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Trip to Haarlem : suggestions welcome :)

Che Bleu

Active member
High folks…
I'll be in Haarlem, NL, for the first time in my life this week end :)
3 days of dutch exotic feelings :)
Well two days, since i'll be in Adam one day, but that's somehow an already quite familiar area :p
I'd be happy to hear from you experiences there (Haarlem) and i'm looking for cool addys…
good restaurants, quality coffee shops, photogenic architecture and electronic music spots :), anything worthwile the visit, athmospheres, things like that…
Any opinions welcome, and thanks in advance for your input :1help:


lol i'm goin over to hamsterdam sunday and plan to hit Haarlem on tuesday i think. Try here for a heads up on the coffeeshops
It's acoupla years since i was there but Regine has nice morroccan hash, and the Theehuis is a cool little place, didn't make it to Willie's shops last time but they come highly recommended, and i plan to spend a while in all 3.
As far as eats, Wilma and Alberts steakhouse also gets really good reviews and seems worth a visit.(What with a visit to Iguazu in the 'dam, this is goin to be a meatfest!!)
I've been lookin into what to see for the gf and St Bavos cathedral sounds like a must see, they have a Muller organ which is 30metre high with 5000 pipes :yoinks: , apparently there are organ recitals 3pm saturday and 8.15 tuesday, dunno if thats yer cup of tea but i reckon it must sound incredible and deffo worth a visit.
Hope you have a good time and hope this helps


Haarlem is a cool place and I've been there quite a few times. The best shops in my opinion are Nol's Willie Wortel shops, but the others are also worth a look-in too. I've just checked out the link above from booforever and it's a great resource - props to the authors of that site for putting the info out there.

My only problem with the Dutch scene, especially in the North East around Amsterdam is the prices and how high they've gone now. In many other places around the Netherlands, except Maastrict, the prices are much better, but it seems that since A'dam prices have gone through the roof, the prices in Haarlem have also risen steadily for the last few years. To me they're too expensive now, but the American tourists have a lot of money to blow on dope so the prices remain high. I'm not sure what the locals think, but it must be hitting their pockets too.

However, the great thing about Nol's WW shops is that if you buy 50 Euro worth, you get another 12.50 Euro free, so 25% off basically, which brings the prices down to an affordable and reasonable level, otherwise I'd say if you've got the time and inclination, go to somewhere like Arnhem, Heerlen, Eindhoven, etc, where the scene is different and much less touristy, with much better prices, i.e. 5-6 Euros a gram for good weed.

So, I'd say take advantage of Nol's special offer and enjoy the trip. All the restaurants I've been into in Haarlem have been ok, and if you like Mexican, there's a Mexican restaurant just off the main square near the church which serves a decent size portion of tasty food for a reasonable price...at least they did last time I was there.

Also, I don't know if it's your thing, but the red light district in Haarlem made me chuckle a bit, as after wandering around all of Haarlem just to explore at night, a friend and I saw just one red light window on it's own (she was away at the time), with what looked like a strip club nearby. That's near the Mexican restaurant, just further back out of the main square.

Have a good one!