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True Blood.......


i just started watching last nite, have the episodes, only seen the first two, im loven it, cant wait to see the next one. love how its in the south/swamp, and the accents, with the vampires, havent been this into a show since i started watching heroes!!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

did you buy season 1? & I'll then assume you don't have HBO,
bummer, it's a great series. I dig it for the gore and vampire
lore, not so romantic that it distracts from the story.......

at least we'll never see that corny shit scene of two lovers
running into one anothers arms in a sun bathed meadow.



renting, wish i bought now tho! its badass, gore, sex, southern accents, and sum of the char are really funny. my mom has hbo and sumtimes i stop by, but i dont wanna see future episodes mite ruin the first season secrets

hahaa, i cant fvcking sstand twilite if thats wat your referring too, that is a sad sad vampire book/movie. i watched it with my gf :wallbash:


I enjoy the series as well, but I agree with others that the writers are not being consistent with the qualities/effects of injesting vampire blood. Shouldn't the vampires be able to influence the humans who are using V? Assuming the donor isn't dead, of course.

Question: Is the female vampire that made Godric step down older than Godric? I had believed that their hierarchy was based on age, but they seemed to allude to some royal class of vampire.


Here's another question to ponder:

Why did the telepath taste different to Bill's Maker, yet Bill has never mentioned that Suki tastes different?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

In one episode Eric refers to Godrics power based on age, Bill challenges that Godric is "merely a sheriff", Eric then tells him that Godric could've been a king or high ruler and that Godric chose to be just sheriff....... age = power for sure ~~ I'm not sure what hierarchy is based on.

Bill already knew that she was a telepath & is polite, you wouldn't get up from munching asian muff and tell a gal how different she tastes would you? you're likely polite.......



Sunshine DayDreamer

In one episode Eric refers to Godrics power based on age, Bill challenges that Godric is "merely a sheriff", Eric then tells him that Godric could've been a king or high ruler and that Godric chose to be just sheriff....... age = power for sure ~~ I'm not sure what hierarchy is based on.

Bill already knew that she was a telepath & is polite, you wouldn't get up from munching asian muff and tell a gal how different she tastes would you? you're likely polite.......

perhaps the fact that she tastes different is not something Bill wants other vamps to know.. I have to wonder if it's just telepaths or all supernaturals that might have a different taste to their blood... and is that why Bill is so protective not just the love factor... :chin: ... And wouldn't you think that if a Vampire had lived for as long as Bill's maker she would have come across other telepaths before?? or maybe not... weird lil side part of the story for sure..

...All the Vamps are gonna have to take Mary Ann down.. Ya'll are right about that part of the story line just getting to be a bit much..

what'd they say 3 episodes left?..


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

3 episodes for this season, and of course they'll leave us hanging
hard eventually until next year with several subplots in question.......



They won't do the story justice if they take down Mary Ann, a creature whom the vampires have NEVER EVEN HEARD OF, up until this point. She will most likely slip through their clutches at the last moment and be a reoccurring theme.


Sunshine DayDreamer
They won't do the story justice if they take down Mary Ann, a creature whom the vampires have NEVER EVEN HEARD OF, up until this point. She will most likely slip through their clutches at the last moment and be a reoccurring theme.
ahhh That's prolly true.. maybe just scare her off a bit.. they wanted it to look like war was going on in that town with the last preview...
so, yea interesting to see what will become of maryann and her evil'ness..:sasmokin:

:ying: Stoner4life, you are so right too they'll leave us hanging and hungering for more Tru Blood.. lol..


they always do leave us hangin!!!! LOL

It lookedin preview as if Bon Temps was destroyed! Those Zombie-Humpers must be tearing up the town a'lookin' for Sam!(heehee.. I said zombie-humper)

I wish we could get more episodes out of HBO per "season", or more seasons.

I don't buy that Godric was older, and therefore more flammable, do ya'll? I would think vampires powers would increase with age, that is what we have been led to believe.

Eric has made several references to his blood being, older and more powerful than Bill's.

Bill is coming across this season as a pale version of season I Bill. Bill this season is also acting a little foppish for my tastes as well. I don't like the fact that Bill's maker is able to hold him down and keep him hostage. Makes Bill look weak and easily manipulated by the "big" vampires. Bill was made in the Civil War so he is only 150 or so.


waiting for the start of tonite's episode, anybody else lookin forward to it?


Sunshine DayDreamer
they always do leave us hangin!!!! LOL

It lookedin preview as if Bon Temps was destroyed! Those Zombie-Humpers must be tearing up the town a'lookin' for Sam!(heehee.. I said zombie-humper)

I wish we could get more episodes out of HBO per "season", or more seasons.

I don't buy that Godric was older, and therefore more flammable, do ya'll? I would think vampires powers would increase with age, that is what we have been led to believe.

Eric has made several references to his blood being, older and more powerful than Bill's.

Bill is coming across this season as a pale version of season I Bill. Bill this season is also acting a little foppish for my tastes as well. I don't like the fact that Bill's maker is able to hold him down and keep him hostage. Makes Bill look weak and easily manipulated by the "big" vampires. Bill was made in the Civil War so he is only 150 or so.
yea it looks like Bill has no power in this particular situation and it seems like he has to step aside for Eric to pursue Sookie... like he has no choice cause he can't win?? I dunno.. :2cents:

waiting for the start of tonite's episode, anybody else lookin forward to it?
Hell Yea!!.. lol.. maryann needs her ass handed to her or run off.. gonna be exciting!.. counting the hours.. :D


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

my guess is with the Bill/Sookie/Eric situation might be resolved if
and when Sookie OK's Bill to finally make her, there might be a more
urgent reason other than the 'attraction consequences' that makes
her take that step, and that certainly won't be happeneing this year.......



less than an hour to go...

Wonder if Them Holy rollers will come after poor Ryan Kwanten????

I hope the poor thing gets laid pretty soon. It's been a dry couple weeks for us viewers.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

while everyone else seems under MaryAnns spell why hasn't Hoyt been
affected, or has he been spotted in any of the orgies by someone here?


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