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trouble sleeping

I have had trouble sleeping when I ran out of bud in the past. Lasts a few days then its all good again. I have also noticed that when I smoke I never have dreams or remember them.


Active member
Apparently smoking pot lowers your melatonin levels, so you don't dream and you have poorer quality sleep. Supplementing with melatonin is supposed to even things out again. I sleep a lot more when I'm smoking pot (at least an extra couple of hours, more if I've been smoking fat blunts).

A couple of drinks and a good meal always help me sleep too. :)


Active member
It's entirely normal to have trouble sleeping when you stop smoking cannabis regularly. Do something else you enjoy. Don't get too hung up on sleeping at night. Sleep when you can. Soldier on mate.

Put on your favourite movie. Go for a swim at your local pool. Do something that you find enjoyable/relaxing. Your'e going to feel a little on edge as your body/brain is used to the regular doses of cannabis.

I take 3 months off smoking every year and go to the sauna regularly during those three months to help sweat out the cannabanoids that build up in your fatty tissue. I usually have trouble sleeping the first few nights. I find the best thing to do is just carry on. After you have been up for a straight 24 hours your body will want to sleep no matter what your mind is doing.

It sounds to me like you have become dependent on cannabis to sleep. Maybe a visit to the Dr is in order. Unfortunately it's not wise to rely entirely on cannabis as a sleep aid if it's not readily available to you.

All the best mate. Good luck with your next crop.


Try some natural ways

1. warm milk (contains tryptophan)
2. cottage cheese (contains tryptophan)
3. Whole-wheat bread (Whole grain products contain a lot of vitamin B, which help the tryptophan changes in seratonin.)
4. peanut butter (contains tryptophan)
5. bananas (Banana is full of tryptophan and natural sugars, which increase the seratonin production. Bananas Magnesium also relaxes the muscles.)
6. eggs (One egg contains about 180 milligrams of tryptophan, so enjoy an evening snack of boiled or fried eggs and whole-grain bread.)
7. Pumpkin Seeds (contain tryptophan, but most of all they contain magnesium helps you fall asleep.)
8. cherries (Cherries contain melatonin naturally, so these super fruits you should eat before going to bed. Cherries, you will also get beta-carotene, vitamin C, magnesium, iron and fiber.)


Señor Member
Not a joke, but, I read. I just, grab a good book and start reading in bed. I run out of bud from time to time, and the insomnia SUCKS!! So yeah, drink some beer (hops is also good sleep medicine too!), grab a book, and read in bed. Also, in terms of supplements, melatonin is good, so is 5-HTP, L-Tryptophan, Valerian Root, and several more. Hell, even a cuppa chamomile tea works for many people. Good luck!

[Edit: I love how there are people here who think "Did you find this post helpful?" translates to "Do you agree with this post?" Idiots.]