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trouble with lecithin


After cooking 2 oz. of top grade sugar leaf with 1 lb. of butter and water on a stove top, I added 3 tbs. lecithin after straining. When I took it out of the frige I found that the butter and water had mixed together. I can not separate the water from the butter.
Any suggestions? I would hate to waste the sugar leaf. :tiphat:


Think your screwed....

Lecithin is an emulsifier . You just emulsified the water and the butter.


Think your screwed....

Lecithin is an emulsifier . You just emulsified the water and the butter.

Agreed. I took the advice of some on this site and added Soya Lecithin to my mixture. First run came out okay but when I tried to do a second wash, more than half of the mixture turned into a gray sludge that was neither solid nor liquid, even at very cold temps. Not sure if you can reclaim the good stuff, I couldn't. I guess you could try cooking with it or consumming it straight. I bet you'll be feeling groovy -- if you can stomach it.


tuouble with Lecithin

tuouble with Lecithin

Thanks chefro and batboy, you're right, I am screwed.
I make cannabutter all the time, this is the first time I tried
Lecithin. Could you tell me how to add it to butter or oil?


Overkill is under-rated.
I would add it after you had made your butter mix and were happy with it, then heat it up and dissove the lecitihin in it at the end.


you either add it with the sugar trim, water and butter before u start boiling


when you are adding the already extracted canna butter into a mix.

i do it both times with excellent results

sorry for your bad luck, it does work and works well!

the lecithin helps your body absorb and use the fat, essentially turbo charging the high! the high comes on quicker, but doesnt last as long.

Before it would take me at least 1.5-2 hrs before i got high after eating an edible, now it takes 30 min tops.


you either add it with the sugar trim, water and butter before u start boiling


when you are adding the already extracted canna butter into a mix.

i do it both times with excellent results

sorry for your bad luck, it does work and works well!

the lecithin helps your body absorb and use the fat, essentially turbo charging the high! the high comes on quicker, but doesnt last as long.

Before it would take me at least 1.5-2 hrs before i got high after eating an edible, now it takes 30 min tops.

If your adding it to the water and butter mixture, how is it not emulsifying on you?


i dunno, i have no issues when I add it with my trim, butter, water in the pot before it boils, and then I add it to whatever mix I am making along with the cannabis butter.

Maybe it has time to bond with the butter or something? Maybe it has to do with the heat as well?

Regardless its works the way I described above and in the thread I made.

My butter separates from the water just fine. I have zero issues.

the lecithin should be yellow and almost like corn meal.....


Overkill is under-rated.
Lecithin is an emulsifier, which allows water and oils to blend seamlessly without separation later. It's one of the main ingredients in margarine. I use some of it in my honey oil capsules I make for my patients, MCT oil and lecithin, mixed with honey oil, then corn starch to keep the mixture solid.


^ I understand

but if you follow my directions you wont have any issues.

look at the thread I made, no one seems to have any issues when they follow my instructions.

i mentioned only using 2 table spoons and the OP used 3, thats 50% more than i recommended in a batch. He also added the lecithin at the wrong point.