24h while vegging
What is the current Air Flow? (cfm etc.)CGE. 20" fan for room circulation (4x8 tent). 6" Vortec with carbon filter for scent and Icebox for cooling, C02 via Propane controlled by matador. Air from lights does not interact with room.
Is the fan blowing directly at plants?No, but they're dancing in the breeze a bit
Is your water HARD or SOFT?30-70ppm from the tap. (EC .06-.14)
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinchedNo
Have any pest chemicals been used? If so, What and When? No, but I did add 4ml of bleach to the res a while back, long before any of this started
Are plant's infected with pest'sNo. No mites, no thirps, no fungus gnats.

About a week ago I noticed the top growth on one of my plants was looking a bit thick and leathery. Also, the tips (just the tips) of the leaves at the top of the plant were pointing downward on most every plant in the table. At that time I was in the mid to high 700ppm range (500 conversion). The PPM was dropping daily so I assumed they were still eating, but I dropped the PPM to just under 700 just to be sure. A week later and the original plant is looking worse than ever and the problem is beginning to effect more plants. Oldest leaves are yellowing, tops of the plants show twisted new growth and intervenal chlorosis on the older top leaves.

Did a res change last night. Flushing with PH'd tap for 24 hours. When I get home from work today I plan to do another res change and start feeding them again but I'm unsure where my target nute strength should be to get them happy again. My gut is telling me I'm dealing with a touch of overfert (even though no real tip burn to be seen) or perhaps PH issues, but I'm not 100% sure and can't afford any more setbacks. This fickle little bitch of a strain is beginning to drive me nuts, and I need help getting back on track... please

What is good brother :).
The issues you are experiencing here are indeed pH related. No need to worry about over-ferting as your nute ppm's are dropping as you top off as you stated. Though this is not good either :). The goal is to find a right balance in hydro where the ppm's stay the same as the plant eats. It's a bit tricky but it's all part of dialing your plant in :). As of right now I believe what you are experiencing is called "precipitation" (Thank You Mistress :)). Mistress explained this to me a while back and it's when you've not fully dissolved your mix. I use Maxi Grow and Maxi Bloom and the reason I jumped it is because I too experienced this. Just remember that when you prep your mix EVEN when using the blender technique to leave the mix out in water for about an hour. I do this all the time now. Little granules of mix on the bottom of your rez may cause pH hot spots causing your meter to read improperly (This is called precipitation). Also recalibrate your gear too. Nonetheless if this is your only issue then you are golden but remember that PH issues cause nute lockouts and you may not have seen the worst of this before the storm passes. Good luck bro.

PS. I do this with my ez clone - Remove all the mister heads and soak them in hot water with clorox for 30 minutes. Then hot water alone for 30 minutes. Finally rinse with cold water and replace back into the system.

PPS. If you can't get your mix to dissolve fully after 1 hour then run it through a big coffee filter to get the residuals out. Also remember to pH to 5.5 and let it climb on its own from there. Do not pH to 5.8 on powdered ferts as you're just going to end up using pH down the next day and there after and end up with more and more phosphates in the mix. I hope this helps and my apologies if your issue has been resolved since I jumped the gun in throwing out a response.
I vote for root-rot. Along with some other deficiencies. Probably Sulfur. Oh, sorry didn't see the roots pic. Well, I vote for some deficiency plus over-water.


Active member
i know aero experts say feed 1 minute, air 4 minutes. 15 on 15 off is too much. keep ph at 5.6 and id up the ppm imvh. aero loves h202 @1.6ml/L every 2-3 days too. thats a great cut btw, d