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Turkey here i come


Un - Retired,
went paragliding down in Hisarönü a few years ago
very hard to get anything in the way of decent weed
and what I did get wasn't very good, but I was told that in the north its easier to get


Active member
dont think i need 2 click link 2 know what film u on about haha great film though, im going on the midnight express aswell!! theres gotta be nice weed somewhere turkey! hasnt there?


Basement Garden Gnome
No good Herb

No good Herb

chizzleonetime said:
dont think i need 2 click link 2 know what film u on about haha great film though, im going on the midnight express aswell!! theres gotta be nice weed somewhere turkey! hasnt there?

But Great Hash.
Istanbul go to the Main Cat House ( Compound ) in the middle of town. It's a HUGE Sex Bazaar for the tourests. It has a few small coffee houses where the old men hang to smoke hookas. Make nice to a few of the younger men, buy some chi and ask about getting some hash. They most likely will not have Herb. Be careful although Istanbul is realtivly safe for most travlers you can still get robbed!

I bought some erb off a Turkish Army guy. He was asking me why the HELL I wanted the Plant and not the finished product. I just wanted some herb I had smoked enough hash. So he brought me about 3 Ozs of the NASTIEST herb I ever have seen. It was rank, crumbble dry, no potency, horrid to smoke. I now know why he asked if I was SURE I wanted the Herb not the hash... thats why they make hash, the Plants they use SUCK. ( Of course I'm talking commerial grade here. )

Ask around but be very careful who you talk to... cabbies just before you get out of the cab, ask them,if they give you shit... just hop out and dissapear into teh crowd.... theres always a crowd in Istanbul!



this is one of those countries where people think it is a good idea to go and smoke. In reality they spend the whole holiday asking locals for hashish with no response. Seasonal dealers pray upon the schools of absinth minded tourists who leave thir brains back home.


no point in telling you somthing you dont want to hear so to end on some advice that has brought me to very fine quality cannabis. The best hash and grass abroud is not found in the city but on those hills yonder. Get a good guide some walking boots and some packets of rizla and explore.

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