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Trump cancels summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un

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Well-known member
Zees how does that change the fact that children were being held in the same type facilities and nobody cared. We don't even know if the kids separated now are the actual children of the people they were separated from.

The majority of refuges will never go to the entry points. Build the wall. Do it for the children.


Well-known member
Zees how does that change the fact that children were being held in the same type facilities and nobody cared. We don't even know if the kids separated now are the actual children of the people they were separated from.
The majority of refuges will never go to the entry points. Build the wall. Do it for the children.
The only reason refugees would go to other than a port of call, would be because those seeking asylum have been turned away.
Now we know damn good and well that just could not be happening, because
that would be contrary to u.s. law, and therefore illegal.


This coming from the blatantly racist person. Who thinks so highly of themselves, that they truly believe their opinion is fact. You have still failed to state a single, solitary fact, again

oh its the sws to his boyfriends rescue lmao you guys are cute. Same idiot who spews nothing but opinion and propaganda, then when challenged changes subject. You do realize everyone but rives, and vta think your a joke right? You support an openly racist president, anyone who says different is lying or racist, post all kinds of subtle dog whistle stuff then get mad when I call you what you are? Oh well I am not afraid to call out your bs
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ICMag Donor
Why go with the age of thirteen for a cut off, and what exactly have you in mind for them?

Not sure, just thought I'd ask. I think there's a great deal of B/S being thrown around on this subject.

Ok though, since we are here, they say there's 14 Million illegals in the country now? And some even say they should all be given drivers licenses .How about voters registration cards. What do they, would they support politically? Less government or more? Depends?

This is a much bigger problem then what the press or any previous president talked about and one that needs to be addressed.

LOTS of things like this needing to be addressed that have essentially been ignored, given away or sold by previous administrations and lots of present day politicians who in my opinion are defacto traitors.


Well-known member
Dearest Numb Nuts,

Make sure the makeup and lipstick on your face matches your dress before you leave.

Warmest Regards,



You are infatuated with testicles. You seem to be comfortable with who you are though because you are confident with sharing your lust for men dressed as woman.

By the way... Trump had the meeting with North Korea. In case you didn't hear.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Once again...the president of the USA looking like a punk. No balls. No brains. No foresight. No planning. I'm thankful the rest of the world understands it will be over soon.


Well-known member
Not sure, just thought I'd ask. I think there's a great deal of B/S being thrown around on this subject.

Ok though, since we are here, they say there's 14 Million illegals in the country now? And some even say they should all be given drivers licenses .How about voters registration cards. What do they, would they support politically? Less government or more? Depends?

This is a much bigger problem then what the press or any previous president talked about and one that needs to be addressed.

LOTS of things like this needing to be addressed that have essentially been ignored, given away or sold by previous administrations and lots of present day politicians who in my opinion are defacto traitors.

Seems to me I can recall hearing First American, and black people say similar.
What I don't ever recall having heard, was a response from any politician when such was called for.

That is when the crickets come out.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Are people aged 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 etc and who are associated with gangs like MS13 still "children"?

Ah the bad hombre angle.

Ignoring the rhetoric and baloney.

Why are they coming?

Because there's work. Your fellow Americans hire them over yourselves for a variety of reasons. Americans don't pick food or particularly enjoy (or are competant at) a variety of menial jobs. Americans demand a wage in excess of their value as an employee (you're lazy, entitled and whiney). Immigrants work for less, do more in the same amount of time as any of you, while working a longer shift.

Same thing in Canada. We have Filipinos by the boatload. I like them. They work harder, longer, and never complain, unlike my whiney entitled lazy countrymen.

They aren't the problem, we are.

But that takes a different sort to accept. You nitwits find it easier to blame and vilify others than to turn the camera on yourselves.

Damn those bad hombres! +++++edited++++++++
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ICMag Donor
Seems to me I can recall hearing First American, and black people say similar.
What I don't ever recall having heard, was a response from any politician when such was called for.

That is when the crickets come out.

Maybe that's about to change


Active member
lol...watch the fake tears from the boy over at MSLSD...



Well-known member
Oh it is changing alright, blacks and native americans are now being portrayed as terrorists.


ICMag Donor
Tarzan, Two different situations. How can that be so confusing for you?

Because they did what you are referring to, you're saying that what's going on now is just fine. No!

What's happening now.
A family travels 1200 miles the hard way, fighting for survival in the jungle, mountains and desert. The father and a kid perish along the way. Avoiding the dangerous border towns, the woman arrives in the US with a couple surviving kids. They yank the kids away from her. They're so fucked that they don't know which kids go to what parents. Maybe she never sees her kids again. The kids - Damaged.

What you are referring to.
The parents and a couple kids die on the way. Their surviving kids follow a group taking charity on them getting to the US. The US is stuck with them and is incapable of finding a humanitarian solution to place them with families. Instead the kids get warehoused and really fucked up.

Zees how does that change the fact that children were being held in the same type facilities and nobody cared. We don't even know if the kids separated now are the actual children of the people they were separated from.

The majority of refuges will never go to the entry points. Build the wall. Do it for the children.


Well-known member
Once again...the president of the USA looking like a punk. No balls. No brains. No foresight. No planning. I'm thankful the rest of the world understands it will be over soon.

No, no it won't. Not for 6.5 years. Then Ivanka will be the first woman president for the next 8 years. Donald Trump Jr. will follow for the next 8 years at which time it will be Barron's turn for 8 years. Then people in the UK will start liking us again because we will have a royal family.


Active member

Special Report
Mueller Has Strzok Out

George Neumayr

The only thing Trump obstructed was a partisan railroading.

The other night MSNBC ran a fawning documentary about James Comey. It was full of howlers about the unfathomable depths of his “integrity.” None of the clips age well, but one in particular captured the utter lunacy of Comey serving as Mueller’s presumed chief witness — a clip in which Comey accuses Trump of “lies, plain and simple” for describing the FBI as “poorly led” and in “disarray.” Here is a former FBI director categorizing Trump’s opinion, and a manifestly correct one at that, as “lies.”

That’s the fatuous, un-rigorous level on which Mueller’s probe is proceeding. His forthcoming report will consist largely of his close friend’s hyperventilating grievances against Trump, as if the wounded ego of one of the worst FBI directors in American history, an FBI director the Justice Department’s Inspector General has found to be unprofessional and reckless, counts as a “constitutional crisis.”

The Mueller probe is like a Soviet show trial revolving around the hurt feelings of a pampered commissar. Comey was practically in tears as he recalled those “lies, plain and simple.” But Mueller has an even bigger problem than just the silliness of Comey’s complaints, which is Comey’s utter lack of credibility: How do you build an obstruction-of-justice case on a witness who is himself under Department of Justice investigation for improprieties?

That came out in the Congressional hearings this week with Inspector General Michael Horowitz. On Monday, Horowitz informed the senators that he is looking at Comey’s mishandling of classified information — a subject Comey with his inimitable presumption had dismissed as too “frivolous” for anyone to investigate.

The roots of Mueller’s tree are hopelessly poisoned — from a former FBI director whose word and behavior no one can seriously trust (yet it was his complaint that led to Mueller’s appointment) to a staff, both past and present, shot through with anti-Trump bias. How can anyone take the conclusion of a probe seriously if that probe should never have been started in the first place? Were this a real trial rather than a show trial, the judge would have ended it a long time ago.

Mueller, according to his mandate, is supposed to be completing a counterintelligence investigation launched by Peter Strzok, the most abominably anti-Trump partisan FBI official imaginable. That fact alone discredits it. Imagine a judge telling a jury to decide the fate of the accused based on an investigation started by one of his fiercest enemies. In Mueller’s case, the circumstances are even worse than that: he not only inherited Strzok’s poisoned work but added Strzok to his team and would have kept him on it until the end of the probe had Horowitz not revealed Strzok’s anti-Trump texts. Strzok, as he explained to his mistress, had joined the team in the hopes of inducing the impeachment of Trump. Strzok described the Mueller probe as “unfinished business.”

Another revelation from the Horowitz hearings this week was that the Justice Department/FBI didn’t find the most damning Strzok text in which he vowed to “stop” candidate Trump; Horowitz, using special technology, did. Rod Rosenstein, the Justice Department official who appointed Mueller, sat on that text for weeks, Horowitz revealed under questioning (Horowitz gave the text to the Justice Department in May).

Strzok had played dumb about the text in his testimony to Horowitz, saying that he didn’t “specifically recall” it, then added defiantly that the text didn’t matter. As Horowitz summarized, “Strzok stated that had he — or the FBI in general—actually wanted to prevent Trump from being elected, they would not have maintained the confidentiality of the investigation into alleged collusion between Russia and members of the Trump campaign in the months before the election.”

That is a blatant lie. Just go back and look at theNew York Times pre-election article on the FBI’s investigation of alleged Trump-Russia ties. It states bluntly that the Obama administration did not maintain the confidentiality of the investigation before the election: “Intelligence officials have said in interviews over the last six weeks that apparent connections between some of Mr. Trump’s aides and Moscow originally compelled them to open a broad investigation into possible links between the Russian government and the Republican presidential candidate.”

Who were those “intelligence officials” to whom theTimes was speaking for six weeks before the election? Strzok had to have been one of them. It appears that not long after he told his mistress that he would sabotage Trump he started leaking to the Times while his partner in crime, John Brennan (to whom Strzok served as FBI liaison, the most critical fact in this farce), started leaking mentions of the investigation to Harry Reid and other senators.

It wasn’t for lack of trying that they didn’t hurt candidate Trump. The problem was that they didn’t have any damning information to leak apart from the investigation’s existence, a problem they tried to remedy by running a spy into the campaign’s ranks. They needed an October surprise, but Stefan Halper couldn’t deliver it.

The toxic origins of the Mueller probe are impossible to expunge. His report will represent nothing more than the fulfillment of the “insurance policy” Strzok and his mistress discussed in Andrew McCabe’s office a few doors down from Comey’s — a plot to impeach Trump via harassing investigation if they couldn’t defeat him at the ballot box.

“TURN IT ON, TURN IT ON!!! THE DOUCHEBAGS ARE ABOUT TO COME OUT,” Strzok texted his mistress while watching the Republican convention, a week or so before he began the counterintelligence probe. A month or so into the probe, he was whining to her about a trip to Walmart in southern Virginia, where he could “SMELL the Trump support.”

The odor he gives off is unmistakable too — and its rancidity will suffuse every page of Mueller’s report.



Active member
Once again...the president of the USA looking like a punk. No balls. No brains. No foresight. No planning. I'm thankful the rest of the world understands it will be over soon.

Sounds like something I read earlier today.

This Administration must end the zero-tolerance policy, which has created this crisis. It can be reversed by the President right now. https://t.co/TJybN4MmVM
— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) June 20, 2018

Hours later....

This Executive Order doesn’t fix the crisis. Indefinitely detaining children with their families in camps is inhumane and will not make us safe.
— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) June 20, 2018

The commie Senator and her ilk don't care about children being separated...they want zero detention...catch and release...period.

All this fake outrage started with pics of kids in holding cells. When it was pointed out that this was during Obama's term...the tweets got deleted and things simmered down....right up until the IG's report was released.

It will say this...liberals sure know how to work it !


Well-known member
I intend to keep an eye on Mr Manafort, like a weather indicator for deckstackers.


Well-known member
Sounds like something I read earlier today.

This Administration must end the zero-tolerance policy, which has created this crisis. It can be reversed by the President right now. https://t.co/TJybN4MmVM
— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) June 20, 2018

Hours later....

This Executive Order doesn’t fix the crisis. Indefinitely detaining children with their families in camps is inhumane and will not make us safe.
— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) June 20, 2018

The commie Senator and her ilk don't care about children being separated...they want zero detention...catch and release...period.

All this fake outrage started with pics of kids in holding cells. When it was pointed out that this was during Obama's term...the tweets got deleted and things simmered down....right up until the IG's report was released.

It will say this...liberals sure know how to work it !

So Kamala Harris is a commie huh, that sounds like some thing a silver shirt would have said. The folks at fox must make a pretty penny to shovel that.
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