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Two explosions go off at the Boston marathon... What...

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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Why would anybody bomb a sports event....just a bunch of peeps having drinks, and watching the race....no policy makers, just regular people. It makes no sense to me...but random violence is beyond my comprehension. I pray for everyone affected by this horrible act.

Soft target, it's that simple. Something like this is easier than an army base of government building.

Regarding people at events not being involved in overseas military activities. That isn't the way the terrorist sees it. To them, by not rioting in the streets and doing everything you can to keep removing leaders, until you get one who will stop all the military activities, you are by default approving the activities in question, whether you actually do approve or not.
Not saying that's my view, but that's the mindset in question.


Active member


University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, who was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon when a series of explosions went off, said he thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.
"They kept making announcements to the participants do not worry, it's just a training exercise," Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15.

Stevenson said he saw law enforcement spotters on the roofs at the start of the race. He's been in plenty of marathons in Chicago, D.C., Chicago, London and other major metropolitan areas but has never seen that level of security before.
"Evidently, I don't believe they were just having a training exercise," Stevenson said. "I think they must have had some sort of threat or suspicion called in."
Stevenson had just finished the marathon before the explosions. Stevenson said his wife had been sitting in one of the seating sections where an explosion went off, but thankfully she left her seat and was walking to meet up with him.

"We are just so thankful right now," Stevenson said.


Well-known member
dogs didn't pick up the bombs, not sure if this is accurate, tough to sift through all the info
but wouldn't be a great endorsement for the bomb sniffers


Active member
your righ theres alot of info to go through
if they didnt find the bombs then they failed both training and the real world senerio.2 bombs went off with multiple others found afer(supposedly).can these dogs ignore the scent the entire time on both ends of the race,and then find them afer all of this. they (k9's) were probably everywhere at the time.i dont think they can turn off their responses.

now my idea doesnt account for the fact that mabey the dogs just were not trained for the specific kinds of chemicals used in this intstance.

this is just my speculation at this point.
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Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
Could be any joe smoe.. A guy in costa mesa Ca had bombs in his house and blew himself up this morning..

Just some smoe..

Had he taken someone out..

He would have been world known smoe...

Feels like a want a be terrorist (copy cat) to me.

You can bet someone is watching film of that spot.
Frame by frame from this morning till whenever someone left somethin.

Someone in our government is search for this smoe already.. Bet on it..

Some people will hate-some will cry... A few will even pray..

View image in gallery

Thats is what we do as human's...

Then theres the people that go online a bash each other.. Not sure if thats human nature or just a different level smoe..

Got to say... Im with the kid on this one...


Prairie Boy

Look for an airport scanner on a street corner near you.

Regards to the victims and families.

Cheers PB


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Regarding people at events not being involved in overseas military activities. That isn't the way the terrorist sees it. To them, by not rioting in the streets and doing everything you can to keep removing leaders, until you get one who will stop all the military activities, you are by default approving the activities in question, whether you actually do approve or not.
Not saying that's my view, but that's the mindset in question.

Funny how this viewpoint is unidirectional. Given this mindset, they surely ought to understand when a bunch of innocents gets wiped out when taking out a single bad guy.


Lammen Gorthaur
You can't justify the killings of women, children - peaceful innocent civilians in general... Just can't. There's no "but".

You don't know much about war, sir. I will attempt to provide you with a firm basis by which you might come to understand the position of the World's sole super-power and nation-state in its own right:



East Coast Grower
Just disgusting, definitely the closest I've come to being personally effected by a terrorist attack... My mom went down by herself this morning to watch at Heartbreak Hill... Had a nice day planned to take my son into Boston on Wed. too, that ain't happening...

Everyone I know is ok, a lot of people were relatively close. Post this quick video to try and keep this thread as positive as it can be.... just sad.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWHHWB3Jr60 idk how to embed


Active member

he wasnt going to get it through the house so he signed a executive order.
its also my understanding in the senator mike lee of utah states that no one in he senate has read the bill,including the ammendments from toomey and manchin.so virtually no checks and balances were respected.


he picked a odd day to sign it aswell.
its not a personal attack its just a review of the facts.

and yes im high. :ying:
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