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Turkey Day - Showing off my cooking skillz


Well-known member
I love to cook. The wife isn't into cooking so much. I mean she can cook OK, but I'm the foodie. I love to experiment, and I love the Food Channel and learning new techniques and how to pair flavors. Turkey is easy, it's the stuffing that makes the bird. I've been working on a stuffing recipe for a while now, and I think this year it will be the bomb. Last year it was great, but this year I'm going for broke. I started with two loaves of Sourdough bread. Cubed it up and seasoned it with garlic, onion, parsley and oregano. Put it in the oven for 2-3 hours to dry out and get nice and crunchy. While that was toasting, I cooked up a package of mild breakfast sausage. Browned it up nice and drained it well. Then I used about 3/4 package of Bacon, and cooked that up nice and crisp, then diced it up fine. Then I chopped up some celery, onion and garlic and sweated it well in the bacon grease until it was soft, but not caramelized. I drained it well and put it on paper towels to absorb the extra bacon grease. Tomorrow I will mix it all together with some chicken stock and stuff the bird. The rest will go into a pan for extra stuffing to send home with our guests. Last year I did this, but without the bacon and IT WAS KILLER. I think the bacon will put it over the top. It will be my best effort yet I think. We are also having mashed potatoes, with my own twist of caramelized onion and garlic and.....bacon of course. I'm also making roasted carrots and parsnips and home made Cranberry sauce. I love Thanksgiving. Good food, family, lots of beer and wine. Share some of your Thanksgiving recipes and stories!


Well-known member
Sounds delicious. I make a very simple stuffing from my moms old recipes from eastern Canada.

For the turkey though, something I have done for the last few is leave out a couple sticks of butter to get to room temp. I finely chop some garlic, rosemary, sage and thyme and mix it through the butter. Then I completely violate the turkey and get my hands all up under the skin, separating it from the meat. Then I grab clumps of the butter and squish them up in the newly formed space covering it as evenly as possible over the breasts. It bastes from the inside and make it so juicy and tasty. Ill also rub a bit of butter over the outside and sprinkle with salt and pepper.


3rd-Eye Jedi
I do something similar, sweet Italian sausage and cornbread, all else pretty much equal sans bacon