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Ugh, deficiency? Heat? Mildew? Too much water? All of the above?


Hey icmag,

Long time lurker in need of help.

I've just recently started a new batch and about 10 days in i've got a problem. A lot of the bigger leaves are starting to droop and a few of them are starting to turn yellow. For a few days (from like 5 days ago, until 2 days ago) the heat was reaching almost 100 degrees in my box, but i've got that under control and they have been at around 85 for 2 days now. Just yesterday i started to notice the wilting and minor yellow leaves. This morning/tonight they are drooping more and the yellow spots are becoming more obvious. The ones that have the yellowing, have the original leaflets (the first two) starting to turn yellow as well.

A few that are wilting show no yellow signs.

First one is with the brightest yellowing.


This one you cant see very well but the leaf is beginning to turn yellow as well and it appears a small amount of white dust.


A group pic showing the wilting.

TIA...appreciate everyting i've learned so far and hope for some advice in this time of need.

J. Denver

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
I think you might be seeing the affects of the heat. 100 is waaaay too high. I'd just keep an eye on it and make sure those temps don't get too high again.

Are you feeding them nutrients yet?


no, but the potting soil i was using had a small amount of fert for growth stimulation, and says to start feeding 2 - 3 weeks after planting. I was thinking this was also a possible reason.

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
You'll be alright. I don't see anything too alarming in any of those pics. You can probably start giving them light nutrients now though; see if that makes them happier. You could also try a half strength calmag watering to.

Do you seem to notice the drooping at night just before the lights turn off?

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
Hello, 85 is still on the hot side, try and bring it down to 25, 26, 27 celc. if you can.

Yeah I think so to. My temps never get above 80F, and that's in the summer time.

You can still grow a good crop if you keep them at 85 though.


thanks for the help fiber...definitely trying to keep them around 80...hope it goes well

thanks a bunch jimmy...the light is on 24/7 but i noticed the drooping within the last 36 hours and then some yellowing started. kinda reminded me of when i had done this before and the nutrients from the soil mix got washed out....hoping that's the case. I'm not exactly sure what calmag is but i will google it and see what i can come up with.

another quick question...obv in wrong forum but couldnt hurt to ask. when transplanting, do i have to water right when i do it? or can i wait it out for a day just to see if it was a problem with over-watering? thanks again fellas!

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
Calmag is just a brand of calcium/magnesium supplement. I think I use Magical, basically the same thing. I'd pick some up if you don't have any. Do you condition your soil with dolomite lime?

I'd let them get decently dry before you transplant them (not too dry, or you'll really damage the tiny roots), then water them right before you pull them out of their small containers and water them again once they're in the bigger container.


actually i haven't done anything to the soil at all. just planned on using ff grow as soon as the fert in the current soil ran up....bad idea?


New member
I believe you are still seeing the effects of the heat even though you now have that under control but what is the Ph of the water you are giving them?


actually i am just using standard city water...they hadn't shown any problems up until the last couple days, would PH still be a possible cause?

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
PH is probably getting high. You really should amend your soil with fine dolomite lime before you transplant them. That will add some calcium and magnesium to your soil, but it also has a neutral PH of 7. It can never raise above 7 so it will help keep your soil PH balanced. You'll start to run into tons of deficiency problems if your PH is too high. I use about an ounce/gallon of soil, or 1 to 2 tbls/gallon of soil.

The FF grow should be fine. I've never used their products, but I've heard lots of good things.

Weird Jimmy

Licensed Patient/Caregiver & All-Around Cool Ass B
ICMag Donor
...some people use the dolomite lime as their only source of cal/mag, but I like to use a bottled supplement on top of the dolomite


overheating is really tough on seedlings seedlings tisues are quit soft and heat stress can damage even the aged mums 100f is hot for them rember in nature they sprout in the spring and by summer they have the strenth and extra leafs to transpire to cool there selfs and the soil with nuts added be very carful i didnt see the brand you are using but im doing a grow experment using miracle gro products only and all the soils have ferts added in i would go by the directions on the lable i add a week to it and sometimes i wait till the ladies ask for more nuts just my opinion


thanks again jimmy.

sup jyme? Yea, I definitely didn't think the heat was as much of a deal as it turned out to be. got it under control and 3 days later they are looking much happier. The soil im using is from lambert and its the "ALL PURPOSE POTTING MIX" that says ready-to-use growing mix. Says its a mixture of peatmost, perlite, horticultural lime, fertilizer and wetting agent. I guess the growth stimulator is Humic Acids from the decomposition of organic matter. Under the 'General Care Tips' it says "a fertilization schedule should commence within 2 or 3 weeks after initial planting" which i'm assuming is because by then their ferts are flushed out.

Thanks again for the advice guys, first timer with the cabinet, so we'll see how it goes.


its good you have them back on the right track. did it give detal to wether that is for poting seedlings or repotting advanced plants the difernce is the amount of nutreint uptake.im using miracle gro products and there harsh on a grower. im working the math out on my plants now and the bags and lables are off the stuff is in my own words toxic and with it flushing doesnt get all the salt build ups out. what im getting at is better safe than sorry good luck. ill be looking for updates happy growing