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Tropical Growing


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Hi Chaman,Tom,Charlie,bone and all the others :wave:
Beautiful plants and cool posts as usual :wink:
I´d love to know your opinion on this "Moños Rojos" that I grew indoors

I can´t wait to know charlie´s smoke report..and bone´s as well...
charlie´s Panama(right) is an awesome herb :rasta: the other bud is Spanish Blaze (BlueDancer x DC) :D

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Active member
jeje Panda, thanks man he was the coolest parrot ever....but yeah man, jejeje once agian, wife's been try'n to keep the kids out of our room cuase jejeje man does it reek !! i've got the bathroom full up jejej shes kinda freak'n but knows i'll be store'n it away soon....but yes the house does have that special nice sent you love to come home too indeed.

Charlie, the caterpillers are a pain in the ass. They normaly hide very well during the day or hrs of good light and eat during the night or evenings. They hide in my dirt or underneath my leafs, normaly down in the dirt this kind....but you've seen how ugly it is in my greenhouse i've let Sage and grass and morning glory vines just go crazy in there so there was plenty to eat....but they like my sweet ganja. Slugs too....ive never seen so many in there like I have recently. Nasty...jeje wish I could put salt in all my pots to keep them away....maybe around the base of each bucket make a ring of salt...egg shells all ginded up on top of my dirt incase one makes it through the salt jeje but too much calcium worries me, so kinda sketchy about the egg shells.

Hope thigns are going very well with your projects for this yr, hope you ve got some inspiration for your art as well

Cool & Calm,


chaman - thanks for the good vibes :D i hope on luck this year :D hehe but its gonna be tough :D :D

have u tried with beer traps for the slugs? a hole in theground just big enough to fit a small bucket with beer in the bottom - aparently the beer smell makes them go drown their sorrows and die hehe

raco - awesome buds! looks like u outdone urself this time - again! :D


Active member
jeje nasty, just pictured old stale flat warm beer with oyster like crap float'n around....jeje dogs would prob drink any beer i'd leave out there though befor it even got warm is what I was think'n though...jeje Kaya knock'n over my plants to drink beer is a more scarey sight, things are going to look prety empty for a while soon as ive been harvesting by batches lately.

Raco, those pics look very nice indeed but I was think'n cross with the DC was the one on the left, and the Panama on the right ? very nice looking buds, jejje lucky are those you shared with, as it looks delicious, can only imagine the smell and taste...than wait for the high...jeje damn

well back to work...


looks good raco !!

chaman - slug beer party :) fun for the crusteacians


all praises are due to the Most High
Salud Chaman! que te puedo decir hermano, siempre haciendo un excelente trabajo en tu templo :wink:

Raco, eso es punto rojo? que tal el colocon? se ven muy bien.

hermano talladordehuesos, salud!


New member
My first grow

My first grow

Such a gerat thread Chaman! I have been reading it very closely as I'am doing my first grow here in CR.

I have in pots:

8 x Local unknowns
4 x Seedmans Hindu Kush Skunk
4 x Nirvana Afghan
4 x Early Mistys
2 x Thai Haze

All the plants are grown from seeds strarting at 04-dec-2007. The pots are filled with 50% local coco molido/50% commercial potting soil (= 3 gallons). I use organic tee made form my kitchen compost and commercial ferts. As the photoperiod is here 12/12 I'm giving to the indica hybrids 6 hours additional light.

As I got the "Your Post contains one or more URLs, please remove them before submitting your message again." - error when trying to attach the images to this post, you can find the pics of my little pot garden in my Gallery.

A question:
In my Gallery the "Local unknown strain": I got the seeds from some locally purchased weed and do not know what it is?!! ????? Taking into the account the geographical location and the leaf type they might be sativas. Anyone?



ahoy guys , love the pix raco ,, the panama looks lovely ..
everything is going well down under in our little tropical paradise ..
heres a few shots from the garden ...

hey chaman.. found your thread because i'm visiting soon. I'm interested in moving and your thread is helping ;) ..

I was talking to a good friend and realtor in CR today.. he specializes in the san ramon area and small farms.. any reason this isn't a good Idea? any insights?
Is there a region of Cr you like the most and why?

be well



ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Haha, poor Chaman! :nono:

I was amazed by the amount of land being bought up by north americans there, and the subsequent real estate price hikes in the last 5 yrs. They say Nicaragua is still cheap. :crazy:
haha well poor everyone.. my house was in the country of WV before suburban sprawl from wash DC came and destroyed all the natural beauty surrounding it.

I want a place in the country of CR so I can live off the land, with less dependence on everything but myself.

and from what I hear and know.. most of the land is getting bought by europeans.. so maybe you should raise your nose to them.

I don't know who chaman is.. maybe he isn't from the area.. since no one is. So I wanted to know why he liked it there? some people want to just live at a resort.. some want to be free and live naturally. to each their own.. i wont make a judgement on someone either way.

there is still plenty of real people in every country .. sorry for being one, bro


There is no reason someone cannot have the best of both worlds. I plan to bring some work to the city, sort of high tech, but then live in the city. My business will not count on me for day to day stuff.


awesome thread Chaman! Your flowers are so beautiful even when I cannot flower outdoors your lucky! Well done, hope to be back good luck with your grows!

shiva das

I am planning on a new project in Jamacia. It looks like it is in the same area...
I am trying to understand the growing season alittle better. You are saying you have all around 12/12 with only a slight deveation of a few minutes? I thought you had two main "growing seasons" in the area. december/april and july /september. Is that right?
I am planning on starting seed in the end of march or beginning of april. I know I will have to use supplemental lighting so the plants don't revert to flowering. Does this sound right? What do you do? Meaning when do you plant?
shiva das


Active member
hey everyone jjejeje sorry ive been away jsut losts going on here at work, and ben getting ready for march madnes.....lots of catching up to do, i'll make sre to get back to you all indeed, jejeje haven't been around also cuase i've been literaly blazed out of mind too....I get so high on my brakes I forget my name sometimes, love'n this harvest indeed. I've already got sevral Destroyers x Panama and got a congo x nigerian, and forgot what other Charlie cross jejeje looking great but not many where born, had me worried tried the first 5 of each with water a few days and then putting in soil, most did ok, some never made it, then I grabes what as left and tried to start directly in soil and worst luck even. So in there place I put Jack herrers and Jack Herrrers X Jamaican too, lots of mine one, some of my cusin indicas too.

if you all wondered about Toms trianwreck well...out of 10 6 had born, 2 died to some puest ither slugs or grasshoper, then the other 4, two wnet hermie, one true male and one true female....the female didn't gro more then a fe inches tall before she flower and the male was already wait'n for her, so not much to smoke or look at, but i'll have more of these seeds to try aigan at least which is awesome if you ask me.

jejej i'm so high right now its not even funny....oh and with Steel Pluse in town i'm just love'n it man, jeje got 2 concerts next weekend, and with a little luck, ill be the one smoke'n them out hang'n around back stage with them as ive done with Wailers, Alpha Blondie, Isreal Vibration and many others jejej man, I get the chills hang'n out with those who make the music i love....

Cool & Calm


Active member
jejej holy shit....man I just tried to read my post, good luck on this one ya'll jejej for those who don't know me, my inglish isn't the very best, but isn't normaly so bad ither.


Active member
Great bands chaman I love reggae...you are lucky to see them performing live...i love steel pulse but they never come to my small country (uruguay):badday:
Good luck with your grows:rasta: