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Triston Cole, Mancelona area


another politician thinking he is a doctor

“I am on board with very limited, strict, medical use for patients where it has shown benefits. I'm not OK with marijuana being prescribed for every little ache and pain."

its already impacting small towns and local communities.

“The biggest thing people have to remember is this is federally illegal,” Cole said. “Any time the state, municipalities or counties go against federal law, ties to federal funding is put in jeopardy. That's why you don't see studies on this. We have to be careful that this doesn't come down and impact our local communities.”

this fucking flim flam weak wristed no back bone politician is the problem with Michigan these days. vote this fucker out of office.


Well-known member
So how does he know if it works or not for whatever? Kind of the same situation with the Feds when research is restricted because it's Schedule 1. Wonder what the hell he drinks?


Registered Non-Conformist
It sometimes seems as if this is not a medical Marijuana state at all. I live near a "City" (aka Ghost Town), that legalized Cannabis for adults 21+. However, there are NO HEAD SHOPS ALLOWED, nor ONE DISPENSARY... Nuts.


Registered Non-Conformist
The boutique grower is in danger, just like it was in CA for Me. Yes, we need to always adapt - but there are limits. Now, the chorus is "I usually pay $____ for it.."

What do we care, about what they pay for crap...? if our hybrid plant takes 74 days to REALLY finish....? And is High Times centerfold quality..? Where is the incentive to continue to grow anything but early pulled, high yielding commercial wannabe crosses filled with Paclos...?

MI MJ program sucks balls, & is going the way of the Dodo, regarding personal cannabis freedom. I do not want to be forced to NOT grow, and to smoke their Health Canada quality crap. Snyder signed a contract with those very people THREE YEARS AGO...

Here comes Big Business. I love how the Liquor distributors nationwide are bucking to be the SOLE distributors of cannabis for the small price of 300 a p to transport anywhere. (extraction lab, dispensary, wherever). Yet, for decades, they paid lobbyists and bribes to the tune of millions AGAINST CANNABIS>. It is titanically ironic and blatantly corrupt. PURE MICHIGAN. SNYDER AND SCHUTTE STILL LARGE AND IN CHARGE