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Trump Administration’s Secret War On Weed


Active member
So, congress passed an expansion of production of cannabis for research. Not legalization, but a step in the right direction.

Ultimately, Trump doesn't have the power to legalize, congress writes and passes law. The biggest problem is Congress. They are to busy trying to destroy a man's life over an accusation from 37 years ago, with zero corroborating evidence.


Active member
In what tiny figment of any imagination is denying a Supreme Court lifetime appointment destroying anyone's life whereas if she testifies those heartless Rep. politicians will surely tear her up and destroy HER life. Absolutely NO chance of any of that happening to him.


Active member
In what tiny figment of any imagination is denying a Supreme Court lifetime appointment destroying anyone's life whereas if she testifies those heartless Rep. politicians will surely tear her up and destroy HER life. Absolutely NO chance of any of that happening to him.

Their is no actual evidence that it ever happened. So, he is having his life turned upside down. Based on no evidence. The MSM is crying she needs to be believed. She has no witnesses, no location, no date. But she must be believed, due process be damned .

Senator Grassley has volunteered to let her have her choice of venue. Public, private, telephone. They even volunteered to fly to California . The Senate has been more than accommodating. The fact is it's nothing more than a tactic to obstruct the appointment of a thoroughly qualified judge. Again , good people are being smeared and dragged through the mud, because they don't vote for Democrats. It's an attack on democracy.

I guess you are okay with being convicted of a crime without evidence, or the opportunity to have due process.

So innocent until proven guilty is now a partisan issue?


Well-known member
"No evidence"?

First off, we aren't in a court of law, so talking about "evidence" can only purely be in the colloquial sense. In the legal sense nothing is really evidence until it's stated under oath or otherwise lawfully admitted into evidence in court.

But if we are using the term more loosely, as I believe you are, her statement as to her recollection of events - that's evidence. Testimony is evidence. So I'd say the "no evidence" argument fails.

Is her allegation incontrovertible proof of wrongdoing? Absolutely not.

The reality is there often isn't "evidence" in indecent or sexual assault cases other than testimony.
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Active member
"No evidence"?

First off, we aren't in a court of law, so talking about "evidence" can only purely be in the colloquial sense. In the legal sense nothing is really evidence until it's stated under oath or otherwise lawfully admitted into evidence in court.

But if we are using the term more loosely, as I believe you are, her statement as to her recollection of events - that's evidence. Testimony is evidence. So I'd say the "no evidence" argument fails.

Is her allegation incontrovertible proof of wrongdoing? Absolutely not.

The reality is there often isn't "evidence" in indecent or sexual assault cases other than testimony.

She doesn't know where it happened, she doesn't know when it happened, she doesn't know how was their. None of the people who she claims were there, corroborates her story. Kavanaugh has a spotless record. It's a hitjob obviously. Feinstein sat on the allegations, then sent them to the FBI. The FBI refused to pick it up. Then she bought it out after the longest supreme court hearing in history.
It's a bullshit political ploy be democrat politicians.

If Trump doesn't release the documents to show the fisa abuse, and FBI political espionage, Kavanaugh will sail through. It's all bullshit.


Active member
The politics involved just turn everyone off. This is supposed to be a judicial lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land, the main check and balance to the legislature and the executive branch. Kevy in front of the cameras with his wife reminded me of Weiner or any other dirty politician.

Then his demeanor during testimony before the judicial committee. That's a supreme court justice?

His not answering direct questions, VERY political. His mischaracterization of his drinking. Political. Lieing?

The FBI did not interview him, her, nor any of the 6 people that she had divulged her assault to even before he was nominated. Political direction from the White House.

The whole thing stinks. But he'll probably be pushed through anyway though. There is only one word to describe the effect this push-through might have on the mid-term election. LANDSLIDE.


Active member
The politics involved just turn everyone off. This is supposed to be a judicial lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land, the main check and balance to the legislature and the executive branch. Kevy in front of the cameras with his wife reminded me of Weiner or any other dirty politician.

Then his demeanor during testimony before the judicial committee. That's a supreme court justice?

His not answering direct questions, VERY political. His mischaracterization of his drinking. Political. Lieing?

The FBI did not interview him, her, nor any of the 6 people that she had divulged her assault to even before he was nominated. Political direction from the White House.

The whole thing stinks. But he'll probably be pushed through anyway though. There is only one word to describe the effect this push-through might have on the mid-term election. LANDSLIDE.

Yep a red wave like never seen before.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Roll Up!.....Roll Up!, for the court of public opinion folks.

From what I've seen - its a sham of a mockery - did anyone actually get raped? - or was it really all about a bunch of horny teenagers getting drunk and silly together? - then 30+ years later - in the meetoo Mc Carthy-like witch-hunt climate we have these days - its all being publicized and propagandized, utilized and warped by one side of the political divide to try and save them from relative obscurity in the Supreme Court.....

Well, that's what it looks like to me - and I have no dog in this fight at all.


Well-known member
Hes already proven to be a liar.

He lied about what Devils Triangle means, Boofing, and some other stuff. Nd it does matter he lied. He was under oath, and is a CRIME to lie to congress.

If he would lie about such insignificant stuff, how can he be trusted??? These is no Legal Explanation for his Lying, and Obfuscation.
His buddie that drank with him say hes lying too.
He lied to the Senate. Period. He lied. Come on. He cant even tell the truth about the little stuff
Automatic Disqualification because se he lied. Forget the attempted Rape allegations. He lied. Plain and simple = Disqualified. IMHO.

The reason OJ got off is because they proved the cops were lying. If you get caught in 1 lie, your testimony is to be 100% Ignored.
Cops couldn't even frame a guilty man.
A former Republican Supreme Court Justice came out yesterday against Kava-NO. A 1st.

They alo didn't thoroughly investigate.
Over 40 people had information, and many of them repeatedly alled the FBI, but tRump limited the investigation to 9 people, when over 40 have info.
Not well done.


Well-known member
Roll Up!.....Roll Up!, for the court of public opinion folks.

From what I've seen - its a sham of a mockery - did anyone actually get raped? - or was it really all about a bunch of horny teenagers getting drunk and silly together? - then 30+ years later - in the meetoo Mc Carthy-like witch-hunt climate we have these days - its all being publicized and propagandized, utilized and warped by one side of the political divide to try and save them from relative obscurity in the Supreme Court.....

Well, that's what it looks like to me - and I have no dog in this fight at all.

I watched almost every minute of all the hearings on cspan as well as other networks, I found Ford's testimony to be very very convincing...the Judge not so much..

Im not saying one is right or wrong, just from someone who watched all of it..it was not a clear case of he or she was lying.

And yea its 30 years old..but the effects of this mans confirmation could last welllll beyond 30 years, were talking multigenerational here man..not to be taken lightly...hence the attitude of many in my country.

You want to talk about a bought out politician, the judge will rule in favor of big biz and against the little man and the environment 100% of the time as his track record shows..

seems the right, and the folks who fkin PAY THEM MONEY have muuuuuuucccchhhh more to lose if dude is not appointed, vs some lady who may or may not have been assaulted by two dudes when she was younger.

They talk about how Ford did this to get a million dollars, thats laughable..for the right there is literally TRILLIONS ON THE LINE so they need him in there
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Their is no actual evidence that it ever happened. So, he is having his life turned upside down. Based on no evidence. The MSM is crying she needs to be believed. She has no witnesses, no location, no date. But she must be believed, due process be damned .

Senator Grassley has volunteered to let her have her choice of venue. Public, private, telephone. They even volunteered to fly to California . The Senate has been more than accommodating. The fact is it's nothing more than a tactic to obstruct the appointment of a thoroughly qualified judge. Again , good people are being smeared and dragged through the mud, because they don't vote for Democrats. It's an attack on democracy.

I guess you are okay with being convicted of a crime without evidence, or the opportunity to have due process.

So innocent until proven guilty is now a partisan issue?

The whole circus was based on partisan politics because the left didn’t want to see him make it. Not about some gnarley looking mad at the world bitch.
Since Trump has been elected there is a new way and the left is shocked and mad.

The right doesn’t just roll over anymore and the left is mad because that’s different from the past. The right is starting to get down in the trenches and fight dirty tit for tat. Good.

Hence the morons with masks antifa kids that soros funds. They are seeing pushback as well unless they pick a soft target. They pull that shit in berkeley and seattle but that shit don’t fly red states.


Well-known member
Each administration serves big corporate about equally, big pharma has more lobby money than any other interest in DC.


Active member
Each administration serves big corporate about equally, big pharma has more lobby money than any other interest in DC.

Another interesting way to look at it would be is big pharm (especially the opiate front) just a tool working for the gov’s drug laundering racket? Multiple accounts of US soldiers in Afghanistan protecting the opium fields.