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turning pots



so i need to know if it is beneficial to turn the pots every so often growing vertical, does it produce a better yield getting the light on the reverse side of the plants and if so how often to turn them. or is it of no significance to the end product and yield and better to just leave them to do there thing ?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
the plant will just have to expend energy to re-orientate it's leaves etc so no - it is usually better to leave them whether vert or horizontal.


It only produce a uniform plant, the yield stays rough the same.
Nugs becomes more natural round insteed of the one-sidelook some bigger buds can become due to fixed position.


Hey Highvolt...Go check Zen Master`s thread here on the "1 sided look" with bare bulbs hung vertically runnin stadium or shelf grows.....Believe me....

You`ll find what you`re looking for...



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
When I changed over to vertical I changed my light layout. I use to use 1 now im using 2. Eventually I will have 4(600w).. Rotating wont help. If your using HID to veg it might help to make the canopy more even ?


Tom 'Green' Thumb
By rotating your plants your could get more pop corn bud as appose to long dense nugs, depending on how many lights you have. Pop corn will be more pronounced with two lights or less. Just my 2 cents.

I have a bunch of experience getting #2+ 1kw light in 3 tier vert stadium set up. We cut off all branches on the back of plant up to half way up (above half should get light from top). We stripped all leaves on the back cuz they are prone to powder mildew especially if conditions are not perfect. NEVER rotate them. Pick what side of the plant is ideal to face the light, fan the branches out so they all get space and light, prune EVERYTHING that does not get direct light (back and/or bottom) and prune all lower buds that will become suckers. Also you should prune any bud sites that stretch or grow into the center or towards the back of the plant away from the light.
I knew other growers trying to emulate the same system we used but pruning techniques were not dialed and they rotated plants weekly. They never surpassed #1.3 per 1kw light until I schooled em.


Highvolt never came back guys , but at least the consensus agrees ta hack out the backs so all the dominant limbs/colas out front that lumens can blast at can prevail for bottomline yields with tiered stadium type setups....



Active member
Highvolt never came back guys , but at least the consensus agrees ta hack out the backs so all the dominant limbs/colas out front that lumens can blast at can prevail for bottomline yields with tiered stadium type setups....

same with vert scroggs
I've been cutting the back branches off and using those as clones for the next run. Works well and I have an abundance of nice shoots to choose from

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Don't be afraid to butcher your girls. Take control and show 'em who's boss otherwise they will turn out like teenagers with no parental guidance...... your the parent to your plants.


Don't be afraid to butcher your girls. Take control and show 'em who's boss otherwise they will turn out like teenagers with no parental guidance...... your the parent to your plants.
Damn skippy HGO......Gotta make yer bitches perform.....

No guts no glory....Rape and shape.....pillage and prune.....results speak for themselves...



excellent info guys... just what i needed to know..
thanks to all of you...

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