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True Blood.......



I want to do some V.

Get me some V Lafayette. I can turn you from your gay ways, at least I want to try... heehee. mmm mmm good. grade A prime.

Then I want some more V and sneak it into Jason's dessert or beer or something.

Then I wanna do Jason.... mmm. mmm.

Anybody else think Bill always looks too pale? Season one he was just right, now 2 and 3 season he is always white. really really white.


Who cares if a character is gay? Isn't the whole show kind of a comparison of vampires in society being treated like gays? They all finnally come out of the closet ( or casket ) some of society still shuns them , others embrace. Lots of comparisons ....


Who cares if a character is gay? Isn't the whole show kind of a comparison of vampires in society being treated like gays? They all finnally come out of the closet ( or casket ) some of society still shuns them , others embrace. Lots of comparisons ....

uh, that's why they call it "reception".

i like the show, and i can see the allegory of the whole gay rights thing but i think it's becoming overwhelming. if the plot gets too gay a lot of the male viewship will drop off and a significant amount of female viewers will stop watching also.

IE, if the whole "sam/bill" thing does come to fruition, i'm done with the show. i'll stick to Entourage, and wait for Rubicon & such.


I want to do some V.

Get me some V Lafayette. I can turn you from your gay ways, at least I want to try... heehee. mmm mmm good. grade A prime.

Then I want some more V and sneak it into Jason's dessert or beer or something.

Then I wanna do Jason.... mmm. mmm.

Anybody else think Bill always looks too pale? Season one he was just right, now 2 and 3 season he is always white. really really white.
Lola make up a storyline about how Bill goes to a tanning booth at night,and he.....................?????


I'm gay, and I'm not hating but I find the way Lafayette dresses is pretty ridiculous. Different strokes I suppose. Aside from that, you think a muscle hunk like that would prefer to dress masculine?!

It doesn't take away from the show.

But the whole maryanne thing last season really annoyed me quite a bit. I just feel like this show is going the wrong way. Too bizarre, and too much lovey drama crap.


Active member
Man, the last line of the show, something to the effect "I should warn you, I've fed" and then popped out the fangs. Made me really wanna see the next one. Can't wait!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

just watched the newest episode & it finished with a very comical rap by Snoop Dogg 'bout him having the hots for Sookie, very funny shit.......

Here's link to the youtube video,
Snoop Dogg's "Oh Sookie"

Reported by unrealityshout.com

"True Blood mega fan Snoop Dogg is definitely not stopping
Alan Ball’s rejection of a Snoop cameo on True Bloodwithout
a fight. The pervy California rapper has now released a promo
single where he confesses his love (or rather lust) for the tele-
pathic waitress Sookie Stackhouse. Snoop Dogg rapping about
my favourite TV show and proclaiming his lust for the show’s
stars Anna Paquin and Rutina Wesley suggests we have much
more in common than I thought. This video, with its Sookie
Stackhouse back-up dancers, isn’t going to sway most regular
listeners but this is a must see for any True Blood fan.

I think Alan Ball needs to stop being so unfair and fulfill Snoop’s
dream of appearing on the show. :D Maybe, Snoop could be killed
in the True Blood world and come back as a mentally disabled
vampire who helps out the Louisiana vampires á la Bubba in the
Sookie Stackhouse books (read: Elvis). It would be authentic and
if stars like Anna Paquin and Evan Rachel Wood can appear in the
show, then why not Snoop."
Last edited:
wow, im not even sure where to start with this weeks episode.

First, it was nice to see Godric back...even in a flashback.

What was with the Stackhouse family tree among Bill's files hidden in the false bottom of the drawer? I heard the "King" of Mississippi mention that Bill works for the Queen. Does this mean that the Vamps know more about Sookie than we anticipated?

Im near certain that this new Vampire in Bon Temps wasnt doing Jessica a favor by getting rid of that body. thats gonna come back to haunt her in a bit. (and Jess hun, you dont rent the chainsaw...you buy it in case you fuck up again!!)

theres more points i wanted to make, but im stoned so ill have to watch it again.

John Deere

Active member
Yo Stoner4Life. I guess you didn't like the link to that video that was in the 3 posts directly before yours, huh?



Well I say if Snoop wants on TB, then they should let him be Layfayette's lover.... heehee.

Oh that was a good show last nite, but I missed what happened to the body under Bill's house? Did they show that new vamp taking the body off? I guess I am gonna hafta watch it again.

Bill looks like he has been stalking Sookie, waiting for her to get old enuf to vamp on.

That weird little scrapbook of Bill's should be interesting.

I ain't buying this royalty crap with the MS vamp king (who is bound to be the one Eric was looking for in WW2)

oh by the way, that Eric is one hot Nazi. Makes me wanna be interrogated bad... lol.

Heil Eric! So hot and yummy. mmm mmm good.
they didnt show anyone making off with the body, but heres how i see it. the body was there, Jess left for the chainsaw, new vamp came in...and the next thing we know the body is gone.

i think its even money when betting on who Sookie shot. Eric or the wolfie...


they didnt show anyone making off with the body, but heres how i see it. the body was there, Jess left for the chainsaw, new vamp came in...and the next thing we know the body is gone.

i think its even money when betting on who Sookie shot. Eric or the wolfie...

I will bet that the wolfie spys were sniffing around Bill's while Jessica was off at KMart.

You know dogs just love dead things. The Wolfie probably pulled him off in the woods for a little snackipoo. lol.

I bet that vamp hanging around Tara is a wolfie/vampire hybrid, oh that Tara should get a man at church... lol.

Poor Tara, one bad man after another, and now this one looks like he will be the worst of all. What is her Momma gonna say? ;)

If I was Jessica I would have drove that dude's semi off a bridge with him in it and let them think it was a motor vehicle accident.

ain't there a swamp in Bon Temps? I mean c'mon, Jessica put his ass in the swamp.
im not sure it was the werewolves sniffing around Bill's. you remember when they showed someone snooping around the shot only showed someones boots, and at the end they showed those same boots on the feet of the vamp talking Tara up.