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Two Zamalregulars, indoor


Stems Analyst
2 out of 5 seeds ended up lady-like (they're exactly at 8 wks. from seed, inc. 2 weeks of flowering).
The larger one is slightly darker leaved, and a little more purpling on the stems, but other than that (and size) they look quite similar. A compact Zammy would be a good thing, I think?- or does it mean there's less presence of beneficial genetics?
They're going back to veg, mommified, and clones taken for a September flowering.



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Well-known member
2 out 5 seeds ended up lady-like (they're exactly at 8 wks. from seed, inc. 2 weeks of flowering).
The larger one is slightly darker leaved, and a little more purpling on the stems, but other than that (and size) they look quite similar. A compact Zammy would be a good thing, I think?- or does it mean there's less presence of beneficial genetics?
They're going back to veg, mommified, and clones taken for a September flowering.

Hi Falutin,

Nice looking Zamaldelicas. I'm looking forward to seeing the updates as you go along. I'll be following in your footsteps soon!


Good Luck,



Stems Analyst
Hi Falutin,
Nice looking Zamaldelicas. I'm looking forward to seeing the updates as you go along. I'll be following in your footsteps soon!
Good Luck,
Hi T, thanks. When're you crackin' yours?
My last plant to sex, a NevillesHazeMango, sprouted white hairs today;
and so, all plants will go into 1-gal. smart pots tomorrow and get more serious about re-vegging.
Cuttings starting sometime in September, with an eye on the temp. forecast.
Heading to the San Juans this weekend- more travlin' to do this summer. :)


Well-known member
Hi T, thanks. When're you crackin' yours?

It will be a few months at least. I have another adventure just starting. See my signature below.

My last plant to sex, a NevillesHazeMango, sprouted white hairs today;
and so, all plants will go into 1-gal. smart pots tomorrow and get more serious about re-vegging.
Cuttings starting sometime in September, with an eye on the temp. forecast.
Heading to the San Juans this weekend- more travlin' to do this summer. :)

I'm looking forward to seeing how your Mango Haze turns out also. I have heard of people finding great ones from those.

Have a good day,



Stems Analyst
The two were topped again and moved into 2 gal. smart pots from 4"dia./32cu.in. pots today.
And back under 24/7 light for awhile.
Here's the root growth of the largest pheno...

Smaller pheno's looked similar.
We'll see if we can keep their auto-tendencies at bay with soft-sided pots.

I'm looking forward to seeing how your Mango Haze turns out also. I have heard of people finding great ones from those.
I'm going to go through a pack or two of Neville's Haze Mangos to find a couple of phenos to hit with Bangi Haze pollen (maybe I'll S1 the BH onto the NHMs) to create a cross.
And Bango will be its name-o.

photo taken a week ago, before sexing, further topping, and up-potting completed.
she's a NL5-leaner

Strain description

The Hatter

Neat an indoor Zamaldelica grow. :lurk:

One of these days I'm going to plant those seeds. In the mean time I look forward to seeing how yours turn out. Best of luck with the grow. They look like they are doing beautifully so far.


Stems Analyst
Going to slowly start phasing everything into flower over the next two weeks. Bit of a heat bump to go over until next weekend before switching to hps.

Zammy regs are 13 weeks from seed, including 2-3 weeks in flower mode to determine sex. They've been in re-veg for about a month.

I'll include a photo of the two when the flowering hours tighten up.

Until then, here's a photo of the trich-y pre-flowers on one...





Stems Analyst
Circumstances have changed, and I can't keep any mums at the moment,
so I'm going to be flowering out what I'd already begun training to be bonsai's.
Since they were already sort of flat-topped I skipped a vertical-light grow style this time.

Two Zamreg's, one behind the other, on the left (obsured). They seem to want to be fed more now. :hide:
This will be a baseline pic of sorts, they've already begun stretching, but just...

that's only a 5 in. fan, just for the bulb. the perspective makes look a li'l bigger.
brand new 600w hortilux eye... "re-formulated" for e-ballasts. let's hope. :)
i'll set up the outer two each side, left and right, into a more stadium style arrangement soon.

Hope you all are enjoying your fall grows. :tiphat:


ACE Seeds Breeder
Greetings LowFalutin,

Thanks for the grow diary :) The containers are big enough now and with a correct soil mix, they should have enough nutrients for at least 3 weeks. Are they finally females ?

Hope you are also enjoying with the garden. Best wishes!


Stems Analyst
hey dubi, thanks for asking...
They're girls, who I've been mud-wrestlin' with to keep their (potential) stretch down...

The biggest one doesn't seem to be taking off yet, while the smaller one is just...

The taller/more robust plant's stems are getting hairier (leafier),
while the smaller one seems to want to get some internodal stretch.

still another week or two left before harvest...



Well-known member

I have sprouted a pack of Zamaldelicas. I could not wait any longer! It is a good thing, because my ACE x SAGE crosses seem to be progressing faster than I had expected. I'll post some pictures next week here if you don't mind.

Loving the looks of your plants. Great job of keeping them controlled in your environment. I can't wait for your smoke report.





Stems Analyst
I have sprouted a pack of Zamaldelicas. I could not wait any longer! It is a good thing, because my ACE x SAGE crosses seem to be progressing faster than I had expected. I'll post some pictures next week here if you don't mind.
Loving the looks of your plants. Great job of keeping them controlled in your environment. I can't wait for your smoke report.
Absolutely, TB, post away, :) anyone else as well.
As far as keeping them controlled... they were being trained to be bonsai mums,
but then I decided to just flower them out.
I believe I will be trying to re-veg a few of them after harvest, tho'.

thanks, cheers


Stems Analyst
My smaller Zammy seemed to have stalled.
Upon checking her pot when going to give a water,
I noticed her root ball'd filled up the 2 gal. smart pot she was in.
So I bumped her up to a five gal. smartie today.

Does she seem Golden Tiger-leaning to anyone?

Her whispier stems and pointier bud shapes are reminding me,
just a bit, of a previous VbT.



Stems Analyst
I think they're ready...

I think they're ready...

...for more regular updates.
Stretching, what little there was, appears to have stopped.
Heavy topping, combined with 2 gal. smart pots, did their stretch-halting tricks.
They're now in 5 gals., set up in the ol' SoF-Ti* style.

Z3, the bigger, and most Zamal?...

Z2, the smaller, more GT?...

Closer-up of a Z2 beginning bud...

*Sea of Flat-Topped individuals

side note:
This is the first grow where I've up-potted from one smart pot to a larger one,
and noticed it takes longer for the plant to respond compared to up-potting from a solid pot.
My theory is that because the roots grow inward when they hit the sides of a smart pot,
compared to the circling seen in hard-side pots, it takes them awhile to get growing outwards again.



Well-known member

Your Zamaldelicas are looking great! They are moving along very quickly. I have no idea which one leans which way or the other. I wish I could tell. Hopefully, Dubi will come around and give opinions on yours and mine. I favor the Z3 only because of the more jagged serrations and the way the leaves stick strait as a board. Those were traits of a Thai I once grew. My seedlings don't seem to look like others I have seen. Perhaps only somewhat like Yoss33's seedlings.

Please post some very close up bud shots as soon as you start seeing some resin busting out.




Stems Analyst
Your Zamaldelicas are looking great! They are moving along very quickly.
Hola TB-
Thanks for the feedback. :tiphat: They are moving along quickly.
When sexing, they came in second overall to declare,
after my C99xVbT cross, and before the NevsHazeMango*.
But after re-vegging, they were first to get flowering again with reduced hours,
and are still ahead of the other two strains in flo development.
The Zamal portion's autoflowering traits at work?

*I'm documenting the NHM grow on this re-cycled abandoned thread...

Please post some very close up bud shots as soon as you start seeing some resin busting out.



Stems Analyst
Update of Z2, the smaller darker pheno.

Compared to the Z2 closer-up photo in post #16, you can see she's starting to fill in.

Her leaf shape and dark green color lean Golden Tiger, I believe...



Stems Analyst

Update of Z3, the lighter green leaved, purpler stemmed,
larger and more vigorous of the two...

She smells of humus/earth musk

Maybe Zamal/Malawi leaning?


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