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trying to decide which style to grow next

Forkup youre right. I could just expiriment with different numbers, plant heights, etc. I just may do that. Youre absolutely right about keeping that flowering room full 365 days of the year also.


ALWAY keep the bloom rooms pumpin with separate mom/clone/veg areas.....and.....Excellent suggestion Forkup.....guaranteed yas could find which plant numbers work better around each bare bulb a lot faster , even though yields would suffer till dialed ........but....

That`s what it`s all about.....dialage and movin forward.........now....Farmari.......Unless my math skills have left my old ass and oldtimer`s disease has set in way worse than I`ve anticipated , 18 lbs outta 14 KW`s is indeed 1.2 gpw.....but.....

The length of time it takes to get em that big then finish is the difference in crops per yr difference with increased plant numbers and little to no veg compared to longer vegged lower plant numbers.......and....

1000 waters produce more heat and yas can`t get the plants as close as with 600`s so it`s a tossup Bloom......Environment , environment , environment.........means waaay more than slingin lumens at their ass.......Good luck and.....

Figure shit out and get ta work Bloom........Pullin for yas over here.......



Active member
1000 waters produce more heat and yas can`t get the plants as close as with 600`s so it`s a tossup Bloom......Environment , environment , environment.........means waaay more than slingin lumens at their ass.......

Exactly why you won't ever find a 1000 in any garden of mine :biggrin:.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Just want to add to DHF and daves exchange. Something many growers don't consider before they actually do it, is the amount of work involved in sog vs. tree grows. It's much easier to produce 6-8 healthy and identical clones and grow them up to a large size vs getting say 50 or 100+ super healthy and identical rooted and ready with minimal veg time. However if you can pull it off consistantly sog grows will always out yield tree grows on a yearly basis. My advice to the OP and any others considering the same route is to stick with tree/lower plant count grows until you are VERY comfortable with cloning, shaping your plants, and the strain you are MONOCROPPING. :BIGGRIN:

That said, I am also on board with the PPK :good:



And to be honest, I'm not ENTIRELY sure GPW needs to be the end-all benchmark for any grower. A lot of times, I feel like it's kind of like a low rate on your mortgage - it's neat to be able to gloat about, if it matters, but in the scheme of things, I'm not so sure it makes a lick of difference beyond bragging rights.


1 gpw out of 14kw is 14,000 grams, or 30.8647 lbs.

14kw x 1.2 gpw is 16800 grams, or 37.0377 lbs.

I think what you meant is 18 lbs out of 14kw is 1.2 pounds per light, rather then 1.2 gpw.

Either way I would be stoked to hit any of those. I almost hit 1 lbs / light last round. I think the only reason I didn't break it is because I was in a pinch and using older bulbs.


i switch back and forth .. i do a sog.. when i dont have the plants for a tree grow.. but i kinda been doing it in the middle.. like 2-5gallon sea of green type deal.. but u need to have ur veg room going.. clone shelves.. and preveg shelves.. basicly... need to plan it out very good.. and it all comes with experience with strains.. and knowing how long they would take to get a certain size.. and while ur flowering out ur SOG room. u veg ur plants for a tree grow.. and so on.


1 gpw out of 14kw is 14,000 grams, or 30.8647 lbs.

14kw x 1.2 gpw is 16800 grams, or 37.0377 lbs.

I think what you meant is 18 lbs out of 14kw is 1.2 pounds per light, rather then 1.2 gpw.

Either way I would be stoked to hit any of those. I almost hit 1 lbs / light last round. I think the only reason I didn't break it is because I was in a pinch and using older bulbs.
My poor old head......Thanks Jamorg.....I stand waaaay more than corrected......sheesh.....

Wow.....too many Bubba bongs yesterday.......



I'm not ENTIRELY sure GPW needs to be the end-all benchmark for any grower. A lot of times, I feel like it's kind of like a low rate on your mortgage - it's neat to be able to gloat about, if it matters, but in the scheme of things, I'm not so sure it makes a lick of difference beyond bragging rights.

I WANT to brag lol

No, to be honest i truely share youre opinion.
Whenever i get too cought up into this gpw stuff i tend to remember carl sagans most humble words from his pale blue dot image.

-Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph,
they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

Never forget this..​