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:dance: thanks for stopping in capt and Litz. For a while there I didn't think anyone was going to post. :friends:

I just smoked a joint of the Jack that I harvested last. It is pretty stout, all in the head and mostly behind the eyes. If I didn't squint I would probably bleed to death... :yoinks: lol It has a nice, semi-fruity taste and aroma.



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Beautiful pictures and tastey looking plants . Thanks for sharing friend. wooooooooohoooooooooooo
Excellent looking plants man. Your Blue Moonshine made my mouth water. That's on my list of strains to grow. To bad no one has it right now.....


i like em...all nice squat plants. When did you put them into flower?



Thanks for the kind words Homer...

backporchchilin said:
i like em...all nice squat plants. When did you put them into flower?


I usually veg less than a week from clone, until they are this big...

biglongblunt said:
whats ur ppm on the sensi star when u blooming it sir??

I use organics, guano's and such...i don't test the ppms.
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three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Awesome selection man..how big are those pots ?



Thanks Dr. and Bravado...I'm a big fan of his work :)

9Lives...Those pots are 5 1/2", so I can fit 4 in one square foot. It makes for efficient gardening :)


Love the pics Kokua! Nice choices. Im thinking of trying femenized seeds for the first time and was wondering what you thought of them. Any males or hermies?




Mo... My momma used to tell me when I was growing up, that if you don't have anything nice to say, then you shouldn't say anything at all. I think I will take her advice :) But to answer your question...yes to both. If you are a first time grower and you don't have the room or time to grow potential males, or the space for moms/clones, then female/feminized seeds are worth trying. If you are looking for superior/top notch genetic material...then [Mom slaps kokua in the back of the head]......

Saying that...I've got a one friend who grows from female/feminized seed exclusively, and he is very happy with his results.


Well I think it's about time I found this thread huh ... Will the real Mo please standup. :D

I see that you are growing single cola sog style now. I am interested to know when you decided to go sog instead of the big bush style you used to do.

All I can say is WOW but I should have expected these results from someone that grows as good as you.

We'll hook up eventually, :D for two who live so close to each other we sure have a hard time doing this. I know you are busy, I am busy, LOL it's gonna happen someday.
In the mean time all I can say is You Da Man. Hey got any new articles coming out anytime soon?

Take Care KoKua.

Mo, :smoker:


well there is mo...and then there is Mr. mo lol. I have been toying with the idea of Soggin it for a while now, I had a small hicup in the garden a few months ago and had to start fresh. I thought that it was the perfect time to start the new growing style. I might stick with this until I am bored and then try something else. Let me tell you though mo...SOG beats the shit out of my bushes, as far as yeild and ease of growth. The numbers are through the roof, even under my 600, so it isn't ALL fun and games. :) Acutally since you mention it...there is a small writeup in the HT that is hitting stands in a week or so. Its a one pager about pH and its importance to growing healthy plants. :) I hope it helps someone out there...

germanbudbuffer...thanks man, I like the black too :) I have other color backdrops that I can play with, but black seems to come out the best.

Alex...the Sensi Star IS frosty. Very frosty and very stinky. Out of all the plants in my garden...she stinks the worst lol. This particular pheno is out of this world potent..and designated for PM use only in my house. We don't smoke alot of her, cause she hurts us too bad. I know, I know I am a sissy...."what, is your pot too strong?" Yes...sometimes it is LMAO..


Traktor driver
I can totally sympathise with you there, we're he same :wink: We're more after taste and smell rather than knock out potency.