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U.K collected bagseed grows.


spiritual g

this one is a weird smoke.very prerfumey-lavernder tasting.Was medium strength sativa high ,just tastes a bit too strange for my pallete.Long lasting duration,and can make you edgey if you smoke too much.Looked almost pretty and evil at the same time,yielded low for the amount of space she took up but she only ever shared a 250 watt light all her life so she did ok really,just too fucking tall!overall a 6 out of ten,pretty colours ,weird taste average bud.good to use as backup


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spiritual g

this the above dried


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spiritual g

next up is one which reminds me of cali -o ,smells like orange peel and had overdense nugs.Nice smoke for all day ,nice taste,nice high just too dense,lol.Not devastating but strong enough to do a job on most people.I like it but im not amazed or anything.It reminds me of the homegrown buds of old and the old import skunks fromm holland.6.5-7 out of ten.Finished in 8 weeks and took up little space.


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spiritual g

just the so called thai ,and one more unknown sativa to come out of the bagseeds i think.They have maybe 4 weeks at least to go ,aroud the 15 week mark i imagine.


spiritual g

i forgot the quick sativa one,this is the ugly duckling out the bunch grows like its outdoor ,dries like its outdoor,smokes like its outdoor of old.Only sense and not squashed into blocks and shipped over,lol.Mild smoke,but very clean and true ,no distortion a pure motivator.Smokes like a fine cigar and smells like rosemary.I smoke this one most as i like to smoke a lot a joints all day and be high and active ,so this fits the bill for me.Makes great blunts of yesteryear.6-7 out of ten overall,but very old school and pleasant to have around.Different.



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spiritual g

ok i chopped down my ssh today ,and all i got left is the old timer haze x kush and the two bagseed sativas left.I noticed the so called"thai" one is hermieing now at ten weeks,which i i expected from at least one or two bagseeds,especially this one,and luckily the old timer x kush are ready smack on twelve weeks,so i can't see them getting too affected these last two weeks. i've decided to leave her be to mature ,and ripen fully whether she seeds or not, i dont give a fuck to be honest.only me smoking it,and it will be as strong seeded if not stronger to some people,and much better than picking it early and also interesting to see her go.Smells of deep lemon goodness,buds are like air,lol,but i know it will turn my nipples inside out,she a beauty even though she gender bending..

pics are thai bagseed and a couple of the ssh phenos i chopped

peace good people


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spiritual g

the two sativa bagseeds together under a 250 watt hps,they now have more space which is a bonus.my tip for sativas indoor is simple.just keep bending even in flower,to counter the stretch,you can make a canopy in no time with a gentle touch.

TB Gardens

Active member
Cool stuff brother - think I'm gunn a have to grab a few beans outa the bagseed jar & give them a go!

spiritual g

cheers minime pal,shame i have to keep deleting most my pictures but paranoia kicks in around harvest times!

tb gardens go for it in the knowledge you will get heartbreak ,but also lots of joy and variety and smells of times gone,plus your seeds wont last forever.Not for the faint hearted or greed merchants,and purely done for love of herb and an interest in obsvervation of marijuana variants.2 of the 7 bagseeds hermied as expected but 5 are fine and all unique.So you need to be extra vigilant and accept you may have to chop a couple down half way done for the saftey of the rest of the room.


spiritual g

thai,old timer x kush and other random bagseed at 11 weeks.they will come down in two weeks bar the thai


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Active member
Nice thread.

I am on a bit of a bagseed expedition at the moment, my last run of 6 plants included 2 bagseeds recovered from some import Thai, but the seeds must be the result of some hybridisation as the two I grew out where pretty much done at 9 weeks, they could have gone longer, but I pulled them along with the 4 clones they where in with to continue the rotation.
They certainly weren't uber long flowering sativas like you would expect from Thai bagseed, but after a dry and a cure they still smoke very similar.

I got two pretty different phenos, both similar in general, but each had it's own defining featueres.

The larger of the two was only done in a 6.5 ltr pot, organic compost and feed, and developed the denser buds of the two, slightly more compact plant structure, but still sativa like and branchy.
The dried and cured buds look the most like typical Thai out of the two, to my mind at least. The smell is very subtle, sandalwood I think being the dominant smell but I have recently started noticing a strange menthol like undertone... the longer in cure seems to be bringing this out.

"Sandalwood" Thai

The smaller plant was in a little 7" pot, much more whip like than the other and ended up being dubbed the "Skittles" Thai during flower due to her producing the most amazing fruity smells from somewhere around the 4-5th weeks of flower, she literally smelled exactly the same as a bag of skittles... it was uncanny how exact the smell was tbh!
After a dry and cure the smell has changed to a much more rotten fruit smell, much stronger smelling than the larger plant.

"Skittles" Thai

Both of them give a very similar high, and it is easily becoming a favourite of mine, no real body to speak of, just a really nice clearheaded feel. Very motivational and uplifting.
I like it a lot, not too potent but enough, so makes great daytime smokes!

Not too much on the hermie front, though "Skittles" did throw out the odd naner as evidenced by the seeds in the last pic!
Only pulled 2 out of her though, so not bad at all.

Back to the future...


...so I decided to keep this bagseed adventure going and popped some more from my collection.
I ended up with 2 females, vegged a little longer than normal to try and up the yield from less plants.
One from older bagseed collected from some decent commercial type stuff circa '07/'08 and one single seed that I pulled out of a bag of some more interesting ganja I acquired this year, my first bagseed in ages..! then I don't really buy bags of weed as often these days!

Anyway, a long and heartbreaking story short, after a good veg and transplanting into 11 litre pots, another good veg and flipping to 12/12, the more recent bagseed hermied practically straight away.

Damn shame as she showed sex with much enthusiasm, was a vigorous healthy and stinky plant, I had high hopes for her.

so now, frantically preparing clones from my mums for emergency replacements, I am down to one flowering plant for the next few weeks at least, currently just on 2 weeks in.

She is very sativa looking, and just starting to get all fluffy at her budsites, if all goes well and she stays a she I'll keep you all updated on how she goes!


Active member
wow, I really wore out my keyboard with that last post, hehe.

anyway, today is day 14 for the remaining bagseed lass I have on the go right now.

Some pics.




Looks as though she may go a while if she remains female, touch wood and all that.

Same time next week?


Active member
Re: threads
mate also can you just put a message in my uk bagseed thread that ive gone on vacation for a few months and thank the poster,audioaddict for keeping thread alive,if you can mention that i still look at the threads and his thai bagseeds look great....cheers bro.peace

Subject: threads

Hi Spiritual , i see your a guest on the threads . What`s happened ?

I hope everything is ok for you & no bother .

Stay safe . MJB

Cut from an e-mail from spiritual to me explaining why he`d gone .


large member
ICMag Donor
good to know he's safe and sound. Was a very interesting thread. I never get any bagseeds here, All the best, mitch


Active member
Cheers Spiritual and MJBadger, am glad you like the pics :)

I'll keep updating with weekly pics of my current girl, fingers crossed she runs the course.
Up to day 17 now and still going well.

More pics on Thursday hopefully!


Thought I would chime in hear rather than create a new thread, help keep it alive for when Spiritual G comes back, and so audioaddict doesn' feel alone. So as I said earlier in the thread I went ahead and started my own bagseed grow. All in there is not strictly bagseed as I will explain.

So first up It's
Dark Star 2 Reg seeds were a freebie
The burmese kush is a cutting

The rest are truly from bags of weed.
The Cheese/Blueberry is from a grow a fellow member did where his blueberry hermied and pollinated his GHS Cheese. So there is a good chance this will hermie so all eyes on this one.

The unknown soldier was bought totally random weed, not bad smoke so we shall see.

The S5 Haze is from the batch Mellow Yellow entered into the Cup in 2010. Not bad from what I remember, this you can't buy in seed form, so I may pollinate if I get a male and a female.

St Jimi



Quick Update
Have gone into flowering, just tied everything down. Also have cracked some heavy duty fruity beans. These will be my back up for any males or hermies I may get.

St Jimi


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