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Trouble Mixing Tincture with Other Liquids


Well-known member
In my never-ending quest to find a suitable edible, I had an idea. I have 2 problems with edibles. 1. My dose is about 500ml or more. And, 2. I HATE the taste of cannabis.

So, here is what I did. I pressed 1.5 grams of rosin from some Seedsman Triple XXX. I put the rosin in a beaker and put it in the over at 420F for 30 minutes. The bubbling was about all done by then.

I pulled it from the oven and added 15 ml of Everclear. My plan was to make this into 3 doses of 5ml each. Assuming that a small amount like 5ml could get put into a cocktail or beer and the taste would (hopefully) be tolerable.

Everything went fine until the end.

The decarb'd rosin mixed very well with the Everclear and the result was a smooth tan liquid with no oil slicks or blobs. I let that sit for a while to let everything blend.

Now, here is where the problem comes in. No mater what I mix it with, beer, Ginger Ale, water, fruit juice.... anything, it instantly foams and turns cloudy and separates and all the rosin comes to the top and sticks to the side of the glass.

I don't understand what it is about any substance other than Everclear making the rosin separate and coagulate like that.

Am I missing something? I was going to try a little lecithin. Maybe try some straight vodka. However, my goal is to make this pleasant to consume and doing shots of vodka is one of the many things that is in my past and not in my future. LMAO

Any suggestions?



Mr. J

Well-known member
Oil and water don't mix, bro. Just make little balls of rosin and swallow them like pills. It's the best you can do to avoid the taste. You'll still be tasting it for hours every time you burp, though.

Also, 420 is way too high. You're going to want to keep that under 300 degrees.


Well-known member
Yeah, I have caps I can do. Never liked swallowing pills. Just looking for an alternative. And, yep, I almost forgot about the burps. Nasty fuckers, for sure. LOL

As for oil and water... I guess I assumed once the oil (rosin) and alcohol were mixed, it was no longer oil, it was alcohol. And, alcohol will mix fine with water.

So, what happens? The mixture of rosin and alcohol that seems well mixed actually separates again when they are placed in water? And, the alcohol mixes with the water (or Ginger or whatever) and the oil separates right back to oil?

Hmmmm? I never thought of it like that (if that's what's happening).

Maybe I forgot the lecithin.



Well-known member
OK, today's experiment is lecithin. It helped a lot but I'm still not 100% happy. I took a few picks along the way.

You can see the tincture (simply rosin and Everclear) is well mixed. No chunks floating and nothing sticking to the side of the glass beaker.

I mixed 4 ounces of water with a teaspoon of lecithin. As you can see, lecithin doesn't seem to mix with water for shit. It's king of 'stringy'. After a considerable amount of whisking I got it pretty well mixed.

The next step was adding the tincture. I added 5ml of tincture (1 dose) to about 1 tablespoon of the water/lecithin mix. As you can see, it didn't mix 100%. I still have little floaters. I stirred and stirred and I got most of them but a few pieces just wouldn't blend. I'm not sure if that's oil or if it's little chunks from not having perfectly clean rosin. I don't use bags and I guess the rosin could have little pieces of flower debris.

Still, it mixed better than any system I have tried yet so I was pretty happy.

I mixed the rosin/lecithin/water mix with a little glass of ginger ale. I'm not a pop drinker but I didn't want to use beer or wine since it's still morning. LOL However, my final goal is to make something I can add to my beer and NOT be able to taste it AT ALL.

The ginger ale glass still shows some chunks stuck to the side of the glass. I'm afraid I am loosing oil there. Not 100% sure but I want to fix that. Then, I'll be on the right path.

I mixed that 1/2 shot glass of mixture with a 12 ounce can of ginger ale and the taste was more than acceptable. It had a very slight taste of the Everclear but the Ginger Ale was definitely the overwhelming taste. I could mix this with a beer of a cocktail and you would never taste it.

I just drank this so we'll see if the lecithin makes a difference in the bioavailability. I did the same amount yesterday and got a tiny bit of 'glow' for a few hours. We'll see if the lecithin makes a difference.

Making a water soluble edible that I can mix with most anything has been somewhat more difficult than I originally anticipated. A member PM'd me with some info about a method badkittysmiles posted using vitamin A and apple cider vinegar. I did some searching but couldn't find anything. Anyone have more info on that? I plan that to be my next experiment.

Thanks again.



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Well-known member
Thanks for posting. But, I don't understand. Do you mean, dissolve the rosin directly into the olive oil?


Comfortably numb!
In my never-ending quest to find a suitable edible, I had an idea. I have 2 problems with edibles. 1. My dose is about 500ml or more. And, 2. I HATE the taste of cannabis.

So, here is what I did. I pressed 1.5 grams of rosin from some Seedsman Triple XXX. I put the rosin in a beaker and put it in the over at 420F for 30 minutes. The bubbling was about all done by then.

I pulled it from the oven and added 15 ml of Everclear. My plan was to make this into 3 doses of 5ml each. Assuming that a small amount like 5ml could get put into a cocktail or beer and the taste would (hopefully) be tolerable.

Everything went fine until the end.

The decarb'd rosin mixed very well with the Everclear and the result was a smooth tan liquid with no oil slicks or blobs. I let that sit for a while to let everything blend.

Now, here is where the problem comes in. No mater what I mix it with, beer, Ginger Ale, water, fruit juice.... anything, it instantly foams and turns cloudy and separates and all the rosin comes to the top and sticks to the side of the glass.

I don't understand what it is about any substance other than Everclear making the rosin separate and coagulate like that.

Am I missing something? I was going to try a little lecithin. Maybe try some straight vodka. However, my goal is to make this pleasant to consume and doing shots of vodka is one of the many things that is in my past and not in my future. LMAO

Any suggestions?


Duh! They all contain H2O! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lLA8r2E9Cc

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Olive oil is the ideal extraction solvent, decarb medium, and delivery vehicle, if you have a use for olive oil.


Well-known member
@G.O.Joe We use almost nothing but olive oil in our house (Italian) for everyday use. For cannabis, I used butter for a thousand years. Then, in recent years, with all the talk of MCT's I switched to coconut oil. However, I don't like the taste of coconut oil.

I will try olive oil next. I usually use rosin for edibles so I'll try to mix some rosin with olive oil and see how it blends. The only extraction I do is from the leftover pucks from pressing rosin but I'll try olive oil next time. I like the taste of olive oil but I am sure the cannabis is going to overwhelm it. We'll see. I wonder.... extra virgin or extra light? I'll have to do a little reading on it. Thanks again for posting.

@PDX I could put it on sugar cubes but, then what? To put the cube in my mouth and just eat is is out. I am not a sugar lover and I totally hate the taste of cannabis. Plus, my dose is about 5ml so I would have to soak 8 or 10 cubes and eat them all. LOL It's a bummer. The stuff that works for most people never works for me because of my fucked up dosage issues. Otherwise, it might work. I made some sugar once by soaking it in canna/etho and letting the etho evap but the remaining sugar taste like ass. LOL Thanks, anyway. ;)

The total holy grail for me would be water dissoluble rosin.


Well-known member
Wow, this is some fucked up repugnant shit (today's experiment).

Today's experiment was Bailey's Irish Cream.

Pretty simple. I like a little Bailey's in my coffee some morning so I figure..... what the fuck.

As you can see in the pics, the mixing in the Baileys when pretty well. No chunks floating, no oil stuck to the sides of the glass or the stirrer So well, in fact, that I didn't want to put it in my coffee and ruin an entire dose so I just drank the shot of Baileys. Man, that is fucked up. I like Irish Cream but... the fucking taste of Everclear and rosin is enough to make me fucking puke. Ech. I still taste it.

I took a few more shots just for shits and giggles.

I did put the few remaining drops (after drinking the shot) into my coffee just to see if it would form an oil slick and it did not. So, tomorrow's experiment is mixing with Bailey's and then into the coffee.

Yesterday's experiment was a flop because I never got any buzz. Not even a glow that I got the day before from the first dose. Today, I got it all. Nothing on the glass and, as you can see in the pics this time, no oil attached to the metal stirring spoon. No lecithin, this time.

We'll see.

Here is what I want. Only not from distillate because of the loss of terps in distillate. Make it from juicy, terpy rosin. Yummy. https://www.leafly.com/news/strains...-cannabinoids-the-future-of-marijuana-edibles



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PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
@G.O.Joe We use almost nothing but olive oil in our house (Italian) for everyday use. For cannabis, I used butter for a thousand years. Then, in recent years, with all the talk of MCT's I switched to coconut oil. However, I don't like the taste of coconut oil.

I will try olive oil next. I usually use rosin for edibles so I'll try to mix some rosin with olive oil and see how it blends. The only extraction I do is from the leftover pucks from pressing rosin but I'll try olive oil next time. I like the taste of olive oil but I am sure the cannabis is going to overwhelm it. We'll see. I wonder.... extra virgin or extra light? I'll have to do a little reading on it. Thanks again for posting.

@PDX I could put it on sugar cubes but, then what? To put the cube in my mouth and just eat is is out. I am not a sugar lover and I totally hate the taste of cannabis. Plus, my dose is about 5ml so I would have to soak 8 or 10 cubes and eat them all. LOL It's a bummer. The stuff that works for most people never works for me because of my fucked up dosage issues. Otherwise, it might work. I made some sugar once by soaking it in canna/etho and letting the etho evap but the remaining sugar taste like ass. LOL Thanks, anyway. ;)

The total holy grail for me would be water dissoluble rosin.

If you dewax the rosin you'll be able to mix it with ethanol at a higher concentration, enough to put a large dose in one sugar cube. Doesn't mask the flavor much. Has anyone mentioned the Holy Shit/Holy anointing oil yet? That sublingual olive oil tincture invented might be a good solution to masking flavor. I remember it being pretty tasty.


Well-known member
I made some of that holy anointing oil a while back when someone posted a thread on it. I recall that being a topical. Smelled really strong of cinnamon, if I remember right. I still have a hypo full of it.

Today I just used a dropper to put the remaining 5ml of rosin/everclear mix in my mouth. This is exactly what I am trying to get AWAY from. Burned my fucking mouth. Tastes like ass shit. And, just generally a bad and very unpleasant method of delivery.

I pressed another 3 grams of rosin today so I'll try some different stuff.

How about this.... can you use a Vitamix to emulsify? I looked at the high shear mixers and they are pretty expensive. And, the cheap ones are probably no deal. The Vitamix goes 28,000 RPM similar to a high shear mixer. They have an Aeo blade that supposedly emulsifies. I don't have that blade but I may just try the standard wet blade that I do have. I may just try some water and oil to see what happens.

Being something of a wine connoisseur, I never thought I would see the day when I would say I wish I had some Ripple. LOL

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Comfortably numb!
I made some of that holy anointing oil a while back when someone posted a thread on it. I recall that being a topical. Smelled really strong of cinnamon, if I remember right. I still have a hypo full of it.

Today I just used a dropper to put the remaining 5ml of rosin/everclear mix in my mouth. This is exactly what I am trying to get AWAY from. Burned my fucking mouth. Tastes like ass shit. And, just generally a bad and very unpleasant method of delivery.

I pressed another 3 grams of rosin today so I'll try some different stuff.

How about this.... can you use a Vitamix to emulsify? I looked at the high shear mixers and they are pretty expensive. And, the cheap ones are probably no deal. The Vitamix goes 28,000 RPM similar to a high shear mixer. They have an Aeo blade that supposedly emulsifies. I don't have that blade but I may just try the standard wet blade that I do have. I may just try some water and oil to see what happens.

Being something of a wine connoisseur, I never thought I would see the day when I would say I wish I had some Ripple. LOL.
They will always separate over time...

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
I made some of that holy anointing oil a while back when someone posted a thread on it. I recall that being a topical. Smelled really strong of cinnamon, if I remember right. I still have a hypo full of it.

Today I just used a dropper to put the remaining 5ml of rosin/everclear mix in my mouth. This is exactly what I am trying to get AWAY from. Burned my fucking mouth. Tastes like ass shit. And, just generally a bad and very unpleasant method of delivery.

I pressed another 3 grams of rosin today so I'll try some different stuff.

How about this.... can you use a Vitamix to emulsify? I looked at the high shear mixers and they are pretty expensive. And, the cheap ones are probably no deal. The Vitamix goes 28,000 RPM similar to a high shear mixer. They have an Aeo blade that supposedly emulsifies. I don't have that blade but I may just try the standard wet blade that I do have. I may just try some water and oil to see what happens.

Being something of a wine connoisseur, I never thought I would see the day when I would say I wish I had some Ripple. LOL


That formula has a high concentration sublingual version which is strongly cinnamon flavored.


Well-known member
I will go back and check it out. Thanks

I did a quick test with the Vitamix and I am very impressed. I took 1.5 cups of water and 0.5 cups of olive oil and I am very impressed with the result. It got to a milk shake consistency and I stopped it. I am going to let it sit over night to see if it separates. I'll take some pics next time.

Less than impressed with today's dose. Even placing it under tongue I got barely a glow. I do notice a slight rush after eating a meal. Full stomach really seems to make a difference with edibles.

I have 3 grams to play with tomorrow.

I am trying to scrape together a couple grams of sift to run badkittysmiles citric acid recipe.


G.O. Joe

Well-known member
You're not decarbing. The oil is to extract and decarb at the same time. 30 min, 250F, minimal air exposure.


Well-known member
You're not decarbing. The oil is to extract and decarb at the same time. 30 min, 250F, minimal air exposure.

Are you doing this in an oven or stove top?

Do you add water to your oil while cooking it?


I am thoroughly impressed with this Vitamix. After sitting all night, there was ZERO separation of the oil and water. Not sure what good this does me. It's still not water soluble. But, it's nice to know about the mixer.

I made brownies this morning. 3.3 grams of rosin in 6 brownies. I tasted the batter and it still tastes like ass shit. Just took them out of the oven. I don;t usually make brownies. I don;t like the idea of cooking the THC at 350F (above the vaporizing temp). I know it's in the butter and all that. But, I still don't like it. I used 300F and baked it for a few more minutes.

Brownies for breakfast, anyone?

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