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Trying to think of a good Marijuana Growing UNION name!

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An article in the Business News section about a California corporate business plan included projections for hiring Union workers.

This got me thinking. I would love nothing better than to work for Union of Cannabis Growers. Oh what a sweet deal, a good job, union security, a retirement fund, health benefits. My dream job.

What would make a good name for a Union ? Ya'll got any suggestions? I have a few to get us started.

PUFF- People's Union For Fun
SMOC- Stateside Marijuana Organization for Collective bargaining
UBOCGA- United Brotherhood of Cannabis Growers Assocation

I can just see some future job interviewer. "Do you have your PUFF card? You can't work here without your Union card."



there already is one




well just cuz there is one union, don't mean we can't found one with a cooler name.

by the way, what is it's name Derail? I don't want to click on that link as i am on dialup...

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
compassionate cannabis cannasuers

co-operative cannabis coalition

Marijuana Movement

Marijuana Brothers and Sisters


well i got my Pipe Filler's Union card already.

I was talking more of a Teamsters type of union.... old school.


I have a old shirt i need to scan the logo looked like our IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) Logo but it said international brotherhood of arm and leg breakers it got me thrown off of a few jobs but i only wore it when a statement was need to be made quietly with out words.
Inter-American Teamsters of Medicinal Cannabis
Cannabis Workers of North America
International Brotherhood of Cannabis Workers
Medicinal Cannabis Brotherhood of North America

Medical Cannabis Professionals Collective Bargaining Chip Slash Union for Saying Fuck You to the Federal Government for Keeping the Best Thing Since Before Sliced Bread, Illegal


Active member
Unionizing? Going on the books as a grower? Man you might as well call yourself "inmates" now and get use to the name change, lol

Ok seriously,.. how about Pot Cultivators,.. the local PC,.. as in its Politically Correct. All you gotta do is say it enough and people will believe it, they've slandered weed for years with just made up fears, its about time we use that game for us. Plus ive already bought the website and now you gotta buy it from me, ha! Na just kidding :)


I like ya'll's suggestions! keep em coming.

Yup, I keep thinking about Jimmy Hoffa and the Teamsters.

We could take over the canna industry in the future, all our brothers and sisters could retire if they wanted to, and grow weed for a job... sweet.

No weed, but union weed for sale in the liquor stores across america... ;)


now cookie monster, you won't be laughing when I am Cannabis Union President and you want a loan to build that casino in Vegas ;)

remember if u don't make ur payments, We will send people to take your vaporizer away and bury it in the desert.... heehee


I'm happy enough here in Ireland my dear :)

oh, that is why u don't get the joke then.

The teamster's union ran by Jimmy Hoffa, loaned all these millions out of their retirement fund to people wanting to build casinos in Vegas..
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